Hypothetical seat selection question

2nd Degree Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
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So imagine that you have this friend who will be selecting a pair of seats this week. He is torn between two options (each requires $250 donation/seat):

1) Section 210 or 211, Rows 18-20 (about halfway up second level between the 45s);


2) Sections 209/212, Rows 3-8 (lower quarter of second level between the 25-30).

Setting aside whether you think making the donation is a good idea or not, what would you counsel your friend about these two locations and why?

[Thus far the areas described as Option 2 have been going faster than Option 1 by a wide margin. While I get that it’s all a matter of personal preference, I am surprised that the seats in Option 1 are almost untouched thus far while those in Option 2 are moving fairly well.]

The 2nd deck is a better vantage point

I took a couple of stadium tours and I was blown away by how close the field was from the second deck. There is a reason why the top-dollar seats are placed at the top of the 2nd level. The site lines are great.

On one of my tours I walked around the stadium seats on both levels. I think the top row of the first level was OK. From what I remember hearing I understand tha the lower deck is set back more and not as High as the Metrodome. I sat in the top of the first level at the metrodome and liked those seats and I found nothing similar in TCF when comparing seats. I was initially stoked about the endzone seats but when I walked around them I thought they were way to low. There will be some great viewing when teams are on that end of the field but overall I decided not to select anything in the endzone.

One thing that I noticed after having it pointed out to me by the ticket manager was that the first row in the second deck has a slight obstruction for kids or smaller individuals because the barrier is higher so you have to lean a bit on the edge of the seat. I selected my seats in the second deck row three because of this.

In your scenario I would consider a lower level seat in the second deck just because I realized that there is one concourse and you have to walk to a lower level to a bathroom or for refreshments if you are on the second deck. I think that is one thing that some people don't take into consideration.

On the home side, are the second deck donation seats accessible from the upper concourse? In other words is it possible to walk down to a second deck seat (a regular donation seat of $250 or $500) rather than climb up? This would mean you'd need to walk down through the outdoor club seats. I'm looking for input from someone who's been on the tour.

On the home side, are the second deck donation seats accessible from the upper concourse? In other words is it possible to walk down to a second deck seat (a regular donation seat of $250 or $500) rather than climb up? This would mean you'd need to walk down through the outdoor club seats. I'm looking for input from someone who's been on the tour.

You have to walk up. The entrances in the middle of those sections and the concourse entrance up top connect to the DQ club room and are for premium seat holders only.

So imagine that you have this friend who will be selecting a pair of seats this week. He is torn between two options (each requires $250 donation/seat):

1) Section 210 or 211, Rows 18-20 (about halfway up second level between the 45s);


2) Sections 209/212, Rows 3-8 (lower quarter of second level between the 25-30).

Setting aside whether you think making the donation is a good idea or not, what would you counsel your friend about these two locations and why?

[Thus far the areas described as Option 2 have been going faster than Option 1 by a wide margin. While I get that it’s all a matter of personal preference, I am surprised that the seats in Option 1 are almost untouched thus far while those in Option 2 are moving fairly well.]

Second Degree, I think I would pick 210 or 211. It sounds scarier, but I think having the view from the 50 versus the 25-30 will be worth it. Steffyboy is right; you still feel like you are really close to the field, even at the very top of the upper.

I'd take option 2 personally

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