Oh boy...

My biggest fear coming into this season was Brewster losing the team and it appears that is happening. Not good!!

This team will not be successful under Brew because the players don't believe him, they think he is a fake. They only play for themselves and are not inspired. They look at Brew as a Carnie selling games at the state fair.

Now he hired Mangino as a consultant? What a postive image he holds! He came on board because he heard Minnesota has a better pre game buffet then the other Big Ten teams!

Fox 9 must have received another memo from the Mothership to further trash the public university in town and they, of course, followed suit.


Is Stoudamire transferring because he has no choice or is it because he wants to? Does Brewster want him back or not. I guess it all depends on what he did.

I don't think the person who wrote that is high on the fox 9 payroll. An intern or producer, 1/2 of his tweets are brutal. Worst sports department by far in the metro, Jim Rich awful, Dawn Mitchell not far behind.

I don't think the person who wrote that is high on the fox 9 payroll. An intern or producer, 1/2 of his tweets are brutal. Worst sports department by far in the metro, Jim Rich awful, Dawn Mitchell not far behind.

It's probably the guy from the video with Jim Rich who goes over the top to attack Brewster.

One of the best Mangino jokes was on a KU t-shirt. Imprinted on the back of the shirt was "Our coach can eat your coach" LMAO


What offense we running this year?

I was wondering if some offensive players would transfer. Brewster started with the spread and now we are running "3 yards and a cloud of dust." I think a major problem with Brewsters tenure is that we have lacked an offensive identity. The kids come here thinking we run a particular offense (the spread)...only to find that it changes the next year.

I of course would like to point out that one of the changes from going from the spread which coincidentally was about a 50/50 run to pass ration despite perception is that we now utilize fewer recievers. Three instead of four. So while our ratio of passes might have dropped by twenty percent the chances that any pass might be going a WR's way went up about the same.

Not to let facts get in the way of opinion or anything.

IMO - bad journalism. if they have something specific to report, then report it. To say that they heard somewhere that some unpecified player(s) have some unspecified gievance against the coach/program/school is incredulous.

I agree. I'd expect a story like this on cable news...not a local station.

He played db in high school. I would not want to be a WR in this offense. Sorry. Especially an undersized WR.

he played quarterback. funny how i dont think i've ever seen him throw. they tried it once with pittman. touchdown. wouldn't want to go to the well too often.

I of course would like to point out that one of the changes from going from the spread which coincidentally was about a 50/50 run to pass ration despite perception is that we now utilize fewer recievers. Three instead of four. So while our ratio of passes might have dropped by twenty percent the chances that any pass might be going a WR's way went up about the same.

Not to let facts get in the way of opinion or anything.

im sure you're right. but every pass play the gophers call has one, and only one, intended target. that's all weber can handle. it makes me laugh that everyone thinks gray is such an emerging threat. when you're told to pass to a guy, it's amazing how quickly his numbers go up. as if troy couldn't have run/caught that ugly crossing route against U.S.C. they give it to gray and all the sudden he's an all american and all big ten. "ooooh, look at his numbers." brewster and co. will do anything to make themselves try to look smart even if it means ruining the team. what a f'ing joke. and by the way, gray didn't look all that athletic running after that catch. stoudermire would've had at least another 10 or more yards. everything is politics. everything.

This team will not be successful under Brew because the players don't believe him, they think he is a fake. They only play for themselves and are not inspired. They look at Brew as a Carnie selling games at the state fair.

Now he hired Mangino as a consultant? What a postive image he holds! He came on board because he heard Minnesota has a better pre game buffet then the other Big Ten teams!


Unnamed sources indicate they will all be gone by Monday without a resounding win tonight. Ruesse has threatened to imposed the "Death Penalty" on the football program with the next loss. Souhan is said to back him. Sid (or one of his interns) is the only player in Minnesota Sports media said to be holding out to save the program. Go Huskies, err.. I mean Gophers (what is wrong with you people?).

im sure you're right. but every pass play the gophers call has one, and only one, intended target. that's all weber can handle. it makes me laugh that everyone thinks gray is such an emerging threat. when you're told to pass to a guy, it's amazing how quickly his numbers go up. as if troy couldn't have run/caught that ugly crossing route against U.S.C. they give it to gray and all the sudden he's an all american and all big ten. "ooooh, look at his numbers." brewster and co. will do anything to make themselves try to look smart even if it means ruining the team. what a f'ing joke. and by the way, gray didn't look all that athletic running after that catch. stoudermire would've had at least another 10 or more yards. everything is politics. everything.

