Birmingham News quotes Alabama fan comparing Saban to Hitler, as a compliment


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Birmingham News, quoting an Alabama fan about Nick Saban:

"He's a winner, he just does what he wants to do," says Lee Allen, an Alabama fan from Decatur. "He's kind of like Hitler. He's a dictator. He brought us back to the top and I figure we're going to be here for a while. Money well spent."

Wait, what? Hitler? You mean that as a compliment? "Yeah," Allen says in between discreetly spitting tobacco juice into a water bottle in the lobby.

Go Gophers!!

I saw that earlier.. Unbelievable. I'm literally at a loss of words.

Sadly, this analogy is so unbelievably inappropriate. Any Hitler/Nazi comparisons should be reserved only for the most ruthless leaders and their followers such as Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot. Obviously this guy has never been to Auschwitz and does not understand how offensive this is to all who suffered under Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Obviously this guy has never been to Auschwitz and does not understand how offensive this is to all who suffered under Hitler and the Nazi Party.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess this guy hasn't even been to Georgia.

The Birmingham News is blatantly fishing for clicks (and catching them) with this article. Shame on them for even quoting this slack-jawed yokel.

If brains were dynamite, this dude wouldn't even have enough to blow his nose.

per the Birmingham News, quoting an Alabama fan about Nick Saban:

"He's a winner, he just does what he wants to do," says Lee Allen, an Alabama fan from Decatur. "He's kind of like Hitler. He's a dictator. He brought us back to the top and I figure we're going to be here for a while. Money well spent."

Wait, what? Hitler? You mean that as a compliment? "Yeah," Allen says in between discreetly spitting tobacco juice into a water bottle in the lobby.

Go Gophers!!

Not really seeing the parallels here Mr. Allen.

Has Saban started a military conflict hoping to take over the world?

Has Saban decided to exterminate an entire religious movement of people?

Is Saban responsible for millions upon millions of grotesque deaths?

I'm sure Nick is flattered by your comparison however. Must make him feel good to know he compares favorably to one of the most destructive and evil people ever to walk the planet.

I am NOT defending Hitler here...........but, I think I get what this yahoo is trying to say:

Saban is seen as a ruthless, single-minded dictator who controls every aspect of his program with an iron hand - probably the kind of coach Hitler would have been if Hitler had been a FB coach (instead of a mass murderer......)
I don't think the dumb fan is actually saying that Saban wants to commit genocide - he just wants to dominate his opponents the way Hitler dominated his opponents.
Don't forget, people used to praise Mussolini because he was able to make the trains run on time.

Now, if Nick turns out to have a mistress named Eva, then that changes everything...............

I am NOT defending Hitler here...........but, I think I get what this yahoo is trying to say:

Saban is seen as a ruthless, single-minded dictator who controls every aspect of his program with an iron hand - probably the kind of coach Hitler would have been if Hitler had been a FB coach (instead of a mass murderer......)
I don't think the dumb fan is actually saying that Saban wants to commit genocide - he just wants to dominate his opponents the way Hitler dominated his opponents.
Don't forget, people used to praise Mussolini because he was able to make the trains run on time.

Now, if Nick turns out to have a mistress named Eva, then that changes everything...............

Well, in that regard, I suppose we go into the aftermath of the Third Reich and the utter ruin Germany was left in after Hitler was defeated. Doubt that will happen with Saban in Alabama (at least I hope not for the people of Alabama's sake).

I guess my biggest argument with this is how skewed perceptions are of somebody who does nothing but coach football. We often talk about the economic impact of sports, most notably football. But its absolutely frightening that some folks equate football coaches (whose primary job is to simply provide the public with something entertaining to do on a weekend) with one of history's most notable individuals. Unfortunately, it's become commonplace amongst sports fans to make these kinds of ridiculous statements. It's simply lack of both knowledge and perspective to the max.

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