Yah, because the morons who run our government sure have it figured out

. I agree with most of your premise and I'm sure it will be some congressional thing but that is going to be full of issues too because congress/government worry about the same thing the ncaa does, their own pocket books, that's it that's all.
I mean to me the answer seems easy. At the end of the year you take your school's athletic budget, whatever sports made money you divy that up proportionately. Just for ease say the U made $100m total, 80 from football 5 from hockey 5 from bball 5 from vball 3 from women bb 2 from women's hockey that's the % of the money they should get. If some school like maybe Villanova or Gonzaga has different %s than say most sec/b10 teams, good for them. If a school happened to have women's teams that made oodles of money great for them they should be rewarded. There has to be some logic here. I get paid less than my boss who makes less than their boss, im not throwing a fit! The only caveat would be that tv deals would need to specify ok we are paying x for football y for bball etc. Maybe they do that now I don't know.
It's just a cluster f and neither the ncaa or the government has any clue (or morality) on what to do.