Stop Dreaming!


Active member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
I want the Gophers to win Saturday but it's not going to happen! Cal is to fast, big and strong. Our Offense will be lucky to score in double digits. The only chance we have is to rattle their Sophmore QB. Cal's quarterback is going to be standing behind that big oline and have all day to throw the ball. We will not win. Cal is not going to let the Maryland game of 08 happen all over again.

I want the Gophers to win Saturday but it's not going to happen! Cal is to fast, big and strong. Our Offense will be lucky to score in double digits. The only chance we have is to rattle their Sophmore QB. Cal's quarterback is going to be standing behind that big oline and have all day to throw the ball. We will not win. Cal is not going to let the Maryland game of 08 happen all over again.

That's the spirit!

Never underestimate the Golden Bears' ability to snatch the defeat from the jaws of unbridled victory, to suffer Icarusian disaster when expectations soar, and to give any team chances when lured too far from the den.

That being said I wish this game was a month later so there was a good snap to the air.

I see this game as an opportunity to put this program on the map. We aren't favored to win so there really isn't too much pressure here. This will be a great game to see where we stand as a football team and what we need to work on to get better. A great team like Cal will definitely let us know!

As far as saying there is no chance, you are dead wrong on that. We DO have a chance to pull off this upset, but it will take a tremendous effort by everyone, good coaching and a jacked up crowd. This will be a game that Adam Weber will have to really shine in and prove he is an elite QB for us to have a chance. Hopefully, our coaches and players are more on my side of thinking than yours because if they think like you do, then we have already lost.

I see this game as an opportunity to put this program on the map. We aren't favored to win so there really isn't too much pressure here. This will be a great game to see where we stand as a football team and what we need to work on to get better. A great team like Cal will definitely let us know!

As far as saying there is no chance, you are dead wrong on that. We DO have a chance to pull off this upset, but it will take a tremendous effort by everyone, good coaching and a jacked up crowd. This will be a game that Adam Weber will have to really shine in and prove he is an elite QB for us to have a chance. Hopefully, our coaches and players are more on my side of thinking than yours because if they think like you do, then we have already lost.

Cal fan here. Of course the Gophers have a chance, did you happen to catch our road record last year (1-4). Our one victory was over Washington State, which shouldn't even count. While I love our team this year and think we would smash the Gophers under most circumstances, there are certain details that must not go unnoticed.

1: This is our first true road test. Recently our first true road game has not gone favorably for the us. While Minnesota is far from a juggernaut, and Cal has excelled against big 10 competition under Tedford (5-0), there's nothing like unfamiliarity that breeds inconsistency.

2: The new stadium Mystique. There is nothing scarier than playing a solid team on the road except if that team is in a brand new stadium. A new stadium almost erases the entire history of the past. When Haas stadium was finished, Cal's basketball team was borderline unbeatable there the first two or so years of it's existence. Gopher fans will be pumped beyond belief and the players will have that aura of invincibility until somebody proves otherwise.

Ultimately, I think this is the Best (pun very much intended) Cal team I have ever seen take the field. Dare I say it but I believe this team is Rose Bowl worthy and this isn't the type of game rose bowl teams lose. I predict a score of 31-17 but I wouldn't be shocked if the Gophers found a way to win. Crazier things have happened.

gold04: Say what??

I want the Gophers to win Saturday but it's not going to happen! Cal is to fast, big and strong. Our Offense will be lucky to score in double digits. The only chance we have is to rattle their Sophmore QB. Cal's quarterback is going to be standing behind that big oline and have all day to throw the ball. We will not win. Cal is not going to let the Maryland game of 08 happen all over again.

I've been posting along with you for the last few years and I've never heard you say anything so bizarre. Makes me wonder if you had a bad day at work....

Imagine Brewster's pep talk to the guys: "Cal is to fast, big and strong. Our Offense will be lucky to score in double digits...." Imagine how inspired they'd be.

And then we have a new poster from California (Holmoephobic) bringing some wisdom into the thread talking about reason the Gophers could win.

Could I have woken up in a parallel universe?


I've seen this scenerio to many times in the past, especially with Mase. Gophers getting ready for a big game to turn the corner and we lose. Plus, I feel we do not have the talent at running back for an effective running game this year. I would not mind the running backs proving me wrong but I just do not see it happening. With no effective running game it's going to be almost impossible to beat Cal, who may very well this year be the best team in the nation. Plus the offensive struggles for the first three quarters in our first two games does not help my confindence in winning this game either.

