Brewster on TCF Nickname Debate

Ski U Mah 55

Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Well, Brew is on Twitter now and he has recently tweeted:"Two hours until we start our journey of preparation for the 2009 season at "The Bank"...."

Looks like he's going with The Bank as the nickname of choice!:clap:

Well, Brew is on Twitter now and he has recently tweeted:"Two hours until we start our journey of preparation for the 2009 season at "The Bank"...."

Looks like he's going with The Bank as the nickname of choice!:clap:

Twitter just seems made for Brew. I wonder if/how he might use Twitter for recruiting?

Quote: "Well, Brew is on Twitter now and he has recently tweeted:"Two hours until we start our journey of preparation for the 2009 season at "The Bank"...."

Brew must have misspoke. Eveyone knows that the nickname for Gopher Stadium is "The Brick".

I've got a question on this. Ås I recall the new football stadium is across the street from "The Barn". What's next to the barn? The barn yard. Why not "The Yard"?

Quote: "Well, Brew is on Twitter now and he has recently tweeted:"Two hours until we start our journey of preparation for the 2009 season at "The Bank"...."

Brew must have misspoke. Eveyone knows that the nickname for Gopher Stadium is "The Brick".

Seriously? The Brick is a brutal name imo.

How About....

"The Vault".

Being that it's our home field, like a bank vault it must be protected at all costs.

I'm not sure about it, yet... but it's growing on me the more I think about it.

The Bank

The Bank will stick as the nickname. As I've posted before, it's not people on here that will decide, it's the students and athletes. The Bank just sounds better regardless of what you think about the naming rights etc.

Im not convinced its the best nickname, but I'm thinking more and more that 'the bank' is the one that will stick.

Hopefully it will convince people to wear gold. Who ever heard of a bank being filled with maroon? Wear gold to games.

I cast my vote for The Gold Vault.

The best choice by far for those who care about our heritage is the Brickhouse, especially looking at it over the long term since there's a good chance that 30 years from now it won't be called TCF Bank Stadium. But I have very little faith that there are enough people who will have the foresight to know that and the top two choices will be the Bank or the Vault. In which case the Vault is way better than the bank IMO. The Vault of GOLD.

Be bold & wear gold to the Vault.

Take it to the Bank. Anything else won't stick.

I never considered the 'yard' before. I kinda like the barnyard, ties it all together with it's location next to Williams. But I'm OK with the bank as well as it ties to the name, TCF, and a common term at the U from the east and west banks. I don't like the brick or any derivative.

wondering if you could discuss stadium nicknames for the millionth time.? All of these names have been brought up before and they are all heterosexually challenged. The stadium will get a nickname naturally, and it won't be by you turds voting on it.

No but it will come out of discussions and dialogues from a lot of different people. How do you think the mass non-turds come up with things? By dialogue. this is dialogue. It's how it works. Through one conversation at a time. gradually we adopt one over the others. so you know you're the bigger turd 'cause you should really understand that by your age.

Can anybody tell me where all this "wear gold" stuff came from?

Is this a serious post?

Yes, it is. This sort of thing was never around when I was an undergrad, and I've only heard about it in the last two years or so. Some people around here get defensive and act like you're less of a fan if you wear maroon. Last I checked, our colors are maroon AND gold. It's right in the March, for crying out loud.

For another thing, it doesn't make any sense to be so adamant about gold. Iowa, Michigan, and Purdue all have a variant of yellow/gold as one of their main colors. So when they come to town, it can be hard to distinguish between fans in the seats. How many other Big Ten teams (besides U of Chicago) have maroon as one of their base colors? The answer is zero. If some people want to be fascists and force people to wear one color or the other, maroon makes a hell of a lot more sense than gold.

Marketing chose gold over maroon for a couple reasons. One minor reason I heard was that maroon shirts are slightly more expensive so the student section shirts wouldn't cost as much to produce. The main reason, however, is that gold shows up much better on TV and in person and it really grabs the eye. An all gold stadium looks much more alive and vibrant than an all maroon stadium. This is why white-outs are better than black-outs, the brighter the color the better it looks worn by a sea of people.

Yes, it is. This sort of thing was never around when I was an undergrad, and I've only heard about it in the last two years or so. Some people around here get defensive and act like you're less of a fan if you wear maroon. Last I checked, our colors are maroon AND gold. It's right in the March, for crying out loud.

For another thing, it doesn't make any sense to be so adamant about gold. Iowa, Michigan, and Purdue all have a variant of yellow/gold as one of their main colors. So when they come to town, it can be hard to distinguish between fans in the seats. How many other Big Ten teams (besides U of Chicago) have maroon as one of their base colors? The answer is zero. If some people want to be fascists and force people to wear one color or the other, maroon makes a hell of a lot more sense than gold.

