We will get there.


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
We have a man with a plan who knows what he's doing. We've played men with a plan who know what they're doing the past three weeks, they have just been doing it for a lot longer.

Wisconsin is a very good team with a very good plan, with lighter fluid added to the mix with the best QB they have ever had dropped into their laps. Sure I would like to have a few plays back, but no shame in today. We were out-gunned at every position.

My only beef with the game was our lack of deep throws. With DCT's success vs. Iowa, and it being WI's only "weakness", I thought we would at least take a few shots downfield with our QB throwing the ball.

Hope Konz is OK, although it didn't look good.

We are getting better, although you had to look hard today (I did) to see it.

Agree. I have confidence in where Kill and Co are taking the team, but games like today are hard to watch none-the-less. i'm looking forward to the future though. I'm just hoping for another win or two to end the season!

I agree, that said next season can not come quickly enough.

If Kill ever gets CB's than can man cover and/or DE's that can get a consistent rush edge, WATCH OUT.

In my opinion, this staff knows what it is doing.

On getting better at least for today, Mrs. Billd noted that the number of penalties was significantly improved.

I concur.

Go Gophers! In Kill We Trust!

Bigger, stronger, faster - it doesn't happen over night. Besides recruiting, the man who has to have the best off-season of anyone is Coach Klein.

I actually like a lot of things about our team - the fact we've blocked a punt for a touchdown this year, executed a an on-sides kick perfectly in a big game, and the fake field goal today for a touchdown. Executing those types of plays is the sign of a team that's well-coached.

And I actually like our offensive system a lot. MarQuise missed several open receivers today, and the squad can't afford that. Plus, there were several drops - again, when you're not good, you can't do that and expect to win. And, you can't have Orseske punting the way he is and expect to win.

Our guys are just smaller, slower, and weaker right now than 80% of the guys they are going up against and that takes time to fix. But I too agree - we will get there, and Kill and Co are the guys to take us.

I don't get the blind faith in Kill, but I am not going to go out of my way to talk anyone out of it. That was a terrible performance today, when the opposing QB hits 16 of 17, that says something about the "plan", not just the players. We've seen way too many QB's complete and obscene number of passes on our defense...and we get torched by the run to. I thought the MSU game was the Gophers best performance of the season and I certainly thought today was a significant step backward (though not unexpected).

It's not blind faith in Kill. It's watching a team that is currently severely undermanned get better and occasionally have some success (CB Blitzes, Fake FG, great call but missed pass, etc.) combined with players being in the right spot to make plays (missed tackles, passes, catches). We will get there.

I don't get the blind faith in Kill, but I am not going to go out of my way to talk anyone out of it. That was a terrible performance today, when the opposing QB hits 16 of 17, that says something about the "plan", not just the players. We've seen way too many QB's complete and obscene number of passes on our defense...and we get torched by the run to. I thought the MSU game was the Gophers best performance of the season and I certainly thought today was a significant step backward (though not unexpected).

If you can get a consistent pass rush and better defensive backs, the plan will look a lot better. You're going against players like Wilson, Ball, Toon, and that offensive line and it's not about the players? That's just stupid talk. If you're that outmanned, there's only so much planning you can do.

I'm more disappointed in our offense. Gray missed some throws including being late on that interception, and those dropped balls didn't help. Wouldn't have affected the outcome, but it would have been nice to get 7 or 10 more points.

This game played out pretty much to form and I certainly don't think it was a significant step backward.

The Badgers were just physically superior. Our youngsters are a little wore out from the last two games. If Wisky brought their
best game to Minny, and they did, I knew we'd have little to no chance.

Still, our guys played hard. The best thing is to put it behind us and move on.

