If the U goes affirmative action...

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Almost all of us would love to have Dungy - and this has been true for decades. But there is no black Knute Rockne out there: Sumlin, Strong, Shannon are all rookie coaches. Will the U once again commit coaching suicide, this time by putting affirmative action ahead of common sense? I don't think so, but the media campaign for Sumlin makes you wonder. After 40 years in the wilderness, we need a Moses - and he doesn't have to have an affirmative action profile.

I agree that race should not be the deciding factor in this. That being said, I find it interesting that you would consider Sumlin, Strong, or Shannon to be coaching suicide. Strong should have gotten the nod over Brewster last time around and is over .500 in his first year, Sumlin is 21-12 at HOUSTON(!) with a 10-win season, and Shannon has improved the Miami program each year he has been there (a possible sign that he can actually coach his own players).

My hope is that you, and anyone else going down this road, would not look at these coaches as bad hires simply because they are black or would think that the only reason they might get the MN nod is that they are black. All three are good coaches that I would be very happy to have.

By the way Great Plains Gopher Moses was kind of a Jew so that may be a problem for you. Also an affirmative action hire.

This thread illustrates the kind of ignorance that ignores the fact that Brewster was an undeserving hire, who got a job because of connections and White racial privilege. But he will never get saddled with the baggage of being called "an affirmative action hire." Being Black doesn't make any candidate under-qualified, and that suggestion is blatantly racist. Every once in awhile, in an attempt to intellectualize simple bigotry, you forget to take off your robe and hood. Peek-a-boo! I see you.

I'm fine with Sumlin as a fallback hire, but our program is now in a spot where we need a proven BCS coach if at all possible. If we settle for Sumlin (or Calhoun, Golden, etc.) I want it to be because we tried for Harbough, Richt, Belotti, etc. and struck out. Not because he was pushed to the front of the line for non-football reasons. The most high profile person at the U is Tubby Smith. Any attempts to paint the U as not giving minorities proper consideration seems silly and out-of-line to me.

Another post with zero factual evidence to support the claim made. Those media campaigns at Cinncinnati, Kansas, Louisville, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Tennessee suggesting Sumlin as a qualified candidate for the head coach position were just awful.........

No one is going to push a minority hire to the front of the line just because he is a minority and the obsession with this worry around here is deeply troubling to me.

...White racial privilege.

..."an affirmative action hire."

...that suggestion is blatantly racist.

Let me highlight a few of your sentences to boil down the essence of what you just wrote. Can you please post your inside information that lead to your slandering of Brewster, Maturi and probably others inside and out of the athletic department? If it is true and Brewster was hired just because he is white than I would like the responsible parties removed from our AD. If you can't then please don't post slander.

As to the original point and post, which in my opinion was written with an inflammatory slant, there is a nugget of truth there. The resumes of the available minority coaches just don't compare to some of the big name's being thrown around. In my mind it is a numbers game. What are there, 8, minority head coaches? When you're trying to get a well established previously successful head coach the sheer number of white coaches means you're likely to end up with one.

This whole post (and the initial poster) is just plain sad.

The University will get the best coach available for under $2.25 million per year (my guess anyway) that is willing to take the job and that does not pose a serious public relations and/or academic integrity threat.

Of course there are no black Knute Rockne's out there - there also aren't any white Knute Rockne's out there (not that we could afford and would want to be here anyway).

It does look, however, that a hire of Kevin Sumlin or other minority coach will bring out the racists on this board :(

My gut feeling is that this is a way of making waves by the Strib and PP, since they seem to have no real inside info on the process. Lots of coaches may be great possibilities, including assistants and coaches from DII and III, but I just have no enthusiasm for coaches in their third or fourth years of HC. Too much time has gone by, too many risks taken in the past didn't work out. For good or ill, the administration is pushed into looking at big deal DI winning coaches. As some have pointed out, there may be more of them willing to relocate than we realize.

So then Harbaugh is chopped liver in your book...

with his 23-21 overall record at Stanford, his 16-15 Pac Ten record and his finishes of 7th place, 6th place and a tie for 2nd place in the Pac Ten. Since he is only in his fourth season this year, according to your logic, he should not even be looked at as a replacement for Brewster. Something is wrong out there on the plains...must be in great pain out on the plain...

This thread illustrates the kind of ignorance that ignores the fact that Brewster was an undeserving hire, who got a job because of connections and White racial privilege. But he will never get saddled with the baggage of being called "an affirmative action hire." Being Black doesn't make any candidate under-qualified, and that suggestion is blatantly racist. Every once in awhile, in an attempt to intellectualize simple bigotry, you forget to take off your robe and hood. Peek-a-boo! I see you.

I always wondered why Brewster got the job.

with his 23-21 overall record at Stanford, his 16-15 Pac Ten record and his finishes of 7th place, 6th place and a tie for 2nd place in the Pac Ten. Since he is only in his fourth season this year, according to your logic, he should not even be looked at as a replacement for Brewster. Something is wrong out there on the plains...must be in great pain out on the plain...


Talking out off both sides gets old pretty quick.

You know what I find hilarious about this post? Moses wasn't white.

At the risk of being called a racist, I'm in favor of sticking with the best head coach with prior positive experience as a head coach in college football. That coach could be black, white, Hispanic, green or pink, I don't care. After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness with the exception of a couple seasons under Mason we need the best person available. I don't think the U has to apologize to anyone for our affirmative action type hires when you consider what our basketball program has done. Littlejohn in women's bball, Haskins and Tubby now should erase any use of the "r" word. Overuse of the word is like crying wolf, it tends to diminish the effect when used indiscriminately and does a disservice to a black coach, if hired.

Almost all of us would love to have Dungy - and this has been true for decades. But there is no black Knute Rockne out there: Sumlin, Strong, Shannon are all rookie coaches. Will the U once again commit coaching suicide, this time by putting affirmative action ahead of common sense? I don't think so, but the media campaign for Sumlin makes you wonder. After 40 years in the wilderness, we need a Moses - and he doesn't have to have an affirmative action profile.


Harbaugh has been HC seven years (three years, including two 11-1 seasons at U of San Diego). So he's 52-21 or something like that. Plus pro assisrtant experience, QB coach in pros, great college career himself (in the Big Ten) and is succeeding in a very tough conference. I'd settle for Moses, too, if he'd come back for the job.

This thread illustrates the kind of ignorance that ignores the fact that Brewster was an undeserving hire, who got a job because of connections and White racial privilege. But he will never get saddled with the baggage of being called "an affirmative action hire." Being Black doesn't make any candidate under-qualified, and that suggestion is blatantly racist. Every once in awhile, in an attempt to intellectualize simple bigotry, you forget to take off your robe and hood. Peek-a-boo! I see you.

I'm gonna be up front....I'm stealing what you said and using it later as my own!:clap:

I think most Gopher fans would be happy with a coach of any ethnicity so long as he's white.

I think most Gopher fans would be happy with a coach of any ethnicity so long as he's white.

I like you. You can be better than that comment. The most suitable candidate will be picked for the U, no matter what color he happens to be.

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