I know I've always been pretty positive in the past but this game I'm 100 percent certian we will not win.

Everyone needs to re-read the posts of all the Cal fans on the 'Hole these past couple weeks. What do you find??

These people sound very much like us!! If they get any talent and expectations, their own fans more or less expect the wheels to come off at some point!!

They have an almost too realistic outlook on their team, approaching pessimism. Very much like our fans often are!!

The point is, maybe we are running into a parallel program in a different conference. Now obviously, they are much more talented than us this year, but teams with this mindset often lose games on the road to less talented programs.

Of course we have a chance. Weber can get hot; the defense continues to force turnovers; they have to deal with Decker who can play even better; and Stoudemire looks like he can break a long return at any time. Add to those things, Cal's road performance and the new stadium factor, and I'm already fired up for this game. But along with our anemic running attack, the things that really worries me is our secondary play, especially on our left side. I know it's a different offense but if Best turns the corner and sees the space the Air Force backs saw, he's going to have a field day.

Of course we have a chance. Weber can get hot; the defense continues to force turnovers; they have to deal with Decker who can play even better; and Stoudemire looks like he can break a long return at any time. Add to those things, Cal's road performance and the new stadium factor, and I'm already fired up for this game. But along with our anemic running attack, the things that really worries me is our secondary play, especially on our left side. I know it's a different offense but if Best turns the corner and sees the space the Air Force backs saw, he's going to have a field day.

Yep. I hope the DC's are working on S/SS techniques, alignments, keys, etc. AFA exposed a glaring weakness; lack of speed at those spots and we need to find ways to compensate. And tightening up a D that allowed AFA 12 of 21 3rd down conversions and 2 of 3 on 4th down. Cal will kill us if that happens.

Which Weber will we see? His inept performance against SU for three quarters or going 16 for 20 the second half against AFA? Can we average 5.2 yds a carry like we did against AFA the second half and have the OL open some nice holes for our average RB's? Will our inexperienced DL such as McKinley, Kirksey, Jacobs, etc play another notch higher?

This team still has a lot of ??'s. But..........if the D can manage to keep the game close, the guys have shown they have the ability to rally and play some decent ball for a stretch. We are not even close to playing a good game yet.

For once I agree with gold as we are not yet ready for the prime time.

Underdogs, yes. Do we hav a chance to win, absolutely.
This is college footfall, I have said it before and I will say it again, "Thats why they play".
Sunday morning we will all be 100% accurate about the outcome of the game.

I think this is the week this program explodes and pulls the will be very close, however. Cal will get frustrated by our D, make mistakes, turn it over, and we will win by a whisker at the end. It came to me this morning as I sat down with my freshly brewed java. This is it folks. This is the week that this program makes a serious statement.

Gold04 is suffering from a very serious case of L.E.S.

I hope it's curable!

I've seen this scenerio to many times in the past, especially with Mase. Gophers getting ready for a big game to turn the corner and we lose...I know I've always been pretty positive in the past but this game I'm 100 percent certian we will not win.

A ridiculous statement. This team is not coached by Mason, Wacker, Gutekunst, etc., etc., etc.

Until now, these players have never had the opportunity to "turn the corner". This isn't even last year's team, let alone a team from the dark ages.

There is no such thing as a "curse". Though you do not mention one, you imply one.

The unifying string for the last 28 years was playing in a dump of an off-campus stadium and thus not getting quality players and the terrible recruiting by the aforementioned coaches. We have 27 Seniors that barely played for Mason.

I am sick to death of these type of Gopher fans. I'm not saying blind allegiance is a requirement, but keep it to yourself. Positive, even positive BS trumps negative--every time. Don't even try to respond with the typical "realism" argument. That is true BS. No one can predict the future:

Unexpected Big Ten Champs
1993 Wisconsin
1995 Northwestern
1996 Northwestern
1999 Wisconsin
2000 Northwestern
2001 Illinois
2002 Iowa
2004 Iowa

Unexpected Rose Bowl Teams
1991 Iowa
1994 Wisconsin
1996 Northwestern
1999-2000 Wisconsin
2001 Purdue

As many have said--that's why they play the games. This is a "breakfast" game for Cal, they have a terrible road record over the last few years. A player gets hurt.