Yes we will get there. It just takes time, like all good things do. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Games like this are painful to watch, and I actually had to step away from the TV in the second half due to overwhelming frustration with our defense' inability to stop them, the defensive lapses and shortcomings being just killer to me on a personal level, and time and again being unable to stop the 3rd and longs, it's just incredibly frustrating, throw the remote at the wall type stuff. But, that's just part of what happens when you're totally physically out-manned, which we were today. They are just bigger, stronger, and faster than us, but that won't always be the case, and there will come the day when we will be competitive and hang in there against a team like that.

After our game ended, I turned the TV on to the Boise St.-TCU game, and holy cow what a game. Not only was it a fantastic college football game, but it just made me reflect upon all of it, and the main feeling I felt was that of envy. I felt envious of those teams and the fans of them, for getting to see and participate in such epic football, and to be so relevant upon the national stage, when prior to quite recently, both those programs were bottom of the barrel, utterly irrelevant, and might just as well been invisible for all the import they had upon the national football scene. I felt envy, but also hope, for if they can do it, then why can't we? I mean really, Gary Patterson and Jerry Kill are like brothers, best men at each others weddings, and you won't find a bigger backer of Jerry Kill than Gary Patterson, not as being just a good man, but as being one hell of a football coach.

So that's what I hope for, and I choose to believe that's a realistic hope. Simply to be relevant again, not some borderline joke to be overlooked by the likes of Wisconsin, but to be at least a threat, always. I believe in Kill. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later, because games like this are semi-crushing to the soul.

I pray to god every night for a fricken defense. Offensive football is fine and dandy, but please god please, give me a damn defense wearing maroon and gold at some time before I'm laid 6 feet under.

150 yards of total offense and zero offensive TD's while the opposing QB was a dropped pass away from a perfect day.

Yeah....sound like progress and a step forward to me :cool02:

I don't get the blind faith in Kill, but I am not going to go out of my way to talk anyone out of it. That was a terrible performance today, when the opposing QB hits 16 of 17, that says something about the "plan", not just the players. We've seen way too many QB's complete and obscene number of passes on our defense...and we get torched by the run to. I thought the MSU game was the Gophers best performance of the season and I certainly thought today was a significant step backward (though not unexpected).

I have "blind faith" in Kill because that's what kind of fan I choose to be. I choose to believe that tomorrow will be better than today, that the next game they will play better than the last game, and that next season will be better than this season. That also happens to be the way I go through life as well. I can't imagine how dark and gloomy things would be with the opposite attitude. It must be hard getting out of bed in the morning with that mentality.

I believe in Kill mostly because he's done it before. Period. Not only has he done it before but he brought with him all of the people who have helped him do it before. These guys know what they're doing. Past performance is one of the best (if not one of the only) predictors of future performance. The past performance of Kill and his entire staff lead me to believe that he can and will get it done here.

150 yards of total offense and zero offensive TD's while the opposing QB was a dropped pass away from a perfect day.

Yeah....sound like progress and a step forward to me :cool02:

Typical a**hole comment by Art. At least not as despicable as being happy Jones blew out a knee so Art won't have to watch him celebrate after a good play.

Yes we will get there. It just takes time, like all good things do. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Games like this are painful to watch, and I actually had to step away from the TV in the second half due to overwhelming frustration with our defense' inability to stop them, the defensive lapses and shortcomings being just killer to me on a personal level, and time and again being unable to stop the 3rd and longs, it's just incredibly frustrating, throw the remote at the wall type stuff. But, that's just part of what happens when you're totally physically out-manned, which we were today. They are just bigger, stronger, and faster than us, but that won't always be the case, and there will come the day when we will be competitive and hang in there against a team like that.

After our game ended, I turned the TV on to the Boise St.-TCU game, and holy cow what a game. Not only was it a fantastic college football game, but it just made me reflect upon all of it, and the main feeling I felt was that of envy. I felt envious of those teams and the fans of them, for getting to see and participate in such epic football, and to be so relevant upon the national stage, when prior to quite recently, both those programs were bottom of the barrel, utterly irrelevant, and might just as well been invisible for all the import they had upon the national football scene. I felt envy, but also hope, for if they can do it, then why can't we? I mean really, Gary Patterson and Jerry Kill are like brothers, best men at each others weddings, and you won't find a bigger backer of Jerry Kill than Gary Patterson, not as being just a good man, but as being one hell of a football coach.

