PiPress: Gordy Shaw endorses Kevin Sumlin


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Nov 11, 2008
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"He would be an outstanding candidate for that job," said Shaw, now the University of Hawaii offensive line coach. "He's a great coach. He's young. He's energetic. He knows what he wants to do and understands the game. He made the natural progression from a position coach to a coordinator to a head coach and knows what kind of program he wants to run."

Go Gophers!!

Gordie Shaw's recommendation makes it more of an incentive to not hire him.

Why does our media make it a point to seek out advice from people fired by the University?


"He would be an outstanding candidate for that job," said Shaw, now the University of Hawaii offensive line coach. "He's a great coach. He's young. He's energetic. He knows what he wants to do and understands the game. He made the natural progression from a position coach to a coordinator to a head coach and knows what kind of program he wants to run."

Go Gophers!!

Gordy wants a job.

Gordie Shaw's recommendation makes it more of an incentive to not hire him.

Why does our media make it a point to seek out advice from people fired by the University?

You make Gordy's leaving sound like he did something wrong. By all accounts, he did a great job here and nicely filled in during the transition from Mason to Brewster. Technically, he wasn't fired, his contract wasn't renewed because we changed head coaches. Now Gordy's behavior after he left does influence how people react to any statement he gives towards the Gopher's.

Gordie Shaw's recommendation makes it more of an incentive to not hire him.

Why does our media make it a point to seek out advice from people fired by the University?

To answer your question, it is because the rolodex is a bit empty for many of the local hacks. They talk to whoever will answer the phone.

As for coaching, Shaw does know his stuff. He made a lot of folks happy with the way he comported himself upon his dismissal, but he is a solid line coach (even if he is not the savior many here have made him out to be).

You make Gordy's leaving sound like he did something wrong. By all accounts, he did a great job here and nicely filled in during the transition from Mason to Brewster. Technically, he wasn't fired, his contract wasn't renewed because we changed head coaches. Now Gordy's behavior after he left does influence how people react to any statement he gives towards the Gopher's.

What did he do during those 18 days? Was he the best at cleaning out his offense? Did he work hard to keep recruits such as Jones and Watts committed to the Gophers?

If Brewster had kept the offense in place, and spent his time working on defense, he might still be here.

So what if a bunch of overserved so called boosters...

got their undies in a bunch getting mad at Gordy Shaw? Those guys drink too much and spend too much time together deciding which person to try to hate on. Then they come up with a groupie "opinion" that they try to use to try to "group on" and assasinate their new-found enemy with. The thing is, that too many other people have witnessed the great work that their target has done over the years.

I'm looking through you Gordy Shaw haters. I say he is a great coach and a very good man. I give a great deal of creedence to what he has to say about the search for a new coach at the University of Minnesota.

I am now officially advocating that who ever is named new coach at the U of M should bring Gordy Shaw back to help rebuild from the mess that maturi and the administration gave us with that failed brewball experiment.

Gordy Shaw is one darn good coach and we need him back in the University of Minnesota Football Program!!!!!

Gordy Shaw did an excellent job coaching the Offensive Line for the Gophers. He coached the Defensive Line under Wacker. He was coaching here longer than any Gopher coaches other than possibly Butch Nash. I am guessing on that. I believe he has a lot invested in the program and truly cares about it as much as a lot of fans do. He was a recruiter in the Minnesota / Dakota/Wisconsin territory. I think that Brewster shafted him by letting him walk after Gordy held together the football program and recruiting after Mason was fired. Our offense could have benefited from his coaching the last few years.
My bigger beef with the media is why they immediately named Marc Trestman as an early favorite for the HC position. He transferred on his own to Moorhead St. from the U of M. Gordy showed more loyalty to the program than he did. Why is he even a name they advanced as a candidate?

You make Gordy's leaving sound like he did something wrong. By all accounts, he did a great job here and nicely filled in during the transition from Mason to Brewster. Technically, he wasn't fired, his contract wasn't renewed because we changed head coaches. Now Gordy's behavior after he left does influence how people react to any statement he gives towards the Gopher's.

I'm not bashing Shaw for it. Hell, if I were in his shoes I'd be talking to the Minnesota media constantly.

