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Nov 23, 2008
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Kiffin may end up being a winner, but he has already shown that he doesn't represent his school as well Brewster. Slandering reknown good guy coach Urban Meyer is not a good way to figure head a program. Tucking tail and making a public apology looks even worse.

Kiffin may end up being a winner, but he has already shown that he doesn't represent his school as well Brewster. Slandering reknown good guy coach Urban Meyer is not a good way to figure head a program. Tucking tail and making a public apology looks even worse.

He made one incorrect comment about his biggest rival to his most important fans, lets not make more of it than it is. He was slapped on the wrist by the SEC, apologized and everyone can move on. As Mike Gundy would say, Urban Meyer is a man and can take it. Kiffin has largely done what he was asked and that is to bring in top level talent and a top level coaching staff. I don't think Tennessee fans are complaining right now. As far as Urban Meyer being a renown good guy that is definitely up for debate I believe if you ask other SEC fans. This is a guy that this year still stated that Notre Dame is his dream school, wouldn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling if I was a Florida fan. Similar to us Mason and Ohio State.

Yes, Urban Meyer is just like Glen Mason. I thought that as he won at Utah and a NC at Florida. I worried about Mason and OSU just like Florida fans must regarding Notre Dame. That would be a very similar loss. Wow!

Tubby to.... Might be a decent comparison.

Now, GG, please apply the same objective opinion you give Kiffin to Brewster. No, you wouldn't be capable of that.

Yes, Urban Meyer is just like Glen Mason. I thought that as he won at Utah and a NC at Florida. I worried about Mason and OSU just like Florida fans must regarding Notre Dame. That would be a very similar loss. Wow!

Tubby to.... Might be a decent comparison.

Now, GG, please apply the same objective opinion you give Kiffin to Brewster. No, you wouldn't be capable of that.

I stated that Kiffin made a mistake, which he clearly did and should not have said that without knowing for sure that he was correct but he was reprimanded and at the end of the day the only people he has to answer to are the NCAA and the University of Tennessee. I however feel imo that Kiffin would have been a better hire as stated before and time will tell if I am right or wrong, I think his recruiting ability is atleast on par with Brewster's but I feel as a head coach that he is better prepared than Brewster after having been a coordinator in the past. I also think he has done a good job of putting together a top notch experienced staff and he comes with a built in world class defensive coordinator. I will agree that Kiffin is not as smooth and slick in front of the media and public as Brewster is, but the most important thing to me is how skilled are you coaching on gameday and in a recruits living room. I have also never said that Urban Meyer is not a great coach he is and acquired those skills by working his way up through the ranks, I just simply stated that he may not be universally liked in the SEC and I would never want a coach to publicly admit that your school is not his dream. I was in no way attempting to compare his coaching ability to that of Mason's either, was just equating what I felt every time Mason's eye wandered with what some Florida fans may feel, except I would imagine it might be worse with the success he has had and worrying about losing it if his dream job comes calling again.

Thanks for the response. While I agree Kiffin has assembled a top-notch staff, he did not have to spare any resources in getting there - an advantage Brewster and Mason did not have.

While he was an OC I am not ready to say he is any more prepared coming in. He shared that role and is much more immature/younger. Having coached against him when he was in HS I still can't believe he's old enough to coach - makes me feel old.

We'll see how Brew does. I hope in a few years you'll have to say you judged too quickly. My hope his work ethic and enthusiasm transfer into wins. I'm going to give him my full support. After all, he just took advantage of an opportunity Maturi gave him. Thus, as someone who every year has hope, I will support him and enjoy the journey.

Thanks for the response. While I agree Kiffin has assembled a top-notch staff, he did not have to spare any resources in getting there - an advantage Brewster and Mason did not have.

While he was an OC I am not ready to say he is any more prepared coming in. He shared that role and is much more immature/younger. Having coached against him when he was in HS I still can't believe he's old enough to coach - makes me feel old.

We'll see how Brew does. I hope in a few years you'll have to say you judged too quickly. My hope his work ethic and enthusiasm transfer into wins. I'm going to give him my full support. After all, he just took advantage of an opportunity Maturi gave him. Thus, as someone who every year has hope, I will support him and enjoy the journey.

