Sports Huddle Summary: Jeryy Kill - 2/5/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Big change on today's sports Huddle: Mike Max was filling in for Dave Mona and Defensive Coordinator Tracy Claeys filled in for Jerry Kill. Coach Kill was on a plane returning from a Nike Coaches Conference.

Not surprising, much of the program focused on the recent recruiting class:

1) Claeys said they did a good job of addressing team needs in this year's recruiting class.

2) Defensive backs: Claeys said recruiting secondary players was a priority, especially given the number of players that graduated. Recruited players mentiond: Jeremy Baltazar - corner that runs well and is very strong. (The acquisition of Baltazar will allow them to move Derrick Wells to Safety. Wells has gotten bigger and stronger, which will be helpful in the move.) Martez Shabazz is extremely fast and Brien Brody "Has improved in the three weeks he's been here."

3) Defensive line: "We didn't lose a lot up front . . . tried to get more athletic players (a necessity because of the spread offenses)." Scott Epke and Roland Johnson have good feet for their size . . . they can run. Claeys then talked about the development of Ra'Shede Hageman, needs to have a tremendous off season. (They're looking for good things from Hageman - still learning.)

4) Linebackers: Lost one player through graduation, Gary Tinsley. One spot left in this year's class and they might go there for another recruit. He briefly mentioned recruit Jack Lynn, however, there was nothing specific said. Claey did say, "We feel good about the linebacker position." Next year the Gophers will recruit 4 or 5 linebackers. There are a lot of senior linebackers in the upcoming season.

5) Duke Anyanwu (athlete): Watched him play in a couple basketball games following the football season. He said Anyanwu weighs about 220 pounds and hasn't lost any of his athleticism. He compared him to a similar player (didn't get the name) that they recruited to NIU that was a rush end. Claeys said position coaches will fight for a kid like that (Anyanwu). Doesn't know where he'll end up. You could detect excitement when he talked about Anyanwu's athletic potential.

6) Redshirts: Claey said they wished they could have redshirted a couple more players: Grayson Levine and Cedric Thompson. They were light in numbers in the secondary so they didn't redshirt as they wished. With the arrival of this year's jucos in the secondary, they hope to redshirt the freshman (he mentioned Eric Murray). Because of the size of last year's recruited class and special needs, there weren't a lot of redshirts on the defensive side of the ball. (However, he did mention Quinn Bauducco and I believe Thieren Cochran as defensive players that redshirted this past year.)

7) Spring practice will commence on March 23 or 24, when they return from spring break.

8) Sid asked what they look for in a recruit or what they need to know about the recruit: Claey said 1) Nothing beats live evaluation during practices and games (try to determine the player's attitude toward the game; 2) Academics: every school has a different culture when it comes to academics. Want to recruit players that can succceed in the classroom (again, attitude is important); 3) Coach Kill reading people. He spoke highly of Kill's ability to read people and their environment (looks to the discipline and structure in the home). Will they be a good fit for the team? Those are the three elements that they use in their recruiting. They recruit the players to the U. The real successful schools don't recruit, they select.

9) Once again said six of the 10 fastest players on the team were brought in at the start of the semester (credited and attributed the stat given to strength and conditioning coach Eric Klein). No names given as to the six fast players. He stressed the importance of team speed; speed can cover up mistakes.

10) Stoudermire: Will allow them to redshirt some recruits and move kids to safety for depth. They're expecting good things from Stoudermire. (Sounded excited that Stoudermire got another year of eligiblity.)

11) Recruiting: One open spot available. Won't burn the schollie. Traditionally, they like to sign one or two players after National Signing Day. They're looking for a player that can contribute immediately; again, stressed they wouldn't burn a schollie.

12) Walkons: Looking to sign 4 or 5 more walkons.

Go Gophers!!

DL65...Thank you for your summary. I listened today also, and I caught the long term plan of this TEAM of Coaches. Claeys really summarized their plan during his visit with Sid and Mike.

An extremely well spoken interview by Claeys and hopefully made some of us aware of the communications between members of the Staff that are used in the overall method of recruits and recruiting.

Claeys did and outstanding job of convincing me that they (The Staff) knows a hell of lot more about potential recruits than do the GopherHole experts.

Claeys did NOT drop names, he explained the plan.

I am impressed.

Dr. Don

Claeys did and outstanding job of convincing me that they (The Staff) knows a hell of lot more about potential recruits than do the GopherHole experts.

Claeys did NOT drop names, he explained the plan.

I am impressed.