Criticize the coaches, criticize the fans, and if you must, criticize the players, but don't try to predict the future. Will it be a tough game? Damn right. Do we have no chance? Damn wrong.

I've seen this scenerio to many times in the past, especially with Mase. Gophers getting ready for a big game to turn the corner and we lose. Plus, I feel we do not have the talent at running back for an effective running game this year. I would not mind the running backs proving me wrong but I just do not see it happening. With no effective running game it's going to be almost impossible to beat Cal, who may very well this year be the best team in the nation. Plus the offensive struggles for the first three quarters in our first two games does not help my confindence in winning this game either.

I know I've always been pretty positive in the past but this game I'm 100 percent certian we will not win.
Jeebus! You have got to be the most hot/cold Gopher fan I've ever met.

Is Mason still coaching us? Did he die all of a sudden and is now haunting us like the Bambino? A Mason team would have lost the last 2 games after falling behind. This team didn't.

I honestly don't think we'll win Saturday, but I don't have some negative nellie certainty about it. One of the things I love about college FB is that anything can happen. There is no f-ing way that Okie State should have lost to Houston. But last time I checked it happened. Breathe for a second.

Jeebus! You have got to be the most hot/cold Gopher fan I've ever met.

Is Mason still coaching us? Did he die all of a sudden and is now haunting us like the Bambino? A Mason team would have lost the last 2 games after falling behind.

I honestly don't think we'll win Saturday, but I don't have some negative nellie certainty about it. One of the things I love about college FB is that anything can happen. There is no f-ing way that Okie State should have lost to Houston. But last time I checked it happened. Breathe for a second.

And I thought it was just me...(we posted at the same time--it took me longer to type)

I want the Gophers to win Saturday but it's not going to happen! Cal is to fast, big and strong. Our Offense will be lucky to score in double digits. The only chance we have is to rattle their Sophmore QB. Cal's quarterback is going to be standing behind that big oline and have all day to throw the ball. We will not win. Cal is not going to let the Maryland game of 08 happen all over again.

If I ever find myself looking down from the ledge, you are the last person I want talking me down.

Everyone needs to re-read the posts of all the Cal fans on the 'Hole these past couple weeks. What do you find??

These people sound very much like us!! If they get any talent and expectations, their own fans more or less expect the wheels to come off at some point!!

They have an almost too realistic outlook on their team, approaching pessimism. Very much like our fans often are!!

The point is, maybe we are running into a parallel program in a different conference. Now obviously, they are much more talented than us this year, but teams with this mindset often lose games on the road to less talented programs.

Most Cal fans believe if our guys bring their "A" game, we'll win. However, we haven't done well on the road (5-11 road record in the last 3 seasons), so there are legitimate concerns on our performance in away games. Here's a good analysis of Cal's road game woes.

I hope I'm wrong!

I hope I'm wrong, but I do not have a good feeling about this game. Offensively for the first three quarters we have looked pathetic this year. Our running backs lack speed and quickness. Cal is a fast team. I'm certian we will not gain 100 yards rushing aginst them. Air force ran to the outside our defense. Now Best a track star is going to have a field day running to the outside. Cal is loaded on offense and defense this year.

I want us to win and I'll be at the game cheering us on, but I just think Cal is to tough. This year they will win a National Championship!

I hope I'm wrong, but I do not have a good feeling about this game. Offensively for the first three quarters we have looked pathetic this year. Our running backs lack speed and quickness. Cal is a fast team. I'm certian we will not gain 100 yards rushing aginst them. Air force ran to the outside our defense. Now Best a track star is going to have a field day running to the outside. Cal is loaded on offense and defense this year.

I want us to win and I'll be at the game cheering us on, but I just think Cal is to tough. This year they will win a National Championship!

Really? See, this is what I don't get about you. You've made wild statements like this (and this is wild...Cal needs to beat USC before a Pac-10 title even gets discussed much less a national title over a team like Florida) about the Gophers and now you've gone 100% in the other direction. I'm not questioning your fanhood or anything (someone willing to claim that this Gopher team wins 10 games is obviously a homer), but how the hell did you go from 10 wins to "no way we beat Cal" in the span of a month?

If this was the Cal team in years past or even last year, I'd say we have a legit shot at winning. This year is different. Cal is as good as anyone in the nation.

