Dre Hollins playing last night


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2013
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I'm not sure that was a wise decision playing him last night(yes, I know, hind sight is 20/20)? 3-14 from the field, 0-2 from the freethrow line, 2-8 from 3 and he hobbled most of the night and noticably more at the end of the second half.

Could playing last night set his healing back a few days/weeks?

Was it good for his confidence?

I think with a healthy Dre we can compete and beat just about anybody, but not an unhealthy one.

your thoughts?


My thought is that the Purdue game stood as a big, big game.

My thoughts are that Malik wouldn't have done anything with the extra minutes if Dre didn't play. We lose that game if Dre plays or he sits.

In fact, you can pretty much chalk up almost every road game we ever play as a loss before the opening tip.

I'm not sure that was a wise decision playing him last night(yes, I know, hind sight is 20/20)? 3-14 from the field, 0-2 from the freethrow line, 2-8 from 3 and he hobbled most of the night and noticably more at the end of the second half.

Could playing last night set his healing back a few days/weeks?

Was it good for his confidence?

I think with a healthy Dre we can compete and beat just about anybody, but not an unhealthy one.

your thoughts?

Playing didn't set the healing back. He was wearing a brace and would have put his ankle through similar exercise if he was just rehabbing. He was entirely capable of making more shots, they just didn't drop last night.

Maybe he shouldn't have been in a position to take that many shots, or maybe he should have set others up. He was shooting pretty poorly in the second half.

Maybe he shouldn't have been in a position to take that many shots, or maybe he should have set others up. He was shooting pretty poorly in the second half.

Huh? I will take an open look for Dre anytime over anyone else on the team including Smith.

Huh? I will take an open look for Dre anytime over anyone else on the team including Smith.
I'm with you on this, a number of shots Dre missed were half way down and came out. It isn't like he took a lot of forced shots either as most were pretty good looks and I want him to take those everytime.

Gave him an opportunity to shake the rust off. As for being 100 percent that was never going to happen until the offseason and the longer Dre sits the farther this season was going down the drain. I think he has a goodnight vs IU

Not me when a guy is not 100% i will take more shots from the hot hand be that lil dre and king last night.

My thoughts are I agree with this statement. I truly believe Malik Smith would have been more effective. Especially as OT, 2OT, and 3OT were occurring it was harshly apparent that Dre was struggling mightily, appeared to be about 60%, and was also stopping the ball on offense and forcing shots. I think this Pitino was slightly negligent with his subbing. He had McNeil in there a little bit towards the end of the OT's, but I thought Malik should have been playing towards the end of regulation due to how bad Dre was. I think it's safe to say it would have given us a better chance at winning because Hollins was ineffective on both ends, a couple steps slower, hobbling around, etc. I'd take a healthy body w/ fresh legs over a hobbled one and I thought Pitino would have recognized that.

that pic was likely taken the night of the injury. They would have put him on ice, ibuprofen and likely some therapeutic ultrasound to get the swelling down fairly quickly.

I don't think it hurt anything to have him out there. You just didn't want him to be a liability on the court, and I don't think he was quite that, though he was clearly not himself. A lot of those misses were just so close, probably having some to do with not having maybe the same lift on his shot perhaps in the 2nd half especially. But I didn't mind the move, we needed that game and early on, it definitely looked good. I think fatigue was a factor for him, which is why I was surprised we didn't see more Malik, though he was off himself.

that pic was likely taken the night of the injury. They would have put him on ice, ibuprofen and likely some therapeutic ultrasound to get the swelling down fairly quickly.

Yeah, I agree AO54.

I don't think playing last night hurt his recovery, as it didn't look like he aggravated it further. Coming back from an ankle injury takes time to adjust to the "new normal" range of motion. He should have a better feel for that now, which will help going forward.

However, I do think it affected his shot significantly. Dre usually has a higher elevation than most when taking a jump shot. Obviously this explosion was not there last night, as evidenced by a couple of the shots he had blocked. He also had to adjust on the open looks he got, as he wasn't able to get as much rise off the floor. So he was shooting from a different plane than normal. I was a little surprised by the FT misses, because I would assume he would have been taking plenty of FTs and set shots to keep his touch during the recovery process. But he probably hadn't taken many FTs after doing his cardio rehab.

It was apparent his normal mobility and quickness weren't there, but I don't think he will be back to normal until the off season (anyone else think he would have tipped away that loose ball if healthy in the 3OT when Mo tipped it but went to the ground?). I think he will be able to adjust and improve his shot with more games and experience, but the muscle memory turn arounds that he would pull off every now and then may not be there until next year. Those are reaction shots that he has developed the touch and range on through years of playing.

Does defense matter? No one seems to mention it.

Defense should matter, it is probably the reason Oto and EE are starting over King and Mo actually, so it should matter for the guards as well. Same reason it would be hard to ever sit Austin no matter how bad he was struggling on offense a few games ago.

Defense should matter, it is probably the reason Oto and EE are starting over King and Mo actually, so it should matter for the guards as well. Same reason it would be hard to ever sit Austin no matter how bad he was struggling on offense a few games ago.

FWIW, King is now starting over Oto.

The fact that Little Dre was the only one capable of creating his shot w/o Dre in there is a compelling reason to have him play. Not knowing how much they were going to need to guard/defend Dre opened up some room for l. dre.

W/o Dre, no triple overtime.

If you have really ever played the game at a high level, and have an ankle injury, your instincts say "I can do it!!!" The only way to find out is to try it. How do I know??? Been there, done that.

Re: High Level Don

If you have really ever played the game at a high level, and have an ankle injury, your instincts say "I can do it!!!" The only way to find out is to try it. How do I know??? Been there, done that.

Don, I'm not sure senior league adaptive floor hockey qualifies as high level.

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