Thanks for the above comments. I am greatly relieved by your bolded comment, especially the fact that they are not listening to the GopherHole experts. It seems to me that everything the coaches do is about changing the culture, making the team better, and supporting their vision/plan. Now that is something to get excited about!

Thanks for the above comments. I am greatly relieved by your bolded comment, especially the fact that they are not listening to the GopherHole experts. It seems to me that everything the coaches do is about changing the culture, making the team better, and supporting their vision/plan. Now that is something to get excited about!

Did he give any specific hand-timed 40 times?

Thanks DL65 - I never have time to listen so always look forward to your summary.

I like the idea of moving Wells to Safety. It sure doesn't sound like any of the JuCo guys are going to end up at S, so we will be young back there.


Whoa there!!! You sound like a frustrated jock who did not get laid last night. :banghead:

If there was one thing we had decided on this board, it was that the EXACT 40 time must be known. Thus, it is clear to me that Claeys is focusing on the wrong things.

If there was one thing we had decided on this board, it was that the EXACT 40 time must be known. Thus, it is clear to me that Claeys is focusing on the wrong things.

If that's what you took away from the discussion of 40 times, I think you might have missed the point.

If there was one thing we had decided on this board, it was that the EXACT 40 time must be known. Thus, it is clear to me that Claeys is focusing on the wrong things.

Is that with or without shoes, wind-aided or not, On a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, all kinds of factors have to be considered here.

Seriously, I now reread, and realize your original comment about 40's was in jest.

If that's what you took away from the discussion of 40 times, I think you might have missed the point.

If you think that the people debating the exact 40 times didn't sound like jackasses, I think you missed the point. There is a reason coaches don't talk about it.


I like the idea of moving Wells to Safety. It sure doesn't sound like any of the JuCo guys are going to end up at S, so we will be young back there.


Haviland graduated. He had more eligibility left but I assume he wanted to move on.

DL65...Thank you for your summary. I listened today also, and I caught the long term plan of this TEAM of Coaches. Claeys really summarized their plan during his visit with Sid and Mike.

An extremely well spoken interview by Claeys and hopefully made some of us aware of the communications between members of the Staff that are used in the overall method of recruits and recruiting.

Claeys did and outstanding job of convincing me that they (The Staff) knows a hell of lot more about potential recruits than do the GopherHole experts.

Claeys did NOT drop names, he explained the plan.

I am impressed.

Thanks for the above comments. I am greatly relieved by your bolded comment, especially the fact that they are not listening to the GopherHole experts. It seems to me that everything the coaches do is about changing the culture, making the team better, and supporting their vision/plan. Now that is something to get excited about!

First of all, I am a life-long Minnesotan and Gopher fan. Second, I may drift off-topic, but I'll bring it back.

I have been a believer of Jerry Kill and his staff since Day 1. Minnesotans are generally uncomfortable with anyone that is forthright and honest, says they have a plan, and implements the plan come hell or high water. That's way too "flashy" for their comfort level.

In a state that likes to call themselves "honest and progressive," they are incredibly passive-aggressive, provincial, and fight change at every turn.

In an almost karmic twist, Joel Maturi hired the men that led to his demise--Tim Brewster and Jerry Kill. Brewster had the will, but not the skill. Jerry Kill has both the will and the skill. Brewster was called the "anti-Mason". Kill is the "anti-Brewster" AND the "anti-Mason"...and the "anti-Maturi". Despite his midwestern upbringing, Kill is really the "anti-Minnesotan" as well. Jerry Kill's arrival on campus signaled the end of the old way of doing business and a return the basics--hard work, discipline and football fundamentals. It is reflected in his staff and reflected in the type of players he is building his program around. It also has demonstrated to the school President what needs to be done in the entire Athletic Department.

The staff, with Claeys, Limegrover, and Klein leading the way, works as a team, and leads by example.

In the end, Jerry Kill has demonstrated to President Kaler what his vision for Gopher football is all about. Kaler agrees with that vision and will implement the same with a new AD and a new Athletic Department. There are great days ahead, and I, for one, are absolutely excited.

Claeys did and outstanding job of convincing me that they (The Staff) knows a hell of lot more about potential recruits than do the GopherHole experts.

Claeys did NOT drop names, ...


If he had dropped names, I'm pretty sure he would have said I was the exception.

On another matter, I'm still smarting from splitting all my investments between Yugoslavian dinars and that damn Pan Am stock.

Go Gophers!

To Be Named Later said:
Speed matters; exact 40 times don't. Arguing about 1/10 of a second when it is hand timed is silly. Can we agree?
Not true - 40 times matter to, recruiters, coaches and me.