My point is, why would any serious journalist ever even place a call/send an e-mail/etc. to him? I hate that they talk to Glen Mason, but he at least makes some sense because he's a paid analyst for the Big Ten Network. But continuing to look to Shaw for quotes is beyond senseless.

(By the way, that question was more rhetorical than anything. There is only one serious sports journalist working in the Twin Cities, and he has a blog at http://www.fringebowlteamblog.com.)

got their undies in a bunch getting mad at Gordy Shaw? Those guys drink too much and spend too much time together deciding which person to try to hate on. Then they come up with a groupie "opinion" that they try to use to try to "group on" and assasinate their new-found enemy with. The thing is, that too many other people have witnessed the great work that their target has done over the years.

I'm looking through you Gordy Shaw haters. I say he is a great coach and a very good man. I give a great deal of creedence to what he has to say about the search for a new coach at the University of Minnesota.

I am now officially advocating that who ever is named new coach at the U of M should bring Gordy Shaw back to help rebuild from the mess that maturi and the administration gave us with that failed brewball experiment.

Gordy Shaw is one darn good coach and we need him back in the University of Minnesota Football Program!!!!!

Dude, if the stories about his behavior after being let go are true, he should never be allowed back in Minnesota again, absolutely shameful and disgusting. He burned every bridge possible and you want him back? He can rot in Hawaii forever as far as I'm concerned.

I'm interested in what other college coaches think are good coaching choices, but I'd be more interested in what coaches say who have to stake in this, direct or indirect.

The fringe guy is out there competing with GOPHERHOLE in asking for contributions. Let him take out an ad here rather than to try to grab some free ads here. This is a dog eat dog world, so don't hurt the fundraising efforts of this blog by hyping somebody else on this site. That's how your plug for his site grabs me any way. ; 0 )

I have not heard any stories regarding his behavior . Can you inform me?

Gordy Shaw is nothing. Trust me, great coaches get noticed and hired. Where is Gordy now? Where has he been since he was fired here beside coming on Gopher chats and ripping new coaches? I have zero respect for Mr. Shaw and the further from the program he is, the better as far as I am concerned.

The fringe guy is out there competing with GOPHERHOLE in asking for contributions. Let him take out an ad here rather than to try to grab some free ads here. This is a dog eat dog world, so don't hurt the fundraising efforts of this blog by hyping somebody else on this site. That's how your plug for his site grabs me any way. ; 0 )

What are you, the legal team for GopherHole.com? I'll plug any site I damn well please. If the moderators don't want other URLs posted here, they'll tell me. Don't worry about it, Crazy.

Gordy was a good line coach who also had some very real personal love and devotion for MN and wanting to remain there. Not justifying his behavior by any means, but his not being retained was more then just a job taken away. It was personal. Though he was a good line coach who did the most with the players he had and was probably the key reason the Gophers were able to run the way they did, the lines were not perfect and good DLines, such as OS were able to neutralize them.

dp: you plug the silly little fringey blog and I'll plug...

the Bring Gordy Shaw back to the Gophers campaign! The Gophers will need Gordy when the rebuilding starts!

the Bring Gordy Shaw back to the Gophers campaign!

Oh no! Not that! Anything but that!

I mean, writing long rambling diatribes pushing your agendas are certainly novel approaches for you!

got their undies in a bunch getting mad at Gordy Shaw? Those guys drink too much and spend too much time together deciding which person to try to hate on. Then they come up with a groupie "opinion" that they try to use to try to "group on" and assasinate their new-found enemy with. The thing is, that too many other people have witnessed the great work that their target has done over the years.

I'm looking through you Gordy Shaw haters. I say he is a great coach and a very good man. I give a great deal of creedence to what he has to say about the search for a new coach at the University of Minnesota.

I am now officially advocating that who ever is named new coach at the U of M should bring Gordy Shaw back to help rebuild from the mess that maturi and the administration gave us with that failed brewball experiment.

Gordy Shaw is one darn good coach and we need him back in the University of Minnesota Football Program!!!!!

Who are these overserved boosters you are talking about?

the Bring Gordy Shaw back to the Gophers campaign! The Gophers will need Gordy when the rebuilding starts!

you are either trying to get people riled up by saying such a stupid thing, are nuts, or you are joking, I can't tell.

