Iowa tickets for sale on Gophersports


Gov. Victory Bell Ringer
Nov 20, 2008
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Looks like Iowa tickets are now available on

Thanks for the lead. Just bought 50 for our group and let Hawkeye nation know it's free tickets in Minny. Most will wait until youre paying us to attend the game. Nows your chance gopher fans to sell those tickets to the clueless hawkeyes and make your payments on your season tickets up in one game. Tickets are everywhere. I got mine closest to the goalpost

Nice job Darren-not!

This hawk idiot must have just sold a load of hogs if he bought 50 tickets.

It was an Iowa friend who told me so the secret was already out. It ticks me off that back in August when single-game tickets went on sale they weren't selling the Iowa game. But now when our fan base has shrunk they decide to put them on sale when they will definitely be picked up by the opposition. Once again, nice job by the brains of the athletic department and the ticket office.

It is probably time to start protesting Maturi and prexy b. They truely do need to go even before Brewster. Is Maturi inviting the Iowa band to come to the game too?

It's a great system as long as we're all o.k. with half the stadium in gold and black.

Can't be that many tickets available unless our student section bails out.

Thanks for the lead. Just bought 50 for our group and let Hawkeye nation know it's free tickets in Minny. Most will wait until youre paying us to attend the game. Nows your chance gopher fans to sell those tickets to the clueless hawkeyes and make your payments on your season tickets up in one game. Tickets are everywhere. I got mine closest to the goalpost

Hey, how come Hawkeye fans will make the trip all the way up to the Big City for a football game, but you can't manage to put more than a couple hundred into Carver-Hawkeye arena during hoops season?

I can only assume the Mall of America is too much a pull to keep your brethren away.

Rest assured - whatever befalls the Gophers in football this season against the Hawkeyes, will be returned to on your basketball 'team'.

Hey, how come Hawkeye fans will make the trip all the way up to the Big City for a football game, but you can't manage to put more than a couple hundred into Carver-Hawkeye arena during hoops season?

I can only assume the Mall of America is too much a pull to keep your brethren away.

Rest assured - whatever befalls the Gophers in football this season against the Hawkeyes, will be returned to on your basketball 'team'.

ya the hawks are pretty bad in basketball for some time now, iowa's not really a basketball state. Now hockey, thats another story, Iowa hockey is a real powerhouse. They only sign in state talent. Iowa isnt known for basketball and the university of MN isnt known for football, its a fact. Still think Brewster is gonna deliver the rosebowl? I do, to the hawks on nov 27th, half time silver platter, mark it down

It is probably time to start protesting Maturi and prexy b. They truely do need to go even before Brewster. Is Maturi inviting the Iowa band to come to the game too?

Have you ever paid attention to college football?

There's nothing wrong with inviting the visiting band. In fact, I would encourage it - as do most schools. Watch any SEC game and you'll see (and hear) the opposing band in the stadium.

The bigger blunder is not having the resources to be able to have our band travel anywhere.

ya the hawks are pretty bad in basketball for some time now, iowa's not really a basketball state. Now hockey, thats another story, Iowa hockey is a real powerhouse. They only sign in state talent. Iowa isnt known for basketball and the university of MN isnt known for football, its a fact. Still think Brewster is gonna deliver the rosebowl? I do, to the hawks on nov 27th, half time silver platter, mark it down

Apparently you weren't around for the Dr. Tom Davis era? Hawkeye hoops was pretty damn big in those days. I guess you forgot.

If you're suggesting that Iowa is 'known for football', then slow your roll. You guys are known for 2 things. Wrestling and corn.

Just bought 4 tickets in section 246. I'm taking probably three Iowa fans with me. Oh well, its a tradition, I've been to every Iowa/MN game since 2000. There's gonna be A LOT of Iowa fans there, especially if they are contending for the Big Ten Championship. I'll be screaming for my beloved maroon and gold though!

Go Gophers!
Fire Brew!

josh: I've been following gopher football for over half a century...

It is ONE thing to invvite a rival's band when there are only 3,000 rivals fans in your stadium and it is ANOTHER when your stadium becomes "kinnick north..." At that point in time, who is the home band and which is the visiting band? It is one thing for a visiting team to take their band to the BIG HOUSE in Ann Arbor where there are 110,000 Michigan fans, 3,000 visiting fans and the visiting band. That's kind of how it just doesn't work when the visiting team fills half the stadium with their fans and at times outnumber the home team fans. You DO NOT allow wisky or iowa to bring their band when they outnumber US.