So that's what I hope for, and I choose to believe that's a realistic hope. Simply to be relevant again, not some borderline joke to be overlooked by the likes of Wisconsin, but to be at least a threat, always. I believe in Kill. I just hope it happens sooner rather than later, because games like this are semi-crushing to the soul.

I pray to god every night for a fricken defense. Offensive football is fine and dandy, but please god please, give me a damn defense wearing maroon and gold at some time before I'm laid 6 feet under.

By any chance, are you Sean Lumpkin?

As I watched today, I could only think of Kill's comments during spring practice and the pre-season about the lack of football. Some of it is inexperience and some of it is lack of physical talent and some of it is a combination.

I think Kill is on the right track and we'll now more in a year or two or three.

I have "blind faith" in Kill because that's what kind of fan I choose to be. I choose to believe that tomorrow will be better than today, that the next game they will play better than the last game, and that next season will be better than this season. That also happens to be the way I go through life as well. I can't imagine how dark and gloomy things would be with the opposite attitude. It must be hard getting out of bed in the morning with that mentality.

I believe in Kill mostly because he's done it before. Period. Not only has he done it before but he brought with him all of the people who have helped him do it before. These guys know what they're doing. Past performance is one of the best (if not one of the only) predictors of future performance. The past performance of Kill and his entire staff lead me to believe that he can and will get it done here.
Well said. The fact he has done it before and that turnarounds of this magnitude take time. Gives me a perspective that I agonize over a loss but accept it is a process that needs to play out. We played a great team yesterday. We lost.

not saying this staff can't turn this around here but the notion that they have done it before at other places does not guarantee it will be done here. there is no correlation between the two.

this is the first time they are trying to do it at a BCS level conference. if they staff had completed a turnaround at another BCS conference school the evidence might be stronger.

the question will be whether this saff can recruit the talent needed.

not saying this staff can't turn this around here but the notion that they have done it before at other places does not guarantee it will be done here. there is no correlation between the two.

this is the first time they are trying to do it at a BCS level conference. if they staff had completed a turnaround at another BCS conference school the evidence might be stronger.

the question will be whether this saff can recruit the talent needed.

I agree with the fact that just because the Kill staff has turned around two other programs doesn't mean that it will happen here. But, I disagree with you on the point that there isn't a correlation. Many factors went into the reason they were able to turn programs around and some of them had little to do with that staff. The vast majority of the reasons for success, however, can be attributed directly to the Kill staff.

Is this staff over their head? Could be, but I believe that the way this staff goes about their business will put us on the road to success. I think most of us see the past success of their former teams against bigger more established teams and consistent wins against similar competition is an indicator of future success. They have stayed together and have displayed a proven system. Is there room for improvement for them as a staff? Certainly.

Recruiting is a key factor for any team. They have already displayed the ability to find diamonds in the rough like Marcus Jones. There will be home runs and strike outs but they seem to know how to identify players that will fit their system. It will take a long time to be able to attract your typical 4 and 5 star athletes. The key for them is to get the players that best fit their system.

There are no guarantees, but I like Kill's track record. We know his system can work, and if FCS and MAC players can get it, surely Big Ten players can get it too.

If Kill ever gets CB's than can man cover and/or DE's that can get a consistent rush edge, WATCH OUT.

...and a quarterback that can throw, a runningback that can run, receivers that can catch and linebackers that can tackle.

...and a quarterback that can throw, a runningback that can run, receivers that can catch and linebackers that can tackle.
You mean things we have right now, right Badger fan?

not saying this staff can't turn this around here but the notion that they have done it before at other places does not guarantee it will be done here. there is no correlation between the two.

Yes, there is a correlation. It's just not 100%.

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