I know we beat PSU and OSU when they were ranked #2 in the nation but the Gophers exposed how weak those teams were and those teams did not even finish the year in the top 25. This Cal team if things go bad they will lose 2 games MAX this season.

Cal fan here. Of course the Gophers have a chance, did you happen to catch our road record last year (1-4). Our one victory was over Washington State, which shouldn't even count. While I love our team this year and think we would smash the Gophers under most circumstances, there are certain details that must not go unnoticed.

1: This is our first true road test. Recently our first true road game has not gone favorably for the us. While Minnesota is far from a juggernaut, and Cal has excelled against big 10 competition under Tedford (5-0), there's nothing like unfamiliarity that breeds inconsistency.

2: The new stadium Mystique. There is nothing scarier than playing a solid team on the road except if that team is in a brand new stadium. A new stadium almost erases the entire history of the past. When Haas stadium was finished, Cal's basketball team was borderline unbeatable there the first two or so years of it's existence. Gopher fans will be pumped beyond belief and the players will have that aura of invincibility until somebody proves otherwise.

Ultimately, I think this is the Best (pun very much intended) Cal team I have ever seen take the field. Dare I say it but I believe this team is Rose Bowl worthy and this isn't the type of game rose bowl teams lose. I predict a score of 31-17 but I wouldn't be shocked if the Gophers found a way to win. Crazier things have happened.

This sounds EXACTLY like something I'd write if the situation was reversed. I have seen a lot of content from Cal fans that sounds soooooooo much like it was something written by Gopher fans. In this case Cal has a more talented team at a juncture that we'd like to see our own program be at in a couple years. The Gophers need to turn the corner and win a huge game that they shouldn't win (Penn State, Ohio State, Cal). If it doesn't happen on Saturday, there are still a couple more chances. Meanwhile, Cal needs to finally show they can win these semi-tough road games. They should beat the gophers but they have let their fans down under similar situations in the past.

Really looking forward to the game. I do see this as a "can't lose" game for our Rodents. If they keep it anywhere near the spread, they can reload and compete during the Big 10 season. If they could somehow find a way to win... they will appear on everyone's radar.

I have found I enjoy reading the majority of Cal fan's input. It is refreshing not to see stone age chest thumping. I enjoyed Air Force too overall, but there was a slight air cockyness in the reocurring theme: "Oh you silly Gopher fans, don't you know we always hear about our little team? You will find out like the long line of dumb state schools before you how clever our Falcons are." The funny thing about that theme is it kept getting spewed even after the vast majority of Gopher fans talked about how worried we were about Air Force. It seemed like they were pre-programed to say that stuff because they were used to those chest-thumping fans from most schools.

This is not a make or break game for the Gophers in the sense that if it is not won Minnesota will crumble be labeled a fraud etc. It's an an excellent opportunity to see where the Gophs stand versus a top 10 team and to see what exactly what you've got and what kind of team Brewster has this year.

Even if things don't go as planned a lot will be learned, which is ultimately a big point in the grand scheme of things.

I'm sticking with my 10 game prediction even though our ground game has turned out to be a lot weaker then I thought it would. I stood by 8 wins last year and came close. This year I have to stand by 10 wins. I cannot turn back. I'm not pesstimistic about the Big Ten season because the Big Ten is weak.

I want the Gophers to win Saturday but it's not going to happen! Cal is to fast, big and strong. Our Offense will be lucky to score in double digits. The only chance we have is to rattle their Sophmore QB. Cal's quarterback is going to be standing behind that big oline and have all day to throw the ball. We will not win. Cal is not going to let the Maryland game of 08 happen all over again.
I like how you say "we" like you're on the team. I guarantee the actual "we", the Golden Gophers football program doesn't think the way you do.

I'm sticking with my 10 game prediction even though our ground game has turned out to be a lot weaker then I thought it would. I stood by 8 wins last year and came close. This year I have to stand by 10 wins. I cannot turn back. I'm not pesstimistic about the Big Ten season because the Big Ten is weak.

You're sticking by 10 wins but Minnesota has NO CHANCE to beat Cal. So we'll be 2-1 and I'm assuming you have us beating SDSU...3-1. So this team with NO CHANCE to beat Cal is going to go 7-1 in the Big Ten (which would be the most wins in a single season in 103 years of playing in the Big Ten) or 6-2 in the Big Ten (the best mark in 42 years) with a bowl win.

Seems about right.

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