Couple of USC notes - including parking for those in LA

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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USC's scout team wore powder-blue jerseys with yellow numbers Thursday in an apparent effort to emulate UCLA.

"It's a motivator to not be on the (scout) team," Kiffin said.

Asked if the jerseys were symbolic, Kiffin said, "Not really. We were bored."


Wide receiver Robert Woods' elbow was swollen, but the bursa sac burst and blood drained to alleviate the swelling.

"I'm fine now," said Woods, whose elbow was heavily taped.

Woods sat out part of Thursday's practice to keep his legs fresh for the game.

Parking problems?

USC instituted a new parking system around the Coliseum that allows donors to choose the parking lot they wished to park in on game days. The new system is expected to experience some problems in its first run-through Saturday, and USC is encouraging fans to arrive early or park on campus.

Sounds like Kiffin. Way to look past the other 11 teams before you play the Bruins on the last game of the season.

That's not true at all. No one is overlooking the Gophers or any other program on the schedule. You just don't understand the hate for the arch-enemy across town.

We're in a unique situation....our arch enemy fUCLA, is a mere 11 miles from us, both powerful universities that accept only 21-24% of it's applicants; we compete in every-single-thing with fUCLA....which university has the highest GPAs of the incoming freshmen, who's alums are the most generous, who's cheerleaders (Song Girls) are the prettiest, nicest campus, every single sport we participate in (winning The Crosstown Gauntlet trophy is BIG) it's heated and we can't escape each other in the same city.

The Trojan victory song, "Tusk!" is played at the end of the game if victory is well in hand...and we always chant "U-C-L-A Sucks!" no matter who we're playing, or where (BCS bowl games)...and their fight song mentions the "Men of Troy".

Notre Dame is our great rival that we hate one day a year....but we respect them. When the Domers play in L.A., both alums and boosters get together and sit side by side for a joint benefit luncheon at the Bonaventure Hotel. Guest speakers always include our former great players and coaches that share stories of the rivalry and toasts all around to celebrate the only 80+ years cross country rivalry in CFB.

You have to live it to understand the UCLA/USC thing.

By the way, Jessica Alba is a huge USC fan, like her daddy.

Please, UCLA was much harder to get into this year then CAL and SC is not in that discussion academically. The wall and moat around campus for protection says it all. The DB coach was fired/resigned 24 hours ago for yet another pay for play scandal at Spoiled Child U. SC is a 5 loss team this year and the loss of 30 schollies for years of blatant cheating will not be felt till next year. Kiffin is the perfect coach to clean up the program. LOL. All my son's friends who applied to SC, CAL and UCLA this year all got into SC, some got into CAL and a few got into UCLA. I refused to pay for either of my kids to go to SC, neither wanted to anyway. He chose Minnesota over a number of the UC's. After 4 days he is surprised daily at how nice, open and friendly his fellow students are. They don't talk about how big Daddy's yacht is in Newport harbor and don't walk around with a snarky, "I won the birth lottery" silver spoon up the trojan, attitude. Go Gophers, Badgers, Packers, and who ever is playing the semi-pro condoms.

You just don't understand the hate for the arch-enemy across town.

By the way, Jessica Alba is a huge USC fan, like her daddy.

No. I understand, maybe on a smaller level. It was the same thing with our high school rival which is less than 5 miles away. Also I follow Pac 10 sports in a way so I'm aware of the history and beefs. I just hate Kiffin.

LOL. Jessica Alba. I thought I was her daddy. (insert drum roll punch kick)

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