Commissioner Delany on Reform


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Nov 12, 2008
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From Madison via ESPN.

"Delany had an unprecedented (for this event) meeting with his 12 football coaches to discuss what he called “embarrassing” rules violations at Ohio State and Michigan. When he met with reporters later, Delany endorsed Slive’s proposals and even took them a step or two further"


Delany advocated a return to freshman ineligibility and said team-wide academic excellence should be a condition for being invited to a bowl game or the NCAA basketball tournament. He also said he wouldn’t be opposed to a return to television bans as a form of NCAA punishment.
Delany said 14 schools have come under NCAA scrutiny in the past year, including Ohio State, which fired football coach Jim Tressel after he failed to report extra benefits some of his players were receiving. The Buckeyes will go in front of the NCAA infractions committee on August 12th. Michigan has already been punished for violating rules on practices under deposed coach Rich Rodriguez.
Delany said those violations reflected poorly not only on the schools but on the conference."

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Delany advocated a return to freshman ineligibility


Yes, let's return to the 1960s. Punish those who are good, well-adjusted kids and can succeed immediately by lumping them in with the idiots who have no work ethic and have to be led around like a dog at all times.


Yes, let's return to the 1960s. Punish those who are good, well-adjusted kids and can succeed immediately by lumping them in with the idiots who have no work ethic and have to be led around like a dog at all times.

I wonder what the thought process is there - that if freshmen come in and don't play they'll somehow never violate a rule? It just postpones the inevitable. Maybe it reduces early entry to the NFL a little. The truth is so few players get much playing time their freshman year I don't really see why you'd push for it.

Frankly, I think the schools need to be given more leeway to punish students - such as pulling scholarships for rules violations. If I'm not mistaken, right now only the NCAA can pull a scholarship from a player, and sometimes it still counts against the school. I kind of feel like they tell the coaches you have to control your players but the only way you can punish them is to bench them or suspend them from the team.


Yes, let's return to the 1960s. Punish those who are good, well-adjusted kids and can succeed immediately by lumping them in with the idiots who have no work ethic and have to be led around like a dog at all times.

I actually like it a lot for basketball. The "one and done", "why do I have to go to school" guy? Let the NBA and their union take care of them. Let them make the development league actually develop players. Let them pay for their own farm system.

Football? Don't know what to think about that but "let's return to the 60's" did make me laugh. :clap:

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