McKinley Boston predicts temps in mid 90s and possible rain for MN/NMSU


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Shama:

Former Gophers athletic director McKinley Boston, now AD at New Mexico State, expects the 2013 Aggies football team to be better than the group that defeated Minnesota, 28-21, at TCF Bank Stadium in 2011. Boston said the Aggies have “more overall team speed” than the team that upset Minnesota two years ago.

The Aggies will open their season on August 31 at Texas before hosting the Gophers on September 7. Boston didn’t have the exact figure but believes his school will receive about $900,000 for playing the Longhorns.

Kickoff time for the Gophers game in Las Cruces will be 6 p.m. (daylight Mountain time). Boston predicted temperatures in the ”mid-90s” and possible rain.

Go Gophers!!

Is this MTSU all over again? Shouldn't have to worry about any humidity though....LOL

Is Shama sure he was talking to McKinley Boston? Sure sounds a lot more like he was talking with Denny Green, what with the ridiculous weather prediction 6-months in advance. At least he didn't mention the Calcutta Clipper.

per Shama:

Kickoff time for the Gophers game in Las Cruces will be 6 p.m. (daylight Mountain time). Boston predicted temperatures in the ”mid-90s” and possible rain.

Go Gophers!!

Maybe he had a meteorology elective class in his time at the U? Really going out on a limb with that mid-90's prediction but I'll give him credit for the "possible rain" parlay. I wish Mac would have divulged the plan to televise the game.

88 and 60 or so last year...1.3 inch average in September. (Maybe the time will be switched to midday)

What about elevation, approximately 3,908 feet. I think he was keeping this close to the vest :rolleyes:

Don't overthink the weather. It is pretty simple, really. I understand the weather patterns pick up the Calcutta Clipper, swings down, swings up, ah, lake front influence…and out.

If the Gophers lose that game, I wouldn't want to be the one explaining why we paid 800k to get out of the UNC game.

Predicting possible rain 6 mos out? Nothing like putting a damper on visiting ticket sales.

Las Cruses not the easiest place to get to. No direst flight and looks like you need to fly into El Paso and then drive about a hr. right now airfare is about $480. Hope Creative Charter puts a package together.

So they can't predict the weather tomorrow, but they can 6 months from now? Genius!

Las Cruces is 45 miles from El Paso, 225 from Albuquerque (Mpls. to Ames), 275 from Tucson (Mpls, to Green Bay), and 390 from Phoenix (Mpls. to Omaha). Pick a trip and go for it!

So they can't predict the weather tomorrow, but they can 6 months from now? Genius!

Las Cruses is 45 miles from El Paso, 225 from Albuquerque (Mpls. to Ames), 275 from Tucson (Mpls, to Green Bay), and 390 from Phoenix (Mpls. to Omaha). Pick a trip and go for it!

I pick Phoenix. I might have a place to stay there.

If the Gophers lose that game, I wouldn't want to be the one explaining why we paid 800k to get out of the UNC game.

Totally agree. Given the amount of money paid to get out of the North Carolina game this is a must win game. A loss and people will get people back to hammering the team and administration for throwing away all that money, not to mention the fact it would be a loss against a very below average team.

Totally agree. Given the amount of money paid to get out of the North Carolina game this is a must win game. A loss and people will get people back to hammering the team and administration for throwing away all that money, not to mention the fact it would be a loss against a very below average team.

I don't think it will matter with some people. We win big, and people will be saying "We paid $800K to play this crappy team?"

At this point the $800K is over with, so no point in worry too much about it if you ask me. I was just as upset as anyone at the time it was announced, though.

I don't think it will matter with some people. We win big, and people will be saying "We paid $800K to play this crappy team?"

At this point the $800K is over with, so no point in worry too much about it if you ask me. I was just as upset as anyone at the time it was announced, though.

Oh I think we will hear plenty more about it with a loss.

I also have to believe the home game will draw less people than a home game with UNC would have drawn, which equals more money lost.

If we can't manage to beat NMSU, no matter where the game is played, we've got far more concerns than $800K. That would be a really bad loss, money not even considered.

I don't think it will matter with some people. We win big, and people will be saying "We paid $800K to play this crappy team?"

At this point the $800K is over with, so no point in worry too much about it if you ask me. I was just as upset as anyone at the time it was announced, though.

With a win the $800K is just a punch line in the story. If we lose the $800K is in the headline. Not to mention the fallout from losing to a lousy team.

I love how these type of threads always devolve.

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