Do you recall that 2008 game and all the crap the iowa people were doing in the dome? Even in the bathrooms? iowa people are rude, crude and obnoxious when they drink too much and think they can take a place over. Do they need to have their band there to play polkas for them and work their fans into a drunken frenzy?????

How about a number of years ago when they clinched the Big Ten Championship and ripped down a goal post, had to be screeched, arrested and were actually trying to carry a goal post out of the darn dome. Drunken iowa fans are dangerous. Their band can come to Minneapolis when they can only get 3,000 iowa fans into our stadium. But NOT in 2010 when our whole season has gone to pot and our students and fans will most likely bail on the game and let too many drunken iowa fans in. This would NOT be a good time for a visiting band. This is a very trying season for this old, long-time Golden Gopher fan. I do NOT want to put up with the drunken iowa hordes. 2008 was too much. maturi has GOT to go.

Have you ever paid attention to college football?

There's nothing wrong with inviting the visiting band. In fact, I would encourage it - as do most schools. Watch any SEC game and you'll see (and hear) the opposing band in the stadium.

The bigger blunder is not having the resources to be able to have our band travel anywhere.

Completely different story with the Gophers and you should know that.

As long as Gopher fans don't sell-out their team and sell tickets to Iowa fans, the Stadium will have plenty of Maroon/Gold in it with still limited numbers of Hawkeye fans beyond the 3,000 their allotted. This will be nothing like the finale at the Dome in '08 when we had an infestation of Hawkeyes.

Maturi and Brewster didn't manage to sell the casual Gopher Fans tickets

Now the U of M ticket office is selling tickets to iowa fans on So, we have our own macturian-candidate helping to paint TCF BANK STADIUM gold and black and selling tickets to the iowa hordes for a few pieces of silver.

By hand-picking our current lame-duck coach almost four complete seasons ago, prexy b and macturi insured that the football program would be struggling and that long-time Gopher season ticket holders would once again be humiliated in their own stadium by a border-battle foe.

So, it's not just Gopher season ticket holders selling their tickets to the iowa hordes that we have to worry is our own athletic department's ticket office that is "selling us out" so to speak. It is entirely possible that iowa may be playing for a piece of the Big Ten championship. They do have an excellent team. I can respect that. What I can NOT respect will be the hordes of drunken and obnoxious and possibly dangerous iowa fans who will invade OUR beautiful new TCF BANK STADIUM. And, a lot of those drunken masses and hordes of yellow and black sociopaths will have bought their tickets directly from macturi's ad department's ticket office. How much humiliation is this macturi going to be allowed to put we old, long-time Gopher Season Ticket Holders through?

I thought the 2008 fiasco was the worst I would ever have to experience as a Gopher Football Fan...well, if 2010 makes the FIRST TIME iowa has been in the stadium and they make it "kinnick north..." that will be WORSE than 2008...MUCH worse.

Apparently you weren't around for the Dr. Tom Davis era? Hawkeye hoops was pretty damn big in those days. I guess you forgot.

If you're suggesting that Iowa is 'known for football', then slow your roll. You guys are known for 2 things. Wrestling and corn.

Ya, I remember Dr. Tom, dont forget George Raveling though. That was awhile ago, we try not to live in the past too much and that to us was awhile ago. We are known for Corn yes, and many minnesotans would argue they are too. It's just funny how some many MN fans really thought ol Timmy Brewster was gonna turn the corner. NO ONE outside MN thought that, turns out they were right. I have probably been told no less then 100 times in the last 5 years....this is the year...this is the year....this is the year...rose bowl baby! We just told em good luck, glad for you guys...but this has gone WAY WAY past that. Thus the flaming, just take it like a man. Deal with it

