ESPN Gameday: Minnesota feature coming up!!


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2008
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Sorry if already posted, but they just previewed on ESPN Gameday (9:45am) that they will have an interview with Jerry Kill. Just a heads up. Sounds like it is coming up soon.

Not much new here, but 2 new great quotes.

"I don't need no pass". "I'll turn this sucker around too!"

Nessler and Corso just ripped

It was Fowler and Corso, but yes they did rip the website and the creator. Called it despicable. And justifiably so. Unfortunately, it likely means a million hits on the page today for the guy.

You just know that quote is getting a place of honor right at the top of that a-hole's page.

Will it be replayed on GopherSports or on

I watched the original Game Day interview earlier, and this guy, OUR COACH, Jerry Kill, has his $hit together.

Go Gophers!!!

There was pretty much nothing in that interview that hasn't been said before.

Oh yes it is different, this baby was broadcast nationwide. So stick it.

So was the Purdue game, which message was louder?

That being said, Kill comes off more likeable than any Gopher coach I can remember.

The louder message was Coach Kill's message of life. The kids played lilke $hit and lost. OUR COACH has a philosophy of life to incorporate into his coaching. So, stick it.

But then, why try make sense out of nonsense with the generation of instant gratification like a game on the internet.

The louder message was Coach Kill's message of life. The kids played lilke $hit and lost. OUR COACH has a philosophy of life to incorporate into his coaching. So, stick it.

But then, why try make sense out of nonsense with the generation of instant gratification like a game on the internet.
Don't talk about the "generation of instant gratification". I doubt most of the instant gratification people on this site are in my generation, which is supposed to be the generation of instant gratification.

Don't talk about the "generation of instant gratification". I doubt most of the instant gratification people on this site are in my generation, which is supposed to be the generation of instant gratification.

Not from what I have seen and experienced in all of my years of life.

How many people on this site do you actually think are college students or kids just out of college(that age group)?

Don't talk about the "generation of instant gratification". I doubt most of the instant gratification people on this site are in my generation, which is supposed to be the generation of instant gratification.

Both you and the Doc are complete fools and ignorant of what instant gratification is and many generations have worked to achieve it.

Examples include: the refrigerator, the microwave oven, the internet, the automobile, the jet airplane, FDA approved drugs, the radio, TV, and maybe even porn, which isn't even new!!! This reminds me of the debate that slow foods are better than fast foods. I can make chili con carne in about 20 minutes. About the same time it would take me to put my shoes on, drive to McD's, place my order and sit down. Fast food and slow food are misnomers galore!

Instant gratification is good. It is a driver of innovation. The problem with Jerry Kill is he does not believe in being innovative. He believes in systems of control that take all the fun out of scratching a play out of the dirt. How boring and repetitive does he need to make the team before we all realize that his static position is killing the spirit of the team. Innovators take what they lack and make it into something wonderful. I find the Kill message anachronistic, a misplacement of energy and a fundamental throwback to a point beyond the improvements in the game.

Dr Don, you have missed the point of what instant gratification has been for all the many generations of innovation that has come out of our fair culture. The latest generations are neither more nor less gratified than previous generations. Ray Kroc didn't come from his generation. He came from yours. Other illustrations can be made, but the list would seem so endless as to make the point exponentially redundant.

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