Some Perspective II: Why Paulus looked so good

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
First things first: The Gophers yesterday played against a team that

1) was playing with an ENORMOUS amount of energy and adrenaline yesterday, probably moreso than most teams do, even in their season home opener under a new energetic regime. Adrenaline can carry you a long ways and yesterday, it carried the Orange for the first half.
2) the Gophers had virtually NO CLUE what to gameplan for, offensively or defensively, in preparing for the Cuse

Back to Paulus;

People are forgetting that this guy is 23 years old. He also spent the last FOUR years playing under one of the biggest microscopes in the nation in college basketball. You can't put a price on that kind of experience and preparation. He was older than virtually every guy on the field. I played 4 years of college football and I KNOW that if I went back at age 26 or so, even with HALF the athleticism I had at 19, I would have been a SIGNIFICANTLY better player.

Let's also not forget that he threw the ball more than 6-8 yards downfield maybe 3 or 4 times all day; one was to a WIDE WIDE WIDE open receiver and another was his last pass, that could have been picked off by half the Gophers' defense.

Paulus played yesterday with the kind of poise and confidence that I would have expected from a 23-yr old who spent the last 4 years playing PG at Duke University. And Syracuse played yesterday with the kind of adrenaline and enthusiasm that I would have expected from a team that's traditionally been in the toilet and is looking for something to believe in in a new coaching staff.

At the end of the day, a win is a win, time to move on...

We made BGSU's QB look good in our opener 2 years ago when he torched us for over 350 yds and like 4 TD's.......

1 TD, 1 INT & 169 yds Passing is not what I'd call "Looking Good".......

Especially when you compare the 2 Halves.......

Paulus = overrated
I almosted got physically sick with the announcers gushing over everything he did.

he didn't look very good to me either. He didn't hurt syracuse. But I was less than impressed.

He threw an ugly interception to lose the game, failed to pass for 200 yards, and looked worse as the game wore on. Worst of all, in a helmet he looks just like the Waterboy in the Burbon Bowl.

I don't agree that he looked "so good".



i thought he did a dreadful job of stepping up in the pocket. time after time he would start to scramble for no appearant reason.

Paulus looked good? Ummm...what game did you watch?

My sentiments exactly.

Just watched the replay. Take away the big strike to Williams and you're looking at a QB with yardage averaging less than five yards per attempt and a little over seven per completion. If that's playing well, the standards have been dropped quite a bit.

Add to that the horrible--yes, horrible--decision on the Triplett interception and I can't see how anyone--short of the crew at ESPN--would deem this as even remotely impressive.

Oh, but he called a time-out when the Gophers showed a blitz! Now that's leadership.

I hate to belabor the obvious and burst bubbles here, but Paulus made the right decision the first time when he went to Duke to play basketball. He does not appear to have a big-time arm.

Further, the guy appears intent on continuing his "jerk" behavior on the football field. When is the NCAA going to institute a rule that calls for a penalty when a player even touches a referee, even in a non-confrontative fashion. It's totally unprofessional.

My sentiments exactly.

Just watched the replay. Take away the big strike to Williams and you're looking at a QB with yardage averaging less than five yards per attempt and a little over seven per completion. If that's playing well, the standards have been dropped quite a bit.

Add to that the horrible--yes, horrible--decision on the Triplett interception and I can't see how anyone--short of the crew at ESPN--would deem this as even remotely impressive.

Oh, but he called a time-out when the Gophers showed a blitz! Now that's leadership.

I hate to belabor the obvious and burst bubbles here, but Paulus made the right decision the first time when he went to Duke to play basketball. He does not appear to have a big-time arm.

Further, the guy appears intent on continuing his "jerk" behavior on the football field. When is the NCAA going to institute a rule that calls for a penalty when a player even touches a referee, even in a non-confrontative fashion. It's totally unprofessional.

The ref should have given him $50 for the rubdown Paulus gave him after the TD.

Paulus looked alright, not so good.

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