Maturi had the Badger band coming here,

Nov 20, 2008
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but it was cancelled because of logistics in seating. Blood still thicker than water with Maturi.


I'm less concerned with the Badger band coming here than I am concerned with our band never going anywhere, ever. Why are we so discombobulated compared to the rest of the conference in all of the little things?

Yes, lets continue to complain for the 1 millionth time about a normal part of college football. I mean, this idea of traveling bands is so messed up! Can you believe that Auburn will let Bama's band into their stadium this year? Or that Michigan will be allowing OSU's band into the Big House this season? Their AD's must be real traitors!


As NateDawg notes, the problem is not opposing bands coming to TCF. It's our band never going anywhere else.

I'm less concerned with the Badger band coming here than I am concerned with our band never going anywhere, ever. Why are we so discombobulated compared to the rest of the conference in all of the little things?

$$$. They barely even let the band go to Bowl Games, they're not going to spend the $$ on sending them to road games. We have boathouses and baseball stadiums to build!

We are disappointed as the Badger band puts on a great show. This is one thing that helps make CFB a great event.

Maybe more Minnesota people should start supporting the team rather than getting worked up over this. Wouldn't it be nice to see our band on the road for once?

$$$. They barely even let the band go to Bowl Games, they're not going to spend the $$ on sending them to road games. We have boathouses and baseball stadiums to build!

Don't forget that we have 4 arenas in a 100 foot radius!

I would like to see both bands at the game. Its a big part of CFB. Because Maturi cant figure out how to the the UM band anywhere the oters AD's should not be punished.

We are disappointed as the Badger band puts on a great show. This is one thing that helps make CFB a great event.

Maybe more Minnesota people should start supporting the team rather than getting worked up over this. Wouldn't it be nice to see our band on the road for once?

I will donate $100 for the band to travel to Iowa City, Madison or Lincoln next season.

$$$. They barely even let the band go to Bowl Games, they're not going to spend the $$ on sending them to road games. We have boathouses and baseball stadiums to build!

I'd rather have a baseball stadium.

I'd rather have a baseball stadium.

So would I. But the idea that it's one or the other, that we're so bad off that the few thousand it costs to have the band go to each road game is thought of in this way is sad.

I will donate $100 for the band to travel to Iowa City, Madison or Lincoln next season.

Maybe many others would too.

I would be happy to make a donation as part of the season ticket renewal. I will be asking Mr. Diehm if that is something he would bring to marketing, which is where Maturi will send it.

I will be e-mailing Tim Diehm once again about that. This past Summer, he stated that an alumni band group may be looking at that. Not sure what the current status is.

Maybe many others would too.

I would be happy to make a donation as part of the season ticket renewal. I will be asking Mr. Diehm if that is something he would bring to marketing, which is where Maturi will send it.

I will be e-mailing Tim Diehm once again about that. This past Summer, he stated that an alumni band group may be looking at that. Not sure what the current status is.

I'm in for $100.
Is someone interested in taking the lead on this initiative? Goal Line Club might be a good group to do this.
I'd be willing to head something up if they can't. From this very board, I organized a fund to send students (albeit not a ton) to the 2006 Insight Bowl, so this kind of grass roots effort is possible.

Go Gophers!

Just wait until the dolts decide we need a new Williams Arena.
I'm actually ready for a new basketball arena. I love the Barn but I think it's finally time to say goodbye to that place.

Every fan base has blind spots. It seems to vary depending on which fan base one is talking about. For example, we found out last week there is a decent portion of the Iowa message-board posting fan base that struggles with the rules of the game of football. They have a hard time figuring out what is a touchdown. For our own fan base (at least on Gopher Hole) it seems to be a somewhat widespread disfunction in understanding how college pagentry SHOULD involve visiting bands. More specifically: that it isn't some conspiracy to have visiting fans here. Apparently there is a learning disability keeping many people here from understanding that bands visit rival stadiums everywhere, and it causes little or no issues. As others have said, it happens everywhere and it is appreciated everywhere. Not sure why it is a topic for debate by even a fraction of the fans here. Also have others have said, the REAL issue is the inability our band has to travel elsewhere. It is a crime.

When you've got a team that has struggled the way our team has for a LONG time, it seems really petty to fret over something that is a normal part of college football elsewhere.

I will donate $100 for the band to travel to Iowa City, Madison or Lincoln next season.
+1. If Indiana and Northwestern can send their bands to Iowa City in the last couple of years, so can we.

I have a feeling that if Minnesota can find a way to send the band to Iowa City or Madison or Lincoln next year - the complaining about visiting bands at TCF will stop. Or at least quiet down. There seems to be a fairness issue right now - why do they get to come here if we never get to go there.

The Athletic Department/School of Music need to get creative in finding ways to raise money/get money to send the band on one away trip a year.

I don't per se have a problem with opposing bands being at the Bank. What I don't like are:

1. Opposing band trying to play over home band during the game. Sometimes this is inadvertent, but usually not. And unfortunately with the accoustics of the Bank, several areas can hear the opposing band better than the home band.
2. I didn't appreciate Wisky playing their fifth quarter on the field after the game the last time the band came, basically forcing the U of M band to just sit there and watch until they were done. Maybe there was an agreement they could do that, but it sure seemed like the U of M band was not expecting it.

So basically if the band directors can be gentlemen and come up with a reasonable schedule for both bands playing, I say go for it. And I would hope our band director would take that courtesy both ways, and if we ever do have our band travel that they would act with class on the road.

I don't per se have a problem with opposing bands being at the Bank. What I don't like are:

1. Opposing band trying to play over home band during the game. Sometimes this is inadvertent, but usually not. And unfortunately with the accoustics of the Bank, several areas can hear the opposing band better than the home band.
2. I didn't appreciate Wisky playing their fifth quarter on the field after the game the last time the band came, basically forcing the U of M band to just sit there and watch until they were done. Maybe there was an agreement they could do that, but it sure seemed like the U of M band was not expecting it.

So basically if the band directors can be gentlemen and come up with a reasonable schedule for both bands playing, I say go for it. And I would hope our band director would take that courtesy both ways, and if we ever do have our band travel that they would act with class on the road.
Some of those things annoy me too. Sounds to me like you summed it up pretty well with your last paragraph, but I would add that the Ath Dept can/should take steps based on "bad" band behavior from visitors too.

#1 is a failure of the visiting band but also a failure of stadium ops/the dept. The dept/ops should know by now that some visiting bands are managed by a**hats and have a plan in place. Not having a way to curtail the behavior somewhat would be poor planning. But once a band is in TCF there is only so much can be done so if they behave badly you drop the banhammer and don't let them come back (which obviously is a bigger stick if you are a B1G band versus Cal, etc).
#2...see above. Clear expectations should be set by the Ath Dept/ops (none of which should allow an opposing band to play their postgame first). Don't follow them? Banhammer.

I don't per se have a problem with opposing bands being at the Bank. What I don't like are:

1. Opposing band trying to play over home band during the game. Sometimes this is inadvertent, but usually not. And unfortunately with the accoustics of the Bank, several areas can hear the opposing band better than the home band.
2. I didn't appreciate Wisky playing their fifth quarter on the field after the game the last time the band came, basically forcing the U of M band to just sit there and watch until they were done. Maybe there was an agreement they could do that, but it sure seemed like the U of M band was not expecting it.

So basically if the band directors can be gentlemen and come up with a reasonable schedule for both bands playing, I say go for it. And I would hope our band director would take that courtesy both ways, and if we ever do have our band travel that they would act with class on the road.

Basically, that was my point. Plus, the Badger band and the stick up the ass monkey walk would be better served at performing at the Milwaukee zoo.
Period, end of story.

Basically, that was my point. Plus, the Badger band and the stick up the ass monkey walk would be better served at performing at the Milwaukee zoo.
Period, end of story.
So your point was you were annoyed? And this is Maturi's fault how?

So your point was you were annoyed? And this is Maturi's fault how?

Why would you want a repeat performance that you so graciously reminded us the last time the Badger band was here? You're probably going to have 1/3 of the stadium in red. And you want to add another 360 blaring Badger songs. Absolutely amazing. You must like getting kicked in the nuts twice.:confused:

Why would you want a repeat performance that you so graciously reminded us the last time the Badger band was here? You're probably going to have 1/3 of the stadium in red. And you want to add another 360 blaring Badger songs. Absolutely amazing. You must like getting kicked in the nuts twice.:confused:
There shouldn't be a repeat performance in terms of bad behavior. If there is, they don't get to come back. That's simple. As for the "getting kicked in the nuts twice" thing? I don't like red in the stadium. But the only thing that matters is whether we win or not. I'm not going to be extra annoyed in any day ruining way by the band's presence. If we win I'll be happy. If we lose, I'll be cranky. There may be moments where an opposing band or fans could annoy me but in the end the only thing that matters is the outcome of the game. Traveling bands are part of college football. I love college football. I'm not going to be a hypocrit and want the Gopher band to travel and not expect the return to be true.

There shouldn't be a repeat performance in terms of bad behavior. If there is, they don't get to come back. That's simple. As for the "getting kicked in the nuts twice" thing? I don't like red in the stadium. But the only thing that matters is whether we win or not. I'm not going to be extra annoyed in any day ruining way by the band's presence. If we win I'll be happy. If we lose, I'll be cranky. There may be moments where an opposing band or fans could annoy me but in the end the only thing that matters is the outcome of the game. Traveling bands are part of college football. I love college football. I'm not going to be a hypocrit and want the Gopher band to travel and not expect the return to be true.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice,shame on me" Also, didn't the Badger band recently come under fire for conduct at a road game last year?

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice,shame on me" Also, didn't the Badger band recently come under fire for conduct at a road game last year?
It's only a shame on me deal if the U doesn't clearly lay out the rules before their next appearance. Otherwise it's an arbitrary decision and we'd have to expect the same nonsense if the UMMB ever tried to travel.

That said, if they did so the prior to the last Dome appearance and the UWMB still pulled crap then they'd have cause.

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