U of M Lots Tailgating Policy


GopherHole Straw Boss
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Saw this on a friend's Facebook status, and surprised it hasn't shown up here yet.

U of M Lots Tailgating Rules


  • No kegs, party balls, beer bongs, or other drinking game accessories
  • No charcoal grills or open fires
  • Tailgating starts 6 hours before game time but no earlier than 7 AM
  • Tailgating ends 4 hours after game time or midnight, whichever comes first
  • No saving spots
  • No disruptive music or noise
  • No glass containers of any kind

They appear similar to other published rules I could find, including Iowa and Texas A&M. Tried to find some others, but not much is actually posted online.

I was hoping that the end time would be tied to the conclusion of the game, rather than the start. When in Madison or Iowa City, it's almost obligatory to eat and drink for a while after the end of the game, letting the traffic thin out before leaving.

Let it be clear that as of right now, these policies apply to University-owned parking ONLY.

Maybe its just me, but that sounds kinda strict.... no kegs? charcoal grills?... ouch

I read the pdf file and it says no open fires of charcoal, wood, etc...

Does a grill qualify as an open fire? It seems pretty contained to me.

I read the pdf file and it says no open fires of charcoal, wood, etc...

Does a grill qualify as an open fire? It seems pretty contained to me.

I'm guessing charcoal grills are fine, they probably don't want those small fire pits in the lots which I can understand. The only way I could see no charcoal grills is if they don't plan on putting coal recepticals anywhere, because I know they would throw a fit if spent ash and coals were just being dumped in the lots after the games...

Yeah ash everywhere would be quite a mess and something I'm sure the U wants to avoid.

Maybe its just me, but that sounds kinda strict.... no kegs? charcoal grills?... ouch

No kegs is a pretty standard rule I think for many universities. It is an easy way to help control consumption (no "we have to kill the keg" overdrinking issues) and also reduces insurance concerns.

As far as charcoal grills...this is more of an "ouch" but I think it is due to the fact that the U isn't planning on providing the concrete charcoal "dumpsters" that are required to safely dispose of the hot coals. Again, this is likely an insurance/legal concern.

Here are some links to the tailgating policies of other schools (as located via a quick Google search) for further comparison:
Michigan State
Penn State - Police Alcohol Rules During Games
TCU - Student Tailgating
Western Michigan

4 hours?

Ending tailgating 4 hours after kickoff would mean you couldn't tailgate after the game at all in some cases. I think it would be better if you had 2 hours after the games ended to leave the lot.

Ending tailgating 4 hours after kickoff would mean you couldn't tailgate after the game at all in some cases. I think it would be better if you had 2 hours after the games ended to leave the lot.

I'm going to want to check on this but I don't think that the 4 hour after kick rule applies to when you have to leave the lot, just for the fact that you can't tailgate in it anymore.

Also, I'll be interested to see how strickly this is enforced.

4 hour rule

"Tailgating ends 4 hours after game time or midnight, whichever comes first"

Just a guess, but I think this may just be poorly worded and means four hours after the end of the game. Otherwise, with games running 3 to 3 1/2 hours, the rule would just be no tailgating after the game. The last thing the U wants is everyone trying to leave at the same time. They need to spread it out to manage the traffic.

"Tailgating ends 4 hours after game time or midnight, whichever comes first"

Just a guess, but I think this may just be poorly worded and means four hours after the end of the game. Otherwise, with games running 3 to 3 1/2 hours, the rule would just be no tailgating after the game. The last thing the U wants is everyone trying to leave at the same time. They need to spread it out to manage the traffic.

Yeah, I took it as it meant "4 hours after the end of the game" too.

Its going to be an absolute nightmare driving around the stadium neighborhood on game day.

As a rule I think my group will not attempt to leave the U campus/dinkytown area for at least 4 hours after the games end. Hey, plenty of time for celebrating a big win back at our tailgating spot, or local drinking establishment.

Seriously how much fun is fall going to be, the whole area will be just packed with gopher fans, Alums coming back to walk around campus. Bars/Restaurants packed with students, fans, everybody wearing maroon and gold. Sun shining, fall in the air, I am pumped, can you tell, who is with me??

I'm with you Uptown

I can't wait either. I know that there will be games in all types of weather and different times of day, but when I think about it, it's always a clear blue sky, the leaves have changed to their autumn colors and it's about 60 degrees. And I am strolling on the Mall on my way to the game.

Ending tailgating 4 hours after kickoff would mean you couldn't tailgate after the game at all in some cases. I think it would be better if you had 2 hours after the games ended to leave the lot.

"Tailgating ends 4 hours after game time or midnight, whichever comes first"

This is intended to means 4 hours after the completion of the game. For a night game (starts at 7 ends around 10) that means midnight. For an 11 am kickoff (ends around 2 pm) that means 6 pm.

