They're Even Worse than We Are!

everybody knows my name

Freakishly Hyperintelligent
Jan 18, 2010
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I've been lurking in an Illinois board for the last few days, wanting to see what they had to say. I had no desire to register or post, because it seems like a pretty low-quality place.

They were funny today. They were complaining about the refs all game, including when all the penalties in the game had been called on the Gophers, zero on the Illini. Now that it's over the majority opinion seems to be that it's all 100% the refs' fault. And it's also all 100% the coaches' fault.

I tend to think Gopherhole is ridiculous, but that community is so bad it's funny. And I'm not usually a sh!t-talker.

Well, they're ain't so smart in illannoyz. But still glad to hear they are not happy.

Unlike some other coaches over the years at other program, Coach Bielema has no worries over getting canned by a loss to M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A while at Illinois.

If they feel hosed that's mainly because someone actually cares again about Illini football.

This is a good thing and progress.

Now if they'd only bring back Chief Illiniwek...
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I was going to say the same thing. I was reading their board and a 2-7 penalty disparity in favor of Illinois was clearly not wide enough to be considered fair.

There were some voices of reason mixed in among a lot of complaining over the reffing.

Another theme was line play where if you hadn’t watched the game, you would assume their O and D lines were being run out of the stadium by our lines.

This was my favorite comment:

"And the bathroom deboggle we had today, not letting people use certain port a pottys when the south bathrooms are flooded. Ludacris. Clown show."

This was my favorite comment:

"And the bathroom deboggle we had today, not letting people use certain port a pottys when the south bathrooms are flooded. Ludacris. Clown show."

Lol. I have been here and although they have renovated the stadium was built at the same time as our Memorial Stadium and it is showing its age. Ryan Field was really bad.

Are they seriously whining about their own targeting call down by the goal line.

I don't mind fatty now that he is not at Wisconsin.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!

The fact that they think that soft koi hit on the slide was a game changing penalty is ridiculous. Good read though

This was my favorite comment:

"And the bathroom deboggle we had today, not letting people use certain port a pottys when the south bathrooms are flooded. Ludacris. Clown show."
There's nothing worse than a bathroom deboggle.

I suspect it is like Gopherhole.

The worst fans show up and post after losses.
Pretty much a guarantee on any fan board that after a loss the negative posters do their happy dance all over the forums. It is their favorite time because they can be negative and complain about everything.

I've been lurking in an Illinois board for the last few days, wanting to see what they had to say. I had no desire to register or post, because it seems like a pretty low-quality place.

They were funny today. They were complaining about the refs all game, including when all the penalties in the game had been called on the Gophers, zero on the Illini. Now that it's over the majority opinion seems to be that it's all 100% the refs' fault. And it's also all 100% the coaches' fault.

I tend to think Gopherhole is ridiculous, but that community is so bad it's funny. And I'm not usually a sh!t-talker.

GH is so tame compared to 95% of message boards.

Go Gophers!!

GH is so tame compared to 95% of message boards.

Go Gophers!!
After they beat Iowa State today on the field in the postgame interview the Texas Tech coach referenced the toxic comments that these players deal with from fans on social media and message boards.

I am sure many other fan boards get way worse than this place does when the team loses but it still sucks around here after a loss while people fly off the handle and post painfully stupid or over the top comments.

They don't have the biggest fan base. Most of Illinois is rural and Chicago is huge for Notre Dame and Michigan.
I was in Chicago yesterday for my son’s hockey tournament. We were taking a lunch break and literally two different establishments we were in could not get the game because neither one had FS1. I even had my Minnesota hoodie on and not one comment all day long about the game.

GH is so tame compared to 95% of message boards.

Go Gophers!!
This is 100% true.

Even boards we sometimes joke about like HuskerMax and now this Illinois board absolutely nothing to some of the message boards. We're rubes, homers, and emotional, but Gopherhole looks like an embodiment of mental health compared to most of the college football online community.

This is 100% true.

Even boards we sometimes joke about like HuskerMax and now this Illinois board absolutely nothing to some of the message boards. We're rubes, homers, and emotional, but Gopherhole looks like an embodiment of mental health compared to most of the college football online community.
“Embodiment of mental health”, thats awesome.

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