His behavior in 07 doesn't make you sick to your stomach? If not, you are no gopher fan, period.

He is NOT a good man if those reports of publicly ripping the program and coaches in front of recruits and parents of players are true, and by all accounts they have truth to them.
Oh and BTW, his lines were awful against defenses worth a damn.

Two names I'd love never be brought up again in the same breath as Gopher football, Gordy Shaw and Glen Mason. Both did harm to the program, both are long gone, let them stay gone.

you are either trying to get people riled up by saying such a stupid thing, are nuts, or you are joking, I can't tell.

His behavior in 07 doesn't make you sick to your stomach? If not, you are no gopher fan, period.

He is NOT a good man if those reports of publicly ripping the program and coaches in front of recruits and parents of players are true, and by all accounts they have truth to them.

Oh and BTW, his lines were awful against defenses worth a damn.

Two names I'd love never be brought up again in the same breath as Gopher football, Gordy Shaw and Glen Mason. Both did harm to the program, both are long gone, let them stay gone.

This is the bottom line. Couldnt compete against tougher D's.

This is the bottom line. Couldnt compete against tougher D's.

Huh? 424 Yards rushing against Michigan?

I am not a Gordy Shaw advocate but any one of us on here would jump at the chance to have that running game back. The only time our running game failed to a large extent was when facing 10-man fronts late in games when the opposing D knew Mason wouldn't call a pass if his life depended on it. That's hardly Shaw's or the offensive line's fault. Mason brought that on himself by refusing to develop a semblance of a passing option late in games other than a 15-yard fade route to the tallest receiver that happened to be playing

Buddy buddy

Let's just say you were on a coaching staff with another coach and a newspaper writer called and asked your opinion on that coach. What are you going to say if you are friends with the guy? "No, I really think Kevin would be a bad choice." or "If I were MN, I wou8ld go in a different direction". I mean it is ridiculous these endorsements. What do they expect them to say?

Ole, a LOT of things make me feel not so well about what goes on...

What Brewster said when he took over. The 2007 football season (1-11 overall and 0-8Big Ten.) The way people failed to see Brewster's flaws and tried to blame all of Brewster's inadequacies on the previous coaching staff. The way the brewcrew apologists attempted to silence any voices that did not fall in line with the brewball propoganda machine. The 55-0 beatdown for the last game in the dome. The way that young Mr. Weber has been brutalized by the same crowd that made excuse after excuse for Brewster.

I sincerely want Gordy Shaw back helping to bring the Gopher Program back from the Brewster disaster. He saw the problems and perhaps he said something about the problems. Brewster promptly went 1-11 overall and 0-8 in Big Ten play. He could see the direction...or directions...or the lack of direction that Brewster was taking this team in. And, the brewball apologists grew outraged...and attempted to do damage control.

Well, with a record of 6 Big Ten wins and 21 Big Ten losses, Brewster was fired in mid-season in 2010.

Gordy Shaw was right about Brewster IF he ever said that Brewster didn't know what he was doing and was going to run the program into the ground. Guess what Ole, Brewster ran this program into the ground. He was 15-30 overall and 6-21 in Big Ten play.

I do want Gordy Shaw to be one of the new head coache's assistants in the University of Minnesota Football Program again. He is a good coach and can coach players up. He knows the territory. He IS a football coach. IF he said anything about brewball and what Brewster was doing to the program...he was RIGHT!

(By the way, that question was more rhetorical than anything. There is only one serious sports journalist working in the Twin Cities, and he has a blog at

Nice try you clown. I wouldn't click that link if my life depended on it.

He did coach with Sumlin, so there's at least an angle here. I thought Doogie's seeking him out for comment in a more open-ended article was a stretch of sorts, but Doogie said he called over 30 guys and not everyone got back to him so he went with what he had.

I don't know if I want Shaw back or not. It has to say something that none of Mason's assistants seem to be in very high demand. Tony Petersen seems to be the only one who has moved up in responsibility and that is at a MAC school (Marshall, his alma mater).

I'll let the new guy figure this out.

iamthewalrus, I think the pertinent point is that in a business like college football, you probably hold your tongue, regardless of what you're feeling, when you head out the door. I'm old school and you win or lose with grace. You end up digging your own grave if you don't.

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