I think it would be difficult for them to enforce the no beer bongs rule. ;)

I think it would be difficult for them to enforce the no beer bongs rule. ;)

I dont think it really matters. I could be wrong but i dont think older people are into that stuff, again someone might correct me. But the vast majority of students will not be in these lots but will be in dinkytown, or sadly around the frats (no offense frat alums just my take)

I dont think it really matters. I could be wrong but i dont think older people are into that stuff, again someone might correct me. But the vast majority of students will not be in these lots but will be in dinkytown, or sadly around the frats (no offense frat alums just my take)

Honestly I only care if they start hassling me about playing beer pong, flip cup, etc. Don't get between me and my beer pong dammit! :)

Its going to be an absolute nightmare driving around the stadium neighborhood on game day.

Why would traffic be that much worse around TCF than it was around Memorial Stadium 25 years ago? Crowds were usually in the 40,000+ range, and that was in the days when the number of students living on/near campus was miniscule compared to now, so virtually everyone needed to drive to/from games. I remember congestion in poorly designed ramps that didn't empty efficiently, but once out on the streets there wasn't much issue. And there were no circulator buses to get people away to St. Paul and West Bank parking then.

Why would traffic be that much worse around TCF than it was around Memorial Stadium 25 years ago? Crowds were usually in the 40,000+ range, and that was in the days when the number of students living on/near campus was miniscule compared to now, so virtually everyone needed to drive to/from games. I remember congestion in poorly designed ramps that didn't empty efficiently, but once out on the streets there wasn't much issue. And there were no circulator buses to get people away to St. Paul and West Bank parking then.

However it is this season, traffic will become much more interesting once the LRT goes in and Wash becomes a transit mall vs. a city street. I'm excited for LRT and overall it will be a comfortable, easy option for getting to games. But it won't make traffic around TCF on gamedays any simpler.

No CHARCOAL Griils at all.

I'm guessing charcoal grills are fine, they probably don't want those small fire pits in the lots which I can understand. The only way I could see no charcoal grills is if they don't plan on putting coal recepticals anywhere, because I know they would throw a fit if spent ash and coals were just being dumped in the lots after the games...

"No charcoal grills or open fires" means NO CHARCOAL. None. Ever.

A gas grill is turned off and is off. A charcoal grill is covered and still can burn for hours...with no one there to watch.

This is becoming the nationwide standard. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell of a charcoal grill, especially if you are grilling Hawk or Badger.

Charcoal fires are dangerous, especially untended. Gas up, boys.

"No charcoal grills or open fires" means NO CHARCOAL. None. Ever.

A gas grill is turned off and is off. A charcoal grill is covered and still can burn for hours...with no one there to watch.

This is becoming the nationwide standard. Don't get me wrong, I love the smell of a charcoal grill, especially if you are grilling Hawk or Badger.

Charcoal fires are dangerous, especially untended. Gas up, boys.

I saw what an unattended charcoal grill can do first-hand. I was at Gopher game at the big lot north of the dome a few years ago. The car in front of mine stashed their Smokey Joe under the front of their car and went into the game. About a half hour later, the grill of their car burst into flames. Fortunately there was someone with an extinguisher or the whole vehicle might have been lost.

Right after that, I moved my car to another space.

This list seems about what one should expect. The rules are all reasonable, and none of them suggest anything about no alcoholic beverages, which is the only one most people have to worry about. I'm not sure yet what to think about a time limit on tailgating. What about people that have RV's - are they not allowed to spend the night after (or before)? I hope that there can be a bit of a camping type of atmosphere, like there is at PSU.

This list seems about what one should expect. The rules are all reasonable, and none of them suggest anything about no alcoholic beverages, which is the only one most people have to worry about. I'm not sure yet what to think about a time limit on tailgating. What about people that have RV's - are they not allowed to spend the night after (or before)? I hope that there can be a bit of a camping type of atmosphere, like there is at PSU.

There is no overnight parking allowed. See here: https://onestop2.umn.edu/ppoints/public/tailgating.jsp

Why would traffic be that much worse around TCF than it was around Memorial Stadium 25 years ago? Crowds were usually in the 40,000+ range, and that was in the days when the number of students living on/near campus was miniscule compared to now, so virtually everyone needed to drive to/from games. I remember congestion in poorly designed ramps that didn't empty efficiently, but once out on the streets there wasn't much issue. And there were no circulator buses to get people away to St. Paul and West Bank parking then.
I suspect it's going to be messy the first 1-2 games as folks figure out how to get to the campus and where to park. After that, I think things will smooth out but it's still going to be a pain in the butt unless there's some post-game diversions.

Traffic gets jammed up for basketball and hockey games, largely because of the tendency for fans to arrive and depart in the same general window of time. If there are pre-game events as I anticipate, that should help on the arrival side. We'll see if the U has anything for post-game diversions. (For basketball, I normally stay for Tubby's post-game interview -- a lot of traffic seems to have cleared in that 30-45 minute interval.)

BTW, I'm planning on parking at the Fairgrounds area and taking the shuttle to the games ... hope that the U does a good job planning for that service! .....;)

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