Pink locker rooms....
No trees..........
No lakes..........
Too flat................
No scenery at all on I35 and I80 make it a lousy trip until you get out of it
FYI, the eastern part of the state is very scenic. Northeast Iowa in particular is very beautiful.
Tomorrow the Hawkeyes will step into the eye of a Shitacane of epic proportions. Most Iowa fans started out as little Shitsparks that where whipped into raging Shitfires by the winds of their monumental ignorance. I hope that a Shitnami tidal wave flows through the area tomorrow to extinguish their Shitflames for good. They cannot convert because a Shitleopard can't change its spots.
Frig off Lahey!
their walmarts.
their girls have no teeth.
There aren't Wal-Marts in Minnesota? The one I visit in West St. Paul isn't worth bragging about. Just admit no matter what state you're in, the varmint of society inhabit it.
What I hate:
I hate that since Iowa beat PSU their fans think they are God's gift to football.
I hate that Hawkeye fans have taken over ESPN msg boards since the PSU game.
I hate that everytime we hear about Shonn Green they have to reference working in a furniture store. How about mentioning that the guy can't make grades?
I hate that all the beer in Iowa is 3.2%.
I hate the Iowegians aren't smart enough to realize a goal post won't fit through a rotating door.
I hate hearing that they have lost 4 games by a combined 12 points. Cry me a river.
I hate explaining to Iowa fans that scoring 12 more points wouldn't make them 11-0. 12 more pts = 4 OT games, and w/out scoring in OT you lose all 4...record 7-4.
I hate that they named their team after a body part of a bird but still try to claim the whole bird.
1. Yeah, ok. That observation is based on Iowa fan's being excited? Very astute deduction.
2. Who cares?
3. I visit the Hawkeye message board every day, and I've rarely ever heard much about this. And his grades are fine, but I'm sure every single Minnesota Gopher is a Rhodes Scholar.
4. At least you can buy beer after 10 and on Sundays. And I thought the 3.2% applied only to Minnesota? I used to work for Budweiser and that's not true

6. We're crying? Last I heard it's a measuring stick that Iowa is a better team than a 7-4 record would indicate. And judging by the current 34-0 score, that's a good argument.
7. Nobody thinks that way, but as any fan you'll look back at any loss and wonder "What if?"
8. Eh, I'll give you that one to gripe about.