I was watching some highlights...

Ski U Mah 55

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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and it is sad how dreary the metrodome looked on TV. All the colors are really muted and dark, and the paint job in the endzones was laughable. I can't wait to see some home games on TV that are lit by beautiful sunlight!

and it is sad how dreary the metrodome looked on TV. All the colors are really muted and dark, and the paint job in the endzones was laughable. I can't wait to see some home games on TV that are lit by beautiful sunlight!

Or under the lights at night!

Everyone knows the Metrodome sucked because it was off campus and dreary (generally the opposite of what everyone thinks of when they think of college football). But, some of the stuff that bothered me the most was the stuff few if any ever spoke of:

1) the velro signage. It was soooooooo CHEAP looking. It looked like someone was planning a Gopher themed birthday party in a garage and ran down to 'signs-R-us' to order up some vinal signs and velcro to hang them. Bruce Smith and the National Championship teams deserved better. The whole look of those velcro signs (plus the equally cheap looking end zone banners) just called the attention to the fact the poor college team was playing in a pro stadium.
2) the blue seats. It goes without saying that having a beautiful on-campus stadium beats anything but if that wasn't possible and the Twins and Vikings had moved... imagine how much better it would have looked if the seats would have been maroon. The fact the stadium was rarely filled just made those ugly blue seats stand out even more.
3) the band. The poor marching band either couldn't be heard because of the echo filled indoor noise pit, or sounded like an overdone recording thanks to microphone placement. I am really looking forward to them finally sounding like "themselves" in the new stadium.

Really, the only good thing about the metrodome is it was comfortable to sit in, especially when the weather was bad. As far as that is concerned, so is my living room.

no kidding

and it is sad how dreary the metrodome looked on TV. All the colors are really muted and dark, and the paint job in the endzones was laughable. I can't wait to see some home games on TV that are lit by beautiful sunlight!

I recall one Saturday watching an outdoor college game years ago on TV when the network switched to a Gopher home game. The contrast was incredible - the Metrodome had all the atmosphere of a tomb.

The dome will not be missed. The Twins shouldn't have left Metropolitan Stadium either.

Having a dim grey light filtering through on a gorgeous Fall day was not appealing. It had the charm of an operating room combined with the hominess of a cheap motel. It was being sick and having to stay in your room when everyone else is playing outside.

And the Dome Dog sucked.

Disagree about the dome dog. :)

Totally agree with Schnauzer about the velcro signage. Not many people talked about it but everyone agrees about it if you bring it up. His comparison to a party banner for a garage was spot-on. For some dumb reason the people who put up the signs could never quite cover up all the blue. It's like they mis-measured and cut the banners 2 feet short.

i will miss the dome dog, but nothing else. I'm diehard enough weather has no effect on me come rain or shine! Rain games were always the funnest to play in...

The Dome had all the charm of an abandon warehouse.

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