Maroon makes more sense? Not for TV or from a visual atmosphere perspective. Maroon doesn’t have the same kind of “pop” visually and makes the size of the crowd seem muted. I think this was worse in the dome, because those bright blue seats were automatically more noticeable because they were more visible than maroon (also it was just darker inside which made the maroon look brown). The same is true when Sconnie fans are in attendance. Their red is more visible than the maroon...i.e. there seems like there are more of them because your eyes are drawn to the more vibrant color. They are still plenty noticeable when everyone wears gold, but the gold is also vibrant so your eye isn’t immediately drawn to the wrong color. There is a reason that PSU goes with a White Out rather than a Blue Out or True Blue or some other lame ass name involving blue. Having everyone in a white shirt looks f-ing awesome! Sure it’s nice that the White Out name is better, but they chose to do it b/c it looked good and for the sense of community and all that.

Another problem with maroon is that the U hasn’t had one shade of it until recently when we went Nike for all teams. There are like 300 fricking shades of maroon at any game, many of them some ugly ass version that is closer to red (gag). So in addition to not being better from a visual perspective on TV we look lame for not knowing what kind of maroon we are. Yes there are variations of gold too. But the differences are FAR less noticeable than all the shades of maroon.

As for our opponents wearing gold, who cares? If they want to wear gold to our games and make it look like the stadium is full of Gopher fans, more power to them.

I don’t think we need to be gold for all games and here is where we agree. Forcing one color all the time is lame and impractical. I love that maroon is one of our colors. To be honest, all my favorite U gear is in maroon and I think the best T-shirts are usually in maroon (at least from Nike). But I don’t see why people get so pissy about being asked to wear the more vibrant of the 2 colors for 1 game a season.

Of course then you have the people wearing green, blue, and all sorts of other colors to Gopher games.... At least pick a school color!

As for our opponents wearing gold, who cares? If they want to wear gold to our games and make it look like the stadium is full of Gopher fans, more power to them.

I don’t think we need to be gold for all games and here is where we agree. Forcing one color all the time is lame and impractical. I love that maroon is one of our colors. To be honest, all my favorite U gear is in maroon and I think the best T-shirts are usually in maroon (at least from Nike). But I don’t see why people get so pissy about being asked to wear the more vibrant of the 2 colors for 1 game a season.

Why would people think it's full of Gopher fans? Say, for example, that it's the Michigan game and it's on ESPN. Joe Schmo from Idaho watching at home doesn't know/care that the Gophers wear gold, and everyone and their mom knows that Michigan does, so if the point is to show unity, the average fan is going to think they're all Michigan fans. But if it's maroon, he sure is going to know that they're not.

Your second paragraph more or less encapsulates my thinking on the subject. Why does it have to be one or the other? I, for one, resent having to apologize for wearing whatever Gopher gear I want to a game.

dpodoll68 - completely disagree. When I watch a game on tv, if I see the stadium filled with one solid color, I will assume that said color is one of the school colors (the dominant one, or the one chosen for sporting events). I would never assume that a 50,000 seat stadium filled with gold was 100% full of Michigan fans just because I know one of their colors is yellow.

You are right - if you are wearing Gopher gear to a game you shouldn't have to apologize. But is it that hard to wear one color over the other if asked? If some recruit, newscaster, or otherwise were impressed with the fact that we as a fanbase (and the marketing dept) could organize people to all wear one color, that means we actually have 50,000+ people who care enough about Gopher football to do something outside of the game in preparation and caring. They sure as hell talk about it and show it enough on ESPN when PSU has their white-outs. They talked about it at the MN-Indiana basketball game this year. Every little bit helps.

Why would people think it's full of Gopher fans? Say, for example, that it's the Michigan game and it's on ESPN. Joe Schmo from Idaho watching at home doesn't know/care that the Gophers wear gold, and everyone and their mom knows that Michigan does, so if the point is to show unity, the average fan is going to think they're all Michigan fans. But if it's maroon, he sure is going to know that they're not.

Your second paragraph more or less encapsulates my thinking on the subject. Why does it have to be one or the other? I, for one, resent having to apologize for wearing whatever Gopher gear I want to a game.

Hopefully the Joe Schmo might figure it out when the announcers say the location of the game (be it TCF, Minneapolis, etc) for the 700th time. Or it might be the big block M on the field. Or the Minnesota in the end zone. Etc. Etc. If there is anyone who thinks our entire stadium in Minnesota is full of Michigan fans...well, I don't know what to say to that kind of stupid. I know we've had some issues with attendence but come on. This is why you example is not a good reason to avoid gold. Anyone who knows anything about football or who has the ability to use their brain will either a) think they're all Gopher fans or b) have the better eyes and will pick out the opposing teams fans b/c of the hats they wear or b/c its a slightly different shade of yellow.

It doesn't have to be one or the other overall. I know some folks would argue it should be gold to every game. I understand that but disagree. When I read your posts it seems like you're trying to say that everyone is arguing this. I disagree...I think most of us are in favor of making it one color (gold) for a single game each season. Why is that such a travesty?

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