If you think that the people debating the exact 40 times didn't sound like jackasses, I think you missed the point. There is a reason coaches don't talk about it.

I never correct anyone about 40 times. Coaches don't talk about it because the 40 times that HS kids claim are absolutely fabricated.

No one on here, even the people who correct everyone's 40 time comments, expect exact precision when they are talking if a kid is fast or not. What the "correctors" gripe is that some people regurgitate the obviously nonsensical 40 times that those kids claim. No one is demanding exact precision, they are hoping that people would stop bringing up such a meaningless stat (what a kid/his HS coach says his 40 time is).

For instance, if someone said....Player A is REALLY fast, he's the fastest guy on the field - - - No one would correct him or demand precision.

However, if a poster says.....Player A is so fast, he runs a 4.25 40 - - - - The 40 time Correcting Posse would point out the absurdity in his comment.

So again, it's not about precision in determining exactly how fast a kid is, it's in the usage of completely arbitrary numbers which HS and JuCO kids 40 times have become.

Is that with or without shoes, wind-aided or not, On a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, all kinds of factors have to be considered here.

Seriously, I now reread, and realize your original comment about 40's was in jest.

No sweat. Sarcasm doesn't always travel well over the internet.

Claeys did and outstanding job of convincing me that they (The Staff) knows a hell of lot more about potential recruits than do the GopherHole experts.


Bob_Loblaw said:
I never correct anyone about 40 times. Coaches don't talk about it because the 40 times that HS kids claim are absolutely fabricated.

No one on here, even the people who correct everyone's 40 time comments, expect exact precision when they are talking if a kid is fast or not. What the "correctors" gripe is that some people regurgitate the obviously nonsensical 40 times that those kids claim. No one is demanding exact precision, they are hoping that people would stop bringing up such a meaningless stat (what a kid/his HS coach says his 40 time is).

For instance, if someone said....Player A is REALLY fast, he's the fastest guy on the field - - - No one would correct him or demand precision.

However, if a poster says.....Player A is so fast, he runs a 4.25 40 - - - - The 40 time Correcting Posse would point out the absurdity in his comment.

So again, it's not about precision in determining exactly how fast a kid is, it's in the usage of completely arbitrary numbers which HS and JuCO kids 40 times have become.

Did you know was clocked at a 4.3 - 40....that's pretty fast.

Speed matters; exact 40 times don't. Arguing about 1/10 of a second when it is hand timed is silly. Can we agree?

One-tenth of a second translates to about one yard of separation over that 40 yards. That can mean the difference between a completion, interception or breakup.

One-tenth of a second translates to about one yard of separation over that 40 yards. That can mean the difference between a completion, interception or breakup.

True if the play is designed to be a 40-yard pass. Just funnin', but 40-yard dash is a rough estimate of football speed. Some guys play a bit faster than their 40-time and some a bit slower.

To the OP, I would sincerely hope that the coaches and recruiting staff know more about gauging the ability of scholarship prospects than the posters on GopherHole.

First of all, I am a life-long Minnesotan and Gopher fan. Second, I may drift off-topic, but I'll bring it back.

I have been a believer of Jerry Kill and his staff since Day 1. Minnesotans are generally uncomfortable with anyone that is forthright and honest, says they have a plan, and implements the plan come hell or high water. That's way too "flashy" for their comfort level.

In a state that likes to call themselves "honest and progressive," they are incredibly passive-aggressive, provincial, and fight change at every turn.

In an almost karmic twist, Joel Maturi hired the men that led to his demise--Tim Brewster and Jerry Kill. Brewster had the will, but not the skill. Jerry Kill has both the will and the skill. Brewster was called the "anti-Mason". Kill is the "anti-Brewster" AND the "anti-Mason"...and the "anti-Maturi". Despite his midwestern upbringing, Kill is really the "anti-Minnesotan" as well. Jerry Kill's arrival on campus signaled the end of the old way of doing business and a return the basics--hard work, discipline and football fundamentals. It is reflected in his staff and reflected in the type of players he is building his program around. It also has demonstrated to the school President what needs to be done in the entire Athletic Department.

The staff, with Claeys, Limegrover, and Klein leading the way, works as a team, and leads by example.

In the end, Jerry Kill has demonstrated to President Kaler what his vision for Gopher football is all about. Kaler agrees with that vision and will implement the same with a new AD and a new Athletic Department. There are great days ahead, and I, for one, are absolutely excited.

Well put Highwayman!

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