I've heard from fans of other programs that Gopher fans are pathetic, and as a Gopher fan I've always taken offense and defended Gopher fans, but I think that I'm starting to agree with those people.

Viking fans

Twins fans

Wolves fans

Wild fans....

Times like this I'm glad I'm just a gopher

I've heard from fans of other programs that Gopher fans are pathetic, and as a Gopher fan I've always taken offense and defended Gopher fans, but I think that I'm starting to agree with those people.

Maybe when you have not won a B10 title in nearly 50 years in football and the last successful season you had in Bball was 15 years ago and the season was wiped off the books, you deserve to be a little bitter and negative.

We're done. Guys tried hard. Guys were not prepared to beat this NW team. They had no shot.

The Badgers will beat us by 15, maybe even more. Great job, Tubster. Who goes under the bus tonight?

Game was lost in the first half when we missed a ton of wide open threes.

Good teams don't lose games like this. They come in prepared and knock out inferior teams when you have the chance. This is a poorly coached, undisciplined team that lacks mental toughness. Great when things are going well, no leadership when the chips are down. Shameful!

We're done. Guys tried hard. Guys were not prepared to beat this NW team. They had no shot.

The Badgers will beat us by 15, maybe even more. Great job, Tubster. Who goes under the bus tonight?

I will take that bet! $100.00???

I long for the days when GopherHolers worried about Rodney turning pro after his junior year

This one is on Tubby. Worst half in several years.

Well time to pout for a little bit and then go to bed. Hopefully we can figure this thing out and take down those stinkin badgers on Sat.

I've heard from fans of other programs that Gopher fans are pathetic, and as a Gopher fan I've always taken offense and defended Gopher fans, but I think that I'm starting to agree with those people.

What's truly pathetic is Gopher fans who accept mediocrity, whose standards are so pathetically low that Tubby is allowed a contract extension, never having won a single stinkin' NCAA playoff game in his long tenure here! That, my friend, is PATHETIC. You oughtta raise your sights. We once would never have put up with this crap at Minnesota. Now it's just fine for some of our "fans". Unbelievable.

We're done. Guys tried hard. Guys were not prepared to beat this NW team. They had no shot.

The Badgers will beat us by 15, maybe even more. Great job, Tubster. Who goes under the bus tonight?

I disagree. I don't think they played very hard at all (other than Mbakwe).

Worse loss of the Tubby era.

That's exactly right. This was a disgraceful coaching job by Tubby. If this was a coach that had EVER finished above 6th place in the conference I'd say it's a fluke. This is no fluke. Tubby got completely schooled by a coach who has half the talent. His players played like chickens with their heads cut off. Northwestern has all of their bigs in foul trouble- no way to stop us inside and we look like we have never heard of the 1-3-1. Terrible.

It was ugly, very very ugly. But all of the Negative comments from Gopher fans, or so called Gopher fans, just adds to the ugliness.

You'd swear that no team has ever lost a road B1G game before.

Norwood, you do still have Shaka on speed dial, don't you?

Yeah, whatever Carlson. If that is what you want to believe about me to make yourself sleep better at night, fine.

But Negativity breeds negativity.

Rodney Williams has completely disappeared in the Big 10 season. No leadership, no confidence, and not finishing around the rim. Add his ill-advised tweet after the Michigan loss towards Tubby, and you can't be more disappointed in your senior captain. There are a lot of other problems with this team (too many TOs, can't shoot FTs, no production off bench, Tubby's questionable coaching decisions) but Rodney is my largest disappointment.

This team is dangerously close to total free-fall mode. So disappointing. I'm getting sick of this script from Tubby year after year. Better right the ship. Quckly.

This one is on Tubby. Worst half in several years.

Never understood these kind of comments. We have the exact same gameplan but hit our free throws and hit a few more open shots, we may have won by 10. The game is not on one person. It's the coaches and players equally.

33% from the field and 41% from FT line.....nobody wins with those number....PERIOD

This is just unacceptable. We're in YEAR F'ING SIX of Tubby's tenure and we still don't have a Big Ten title contender. Point to injuries in past years if you want, but he got a GIFT in getting Mbakwe back this year and we're still underachieving in the Big Ten ( 2 losses as favorites, no wins as underdogs). How the hell do you lose five straight games at Northwestern? How do you come out and look like this after having almost a week to let that Michigan loss burn?

Yeah, that's the answer, get bitter and negative, and I'm guessing that works in other areas of your life?!

There is no excuse for what just happened. If some of us were coaching the team the outcome may have been better.

If the lower half of the roster played the whole game with a different outlook, MN might have won.

Whatever the coaching staff was trying to do, it was a complete failure. The players, if they had just shown up with no coaches at all probably would have won by 15.

This is the worst loss of the Tubby Era.

Shot 18 - 53 (34%) tonight
5 - 19 (26%) from 3 point line
7 - 17 (41%) from free throw line

Sad part is Northwestern played poorly too.....but it took this Gopher effort to still lose.

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