Melvin Gordon claims Gophers were trying to twist his ankle last year


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

Ooooh. Maybe he can get his career average against the Gophs over 4 yards per carry.

Man, we're getting plenty of bulletin board material this week.

It would be great if someone could break down his runs last year to see if it actually true. He only had 12 carries last year.

Does he also wear one of these?manzere2.jpg

Ski-U-Mah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I hope he snaps him damn ankle and goes on the be a successful businessman someday.

I hope he snaps him damn ankle and goes on the be a successful businessman someday.

Like, selling drugs in Milwaukee? Don't know what business he'll get into in sconnie...there's no work.

Hes lucky Decker the badger nut puncher isnt playing Saturdays anymore.

Maybe him and Royce White can start a second hand laptop store.

Man, we're getting plenty of bulletin board material this week.


That should be all the bulletin board material you need, right?


That should be all the bulletin board material you need, right?


Seven National Titles

Reading this thread reminded me of the joy of watching TCU beat the skunks in the Rose Bowl. It's just so, so sad that they tossed away a chance at the 4 team playoff this year by blowing the LSU game and losing to Northwestern.

Man, we're getting plenty of bulletin board material this week.

Absolutely!!!! MY Gosh! They really are being stupid or are sooo arrogant that I'm at a loss for words. Both teams are going to sky high!
Could get ugly. Fines, suspensions, ejections and tomfoolery. Don't turn the ball over, limit dumb penalties and we should prevail in a war.

Reading this thread reminded me of the joy of watching TCU beat the skunks in the Rose Bowl. It's just so, so sad that they tossed away a chance at the 4 team playoff this year by blowing the LSU game and losing to Northwestern.

Exactly. Lost in all the fun we're having with our own season, let's not forget that Wisconsin wasted probably the best chance they'll ever have at getting to the playoff by choking away the game against LSU and losing to jNWU. I really would have liked to watch the 2nd half of the LSU game with Barry A.

As for the topic of this thread, I'm surprised Gordon went there. He's always struck me as a classy individual who prefers to 'take the high road' instead of bitching about something that cannot be proved and probably goes on in every scrum.

LMAO! Bo Pellini when all nuts after the Ben Cotton nut job.

I must feel like getting spanked around this morning, so I'm going to start in on something. All this angry swearing that Pellini and other coaches do, ESPECIALLY AT THEIR OWN PLAYERS, doesn't that alienate their players? If my coach was calling me and my buddies dumb mudda truckers all the time, belittling us, degrading us, I personally wouldn't want to play for the guy. But, that's just me. I'm probably considered a big baby by the tough crowd, but I've just never subscribed to all that crap. How does that build a "family-like" culture and create a mind-set where kids want to win for their coaches? I realize this isn't kindergarten here, but when my kids became adults I didn't all-the-sudden start calling them clock suckers in order to motivate them and show them how much I care about them. People seem to think the world of football is a world unlike any other, where the "rules" of life are "thrown out the window". They seem to think it's like the military (which I've never been in). It all just seems odd and counter-intuitive to me. Also, college presidents and others (including coaches) are always talking about how they want people working/playing for them who will be fine, upstanding representatives of the school. When I see a head coach swearing at his players (who are also his students and "children" and people the coach claims he's preparing for life) and the refs and acting like a raging lunatic, I fail to understand how he is acting as an honorable representative of the school. Call me a naive pansy if you will, but I just had to bring this up for my own sanity.

This just in...doctors claiming that Melvin Gordon had a vagina when he went in for his last checkup.

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