I respect your opinion though mine differs and I appreciate you sharing your differing viewpoint with me in a professional and courteous manner.

Kinda odd that Kiffen just had to take all the tests on coaches rules and regulations and recruiting what...a month or so ago and he already had them wrong.

I stated that Kiffin made a mistake, which he clearly did and should not have said that without knowing for sure that he was correct but he was reprimanded and at the end of the day the only people he has to answer to are the NCAA and the University of Tennessee. I however feel imo that Kiffin would have been a better hire as stated before and time will tell if I am right or wrong, I think his recruiting ability is atleast on par with Brewster's but I feel as a head coach that he is better prepared than Brewster after having been a coordinator in the past. I also think he has done a good job of putting together a top notch experienced staff and he comes with a built in world class defensive coordinator. I will agree that Kiffin is not as smooth and slick in front of the media and public as Brewster is, but the most important thing to me is how skilled are you coaching on gameday and in a recruits living room. I have also never said that Urban Meyer is not a great coach he is and acquired those skills by working his way up through the ranks, I just simply stated that he may not be universally liked in the SEC and I would never want a coach to publicly admit that your school is not his dream. I was in no way attempting to compare his coaching ability to that of Mason's either, was just equating what I felt every time Mason's eye wandered with what some Florida fans may feel, except I would imagine it might be worse with the success he has had and worrying about losing it if his dream job comes calling again.

At the time Brewster was hired, my first choice was Kiffin because of his track record and his ties to Minnesota. But after the last two months of gaffes, I'm beginning to wonder about Kiffin. He's made all kinds of enemies with some utterly ridiculous statements. The whole Nu'keese Richardson incident is troubling on a bunch of levels, not just because of his accusation of Meyer cheating, but also because he texted Richardson's high school coach pretending to be Nu'keese. WTF???? On top of that, he accused folks in Pahokee of forging signatures and delaying the sending of LOIs in an effort to "control" where kids are going to school. Again, WTF????

These are really troubling signs. First, he comes off as a middle-schooler with the texting thing, a liar with the false charge against Meyer and just plain nuts with the accusation against Pahokee High School. I'm not sure what will happen next, but one thing's for sure, UT is going to have to keep him under wraps at some point, because at the rate he's going, Volunteer land is going to become a laughing stock....

I've always enjoyed reading Bruce Jenkins of the San Francisco Chronicle. I consider him to be a sensible guy and a great writer. Here's what he has to say about Lane Kiffin in today's column.

"If you don't care for Lane Kiffin, you're going to savor the Tennessee football season, because he'll be a big-time failure. Tossing a "cheat" accusation at Urban Meyer? This guy isn't cocky, he's just an idiot. Mark it down, Sept. 19: Florida 55, Tennessee 3."

As for me, I have no opinion.

Kiffin may end up being a winner, but he has already shown that he doesn't represent his school as well Brewster. Slandering reknown good guy coach Urban Meyer is not a good way to figure head a program. Tucking tail and making a public apology looks even worse.

sounds like kiffen is bringing only shame and disgrace to tennessee, so far...from cbs sports below...

Kiffin's Tennessee train is already derailing
Feb. 8, 2009
By Gregg Doyel National Columnist

You can do what new Tennessee football coach Lane Kiffin did a few days ago, and it would fine by me. You can steal a recruit from Florida, rub it in at a booster meeting, then mock Florida's Urban Meyer for getting beaten for the player despite cheating.

You can do all those things and be in the clear -- as long as you satisfy one condition:

Be right.

That's all. Just get your facts straight. Truth is a defense here. Call out another coach for cheating, even after stealing one of his recruits, and you're serving the greater good. Cheaters suck. Call them out. Every time.

Just be right about it.

Kiffin got it wrong when he gloated about stealing Florida commitment Nu'Keese Richardson, noting Meyer had called Richardson's cell phone while the kid was visiting Tennessee. "Just so you know," Kiffin told the crowd, "you can't call a recruit (when he's) on another campus. I love the fact that Urban had to cheat and still didn't get him."