Some folks plan on taking their seat with them after the Iowa game at the bank. Turns out they make great seats in the machine shed. I’m glad they don’t have those pesky revolving doors on the new Kinnick North, that turned out to be a real buzz kill when trying to get the goal post out of the dome. Check out stub hub, you can now buy lots of 50 at a time to the IA MN game. Make your money while you can and head out of town for the weekend for Thanksgiving, we all have a lot to be thankful for. I think my favorite part is going downtown Minny during football season only to see significantly more Hawkeyes walking around then gophers when the gophers played at home that weekend and the hawks come out to just to catch it at drinking establishment. Nice fan support you folks have. One year later and you can’t sell out the kinnick north; do we have to do marketing for you too? I'd be thanking Iowa for coming to town and filling up your seats and spending money in your economy. The breakaway goal posts will need to come down after the 3rd qtr to keep from being torn out of the ground on the Hawks pit stop to Pasadena. I heard they had private family bathrooms too for those fans who needed a little extra privacy

Note to macturi: bring in a LOT of Minnea"police" cops and give them multiple stun guns to use at random in the stands, on the campus or where ever iowa drunken hordes congregate. In Minneapolis, the cops act first in protecting the interests of the city. Take them DOWN (town) and book 'em if things get out of hand! Show 'em the long-arm of the law! Then show them just how "blind" justice really can be when mobs of drunks start trouble.

Just a note to remind people from iowa who plan to cause trouble that law enforcement in the Big City is probably a bit more robust than it is in iowa city. And I am sure that with iowa's reputation, the LAW will be ready to be laid down upon any drunken mob action.

I remember after the Iowa fans vandalized the Metrodome, they gloated that we didn't physically attack them to prevent them from tearing down the goalposts. I'd hate to be an ungracious host, so I'd give them what they demand. Storm our field, and I'd send out billy clubs, attack dogs, tear gas, firehoses and rubber bullets. Snipers might be a little bit over the top though.

Note to macturi: bring in a LOT of Minnea"police" cops and give them multiple stun guns to use at random in the stands, on the campus or where ever iowa drunken hordes congregate. In Minneapolis, the cops act first in protecting the interests of the city. Take them DOWN (town) and book 'em if things get out of hand! Show 'em the long-arm of the law! Then show them just how "blind" justice really can be when mobs of drunks start trouble.

Just a note to remind people from iowa who plan to cause trouble that law enforcement in the Big City is probably a bit more robust than it is in iowa city. And I am sure that with iowa's reputation, the LAW will be ready to be laid down upon any drunken mob action.

Hang on there tiny. I for one just want to watch the game and support my team. Iowa fans are too nice to do any of that. It would be a shame and I am betting it goes without a hitch. Tickets are harder to get and many people have made other plans. Just go to the damn game, have a nice time with family and friends. Wave to Brewster in his last game, look for the tear. I for one would stop a fellow hawk from making a fool of themself. Most are polite people who just want to see the big city. Relax....ITS JUST A MESSAGE BOARD! Fans from MN Dont even support their team, football is at an ALL TIME LOW in MN.

Just called the ticket office about getting tickets for the Iowa game and the recording said that game has been sold out. How ever many there were they did'nt last long. Anyone have any idea how many tickets were made available?

There will probably be about 8000-10000 Hawkeye fans there. The tickets are plentiful enough that they aren't that expensive right now on Stub Hub. I'll be keeping my 5 tickets. If some dipsh*t wanted to offer me $1000+ for them, I'd have to think about it through.

The fact is the Iowa will probably be 8-3 going into that game so the demand won't be that high anyway because it will be for an Outback Bowl berth.

Just called the ticket office about getting tickets for the Iowa game and the recording said that game has been sold out. How ever many there were they did'nt last long. Anyone have any idea how many tickets were made available?

The unsold allotment all sold to season ticket holders. Whoever is saying this was lying. There's still plenty for sale on Stub Hub.

Just called the ticket office about getting tickets for the Iowa game and the recording said that game has been sold out. How ever many there were they did'nt last long. Anyone have any idea how many tickets were made available?

It's not sold out...just went on and searched for tickets and found some.

Called the ticket office again, the recording still states the game is sold out, so I held for a ticket office rep. and he indicated there are a few (about 20 or so) tickets remaining and available in section 246.
Stub Hub currently has (by my count) 2058 tickets available for the Gophers/Hawkeyes game on the 27th, many of these tickets are pretty pricey right now.

The cheapest pair on another ticket place that I look at is $58 per ticket. Section 215, Row 17

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