Jerry Kill was fired up at his press conference, and sounds off

I've had about 20 seizures in the past 6 days.

Cue board meltdown in 3 .. 2 ..

But seriously, good stuff. Thanks for posting.

I caught the live version on was extremely entertaining.

Can't wait to watch the full version tonight!

Wish I could watch it out here in Brooklyn :(

I miss live local media coverage.

I've had about 20 seizures in the past 6 days.

From Press conference notes Lamonte Edwards working at LB today in practice! LIKE

I like this a lot. You can see it on special teams, he want's to tackle and hit people.
Lamonte Edwards is missing his calling on defense, hopefully he see's the light.
Can he play RB yes, but if he want's to be a pro or on Sundays his future is at LB.
Hopefully coach Miller can convince him of that, I think Edwards could be a special player in
the LB group. Kid's want the ball and want to touch the ball I understand that, but some kid's
can be difference makers on defense, I think Edwards is one of those kids, a potential leader.

The 20 seizures in less than a week thing is alarming. I hope they get his meds straightened out. I am no doctor but just plain old reasoning makes me nervous that since his original cancer diagnosis came after a seizure and something has currently changed to bring on many more seizures... I just hope this isn't a sign of something more serious.

He was in the hospital a long time so my imagination just runs a little bit hoping that they didn't find something in some tests and a more dark diagnosis has been kept from the public.

Here is to coach Kill, his family, and his health...

Oh, and is there a link to his presser? I'd love to watch it.

20 in 6 days? Sarcasm I hope?
Nadine edited in "(joke)" after his forgetting his name line so I assume she would have done the same if that was said in jest.

Damnit.. I knew I was missing something.. Wanted to catch this live.. Anyone have the full, unedited version of this anywhere?!?

I also liked the bit on Carter. We've been asking about him and we got an answer. If that were Facebook, I would have 'liked' it!

The 20 seizures in less than a week thing is alarming. I hope they get his meds straightened out. I am no doctor but just plain old reasoning makes me nervous that since his original cancer diagnosis came after a seizure and something has currently changed to bring on many more seizures... I just hope this isn't a sign of something more serious.
Important to note that I don't believe the cancer and seizures were/are related. They just happened to find the cancer while looking into the seizures.

Important to note that I don't believe the cancer and seizures were/are related. They just happened to find the cancer while looking into the seizures.
This is correct. The cancer is basically a non-issue at this point so far as I'm aware.

20 in 6 days? Sarcasm I hope?

Someone said they couldn't tell if he was being serious or if he just threw out a number.

If he is this fired up at a press conference, practice should be a treat for the boys today!

Get back on an even keel and take care of yourself, Coach Kill...

Was there any mention of a night practice this week? I assume our boys are used to playing under the lights at TCF?

Split back veer option--the offense Kill ran when he got started.

Thank you - was typing so fast, and laughing at the same time!

I also liked the bit on Carter. We've been asking about him and we got an answer. If that were Facebook, I would have 'liked' it!

Ask and you shall receive. This is actually a topic we talked about in our tailgate lot, and was reminded to ask when someone tweeted me this. If you guys ever have questions you want me to try to squeeze in, tweet me and I'll try. (except next week, will be out of town for that one).

The 20 seizures in less than a week thing is alarming. I hope they get his meds straightened out. I am no doctor but just plain old reasoning makes me nervous that since his original cancer diagnosis came after a seizure and something has currently changed to bring on many more seizures... I just hope this isn't a sign of something more serious.

He was in the hospital a long time so my imagination just runs a little bit hoping that they didn't find something in some tests and a more dark diagnosis has been kept from the public.

Here is to coach Kill, his family, and his health...

Oh, and is there a link to his presser? I'd love to watch it.

I was talking with a Dr. friend today and they mentioned that it's possible they are inducing the seizures and titrating his meds to figure out what the optmal meds/dosage should be.

I had childhood epilepsy and a seizure doesn't automatically mean a grand mal seizure like we saw on the sidelines. I had a few grand mals as a kid but I more commonly had what my doctor called "space outs," where I would essentially black out for a couple of seconds, no falling to the ground, now shaking or anything like that. It's possible he is having these "space outs." Or it could be something completely different, just thought I'd share my experience as a kid. Luckily my childhood epilepsy was completely cured.

I just looked these up on Wikipedia, I guess they are technically called "absence seizure."

I'm a little afraid to ask, what is a brown shirt?

I also liked the bit on Carter. We've been asking about him and we got an answer. If that were Facebook, I would have 'liked' it!

I don't quite get it. Is basically saying that Carter just isn't performing well enough? I know people speculated that he needed to get bigger but that does not seem to be what Kill said.

Football porn = Georgia Tech running for 600 yards against Kansas.

But but but "high school offenses" don't work at the D1 level...

I'd have no objection if Jerry wanted to bring back the SBV in Minnesota.

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