I'm not sure that's so acurate. seven different players have receptions and our top one only has 30% of them. Seems like a pretty normal curve.

Seems you're a bit too in love with TS. I have yet to see him catch anything but a wide open pass. it's great to have a guy like Troy but, please he's not even close to being in Grays league, and it's not even Gray's position.

You're kind of goofy with this post, really got my head scratching. Maybe just too early for you?

I was wondering if some offensive players would transfer. Brewster started with the spread and now we are running "3 yards and a cloud of dust." I think a major problem with Brewsters tenure is that we have lacked an offensive identity. The kids come here thinking we run a particular offense (the spread)...only to find that it changes the next year.

exactly. but the d-bags on GH would tell these kids the following: "hey, loser, you don't have a brain, and even if you did, don't even think of using it. either you're a team player who is happy about whatever we do, or we hate you. and, so what if you were told one thing and we're doing another. it's none of your g'damn business. this isn't about your life. in fact, what your goals are, what we told you, what we probably promised you, stop bringing that up and stop thinking about that. that only mattered when we were sitting in your f'ing livingroom lying our asses off to your parents, your grandma, your minister, and your high school coach. we own your ass now and you will do what we say or otherwise you're a two-bit selfish ball player who actually sucks at his position and wouldn't get a second look from a decent team". this is the actual mentality of true loyal GH'ers, who, by the way, are whining and crying for the good ole days on GH when everything was just the way the widdle babies liked it.:cry: what a bunch of loser hypocrites!!!

I'm not sure that's so acurate. seven different players have receptions and our top one only has 30% of them. Seems like a pretty normal curve.

Seems you're a bit too in love with TS. I have yet to see him catch anything but a wide open pass. it's great to have a guy like Troy but, please he's not even close to being in Grays league, and it's not even Gray's position.

You're kind of goofy with this post, really got my head scratching. Maybe just too early for you?

you think you're so smart. shut the f up.

I am a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing genius.

You're not.

How genius were you to think the Gophers were gonna have a breakout season? Do you really want me to up that post? That "quiet confidence" sure went completely silence after the USD game, huh?

But let me stop because you know soooooooo much about football that you're never wrong...

Why do this?

If you know something and have no barrier to telling... say who.
If you know something that you're not supposed to tell... don't post this garbage to begin with.
If you don't know anything.. don't start this stuff
If you don't know, but think you might, then you really don't.. so don't start this stuff.

I just don't understand why someone would drop little clues like this and then not elaborate.

This is easy to answer. As most of you know, I get plenty of opportunities to speak with the media about gopher football related stuff. Have any of you ever read or heard from the local media a positive statement from me about the coaching staff? The answer is no (I'm almost positive).

It's not that I don't say positive things about the staff, the media chooses not to print it. You may wonder why that is? The answer is it doesn't fit their agenda. I was talking to other folks associated with the program and they have noticed the same thing. Yet funny... there is always some unnamed source that has something negative to say about coach or the program?

Here you go. A unnamed source has said that I'm the most intelligent and best looking person they have ever met. That same source has said that others feel the same way! Gotta love those unnamed sources.

It doesn't have to be a reported, legitimate controvery to cause this problem.

Again, no insider info here. But I think it could be similar to the Vikings last year, everyone knew Favre was the unquestionable starter. Yet, there were players who sided with T-Jack and players who sided with Favre, that caused the reported issues in the Vikings locker room. And also took away from the power Childress had in the locker room.

Or look at Philidelphia right now. Even tho there was no "controversy" going into the season, I would bet certain players would have much rather had Vick out there to start the season, considering all of the support he has from players now.

Trust me there is no QB controversy. If you ever see me around I will tell you why.

He played db in high school. I would not want to be a WR in this offense. Sorry. Especially an undersized WR.

Go talk to Lee Evans, Cris Chambers, David Gilreath and Issac Anderson. They either ran or run the same offense in college. I believe it has or did work out pretty well for them.

they give it to gray and all the sudden he's an all american and all big ten. "ooooh, look at his numbers." brewster and co. will do anything to make themselves try to look smart even if it means ruining the team. what a f'ing joke. and by the way, gray didn't look all that athletic running after that catch. stoudermire would've had at least another 10 or more yards. everything is politics. