Reason for optimism against UT

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
If for no other reason, it sure will be nice to play somebody that's not trying to play a game in the 50's for a change.

Texas sure doesn't seem to be a strong defensive team, which certainly bodes well for the Gophers. Getting up and down the floor will definitely be a nice change of pace for MN.

In all reality, like most of the Gophers' games lately, the key for them will be not turning it over.

Station Casinos in Vegas open the Longhorns as 3.5-pt favorites, 4-pt favorites at MGM-Mirage (Caesars-Hilton has yet to post a line).

Even though I'm well aware of the Gophers' shortcomings (particularly half-court offense), I really like their chances in this one. I think it's as good a matchup as they could have hoped for in a 7-10 seed game. I'd much prefer Texas over Clemson, Boston College, or Cal, the other 7-seeds.

But what do I know.... At this point, I'm just glad they're in!!!! Consider the Tubby Plan a good year ahead of schedule.

Texas averages 72 pts per game & gives up 65 pts per game. They are not a good FT shooting team, averaging just 67% ... If we can hold AJ Abrams to below his average (16 pts) I really like our chances. I agree with you that this is our best matchup when comparing the other '7' seeds. I like the Vega lines, let's hope that the media also starts projecting a Texas/Duke round two matchup so that we can stay under the radar.

Texas averages 72 pts per game & gives up 65 pts per game. They are not a good FT shooting team, averaging just 67% ... If we can hold AJ Abrams to below his average (16 pts) I really like our chances. I agree with you that this is our best matchup when comparing the other '7' seeds. I like the Vega lines, let's hope that the media also starts projecting a Texas/Duke round two matchup so that we can stay under the radar.

One of the ESPN guys picked Texas, so hopefully that starts us flying 'under the radar';)

Ability to guard Abrams has to be the key. The Michigan State guard kind of destroyed the Gophers in the three meetings. I would expect to see more Iverson and some Williams at center to counter Pittman in the middle.

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