Status of the Rose Bowl turf?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Maturi did not address this all important question during the press conference or on last night's show, but what will become of Rose Bowl turf that Coach Brew has transplanted to the Football Building?

Maybe they move it over to the Hall of Fame room at TCF Bank Stadium, next to the traveling trophy case. They can then post the Brewster ex coach portrait (they all have one) above it.

Maybe they may have already removed it, or better yet transplanted it in Joel's yard. Seriously has anyone seen it lately?

I heard that he took it with him.

Maturi did not address this all important question during the press conference or on last night's show, but what will become of Rose Bowl turf that Coach Brew has transplanted to the Football Building?

Maybe they move it over to the Hall of Fame room at TCF Bank Stadium, next to the traveling trophy case. They can then post the Brewster ex coach portrait (they all have one) above it.

Maybe they may have already removed it, or better yet transplanted it in Joel's yard. Seriously has anyone seen it lately?

I haven't seen it, but if wouldn't upset me if it made a reappearance up your ass.

Seriously, Brew is gone, lay off the hate.

I haven't seen it, but if wouldn't upset me if it made a reappearance up your ass.

Seriously, Brew is gone, lay off the hate.

Another Kool Aid drinker who cannot handle a little humor. I think we long suffering fans deserve to have a little fun with the past absurdity. Sorry your delicate sensibilities were offended.

I heard that the marching band is going down University with it.

It's that kind of stuff that makes me wonder why Brewster ever abandoned the role of recruiting coordinator? He was born to be a recruiting coordinator and I would hire him as a recruiting coordinator but the gimmicks were unbelievable for the face of a program.

Another Kool Aid drinker who cannot handle a little humor. I think we long suffering fans deserve to have a little fun with the past absurdity. Sorry your delicate sensibilities were offended.

I think I qualify as a bit more than a standard Kool Aid drinker. That said, I am not normally one to get involved in pissing matches. I apologize for overreacting a bit. I think this season has been so tense, and the Brewster situation has caused so much vitriol, that I am predisposed to be more on edge than usual.

I sincerely apologize.

Ha. Awesome thread.

I hope it's still around somewere. Ideally, they would put it in one of the TCF corridors so we could at least get a sense of what the Rose Bowl turf looks like. Then, when we finally get to one, we burn it in a massive, statewide ceremony.

Just imagine the catharsis.

It was growing on me early in the season, but I've cooled on it lately.

I heard that the marching band is going down University with it.


They wanted to, but the administration shot them down, so they just threw it in the fountain on the crappy plaza out front.....

Our team is venturing into the realm of fun-bad. We should expand on this as much as possible. Maybe we can make some Onion style articles?

Rose Bowl Grass Planted in St. Paul Animal Farm, Quickly Shat On By Goat.

The Turf Science department looking to expand sample to 360 ft x 160 ft so that the team can be 100% ready for Rose Bowl conditions.

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