The crowd roared, because that's what large groups of stupid people do when given the chance. They roar. And they were wrong, because Kiffin was wrong. Meyer didn't "cheat." The rule Kiffin cited? It doesn't exist. The SEC reprimanded Kiffin for being a buffoon, and Kiffin issued a lame apology that began: "If I offended ..."

If you offended?

Bad accusation. Bad apology. Big shock? Nope. Kiffin's a dope. Tennessee hasn't gotten the memo yet, but it will. The SEC doesn't lie. Coach a few years in that league, and you are what you are. If you're a great coach, you'll win games and maybe even a conference or national championship. If you're an average coach, you'll hang around a few years before getting the boot. And if you're an idiot, well, you're screwed.

Kiffin's screwed. This episode proves it. Because you don't tattletale on another coach for cheating, and do it in a setting as public as a gathering of almost 1,000 boosters, unless you're right. And unless you know you're right. A great coach definitely would know if he's right. An average coach probably would know. An idiot coach? He doesn't even know how he got his job in the first place. That's Kiffin. He literally doesn't understand why he is who he is.

And that's why Lane Kiffin was the wrong guy to try what he tried. When you're born on third base and fool yourself into thinking you've hit a triple, you lack the status to call out the biggest, baddest coach on your block. That's why this whole thing backfired on Kiffin. Because he was the wrong guy.

Lane Kiffin's SEC career is off to a bumpy start at Tennessee. (AP)
Who's the right guy? The right guy, frankly, would have been someone like Urban Meyer. Someone who won a lot of games at Bowling Green, then put up a perfect season at Utah, and then after all that scratching and clawing got the job at Florida ... where he won two national championships in his first four years. Only a man like Meyer, a self-made man -- a winner -- has the bearing to pull off what Kiffin was trying to pull off.

Kiffin is so anti-Urban, he should answer to "Rural."

Rural Kiffin has no status, no standing, no résumé. He was born sucking on Daddy's silver spoon, the son of longtime NFL assistant Monte Kiffin using his DNA to get a job with Pete Carroll at Southern California. Rural Kiffin then tapped into the charisma of Carroll and the tradition of USC and the glamour of Los Angeles, and used all of that to become known, by knuckleheads, as a recruiting whiz. Sure he is. You, too, could be a recruiting whiz for Pete Carroll at USC. So could I.

Rural Kiffin is no whiz. He has accomplished nothing. Do you understand me? Nothing. The NFL's most deranged owner hired him as coach, but that says more about Al Davis than Kiffin. But going 5-15 with Oakland says plenty about Kiffin.

Look, the guy's going to flop at Tennessee. You know it. I know it. Hell, I knew it before he was hired. Here's what I wrote in October, five weeks before he got the Tennessee job, about the Lane Kiffin Candidacy Phenomenon. I knew his fake résumé, like a rapper's gold teeth, would attract some weak soul's attention. Knew he'd be hired. Figured he'd fall on his face.

And he's already falling.

This is the first in what will be a series of public embarrassments for Kiffin. He's in over his head, and he's not smart enough to know it. A smarter man would understand where he came from and how he got where he was and lay low, out of the public eye. He wouldn't draw too much attention, because when you live in a glass house like Kiffin and start throwing stones, you end up with rocks in your kitchen.

A sharper coach, one with a better feel for himself and his business, wouldn't go out of his way to tick off the one guy in the SEC who has the players, the style and the cruelty to get even on the field. Meyer is all of those things, including cruel, and I'm not ripping him for it. Want to win at the highest level in college football? Then you better have some killer instinct. Meyer has it. The entire Georgia sideline celebrated a touchdown against Florida in 2007 by running onto the field, and Meyer retaliated one year later by winning 49-10 and calling two late timeouts to rub it in.

Urban Meyer can be cruel, but in a league as brutal as the SEC, nice guys finish last. So do dumb guys, and Rural Kiffin's first major move as the head coach at Tennessee was stupid.

Anybody but me think ...

they way over paid for Monte? I was never impressed with him when he was with the Vikes (although I tend to compare him -- not too favorably -- with Dungy).

Wow, that article is aggressive. I don't know either man personally, but my impressions of both Kiffin and Meyer are that those are two seriously LARGE egos. I've never been a fan of Meyer, but something about Kiffin bugs - Sept. 19th (in Gainesville) should be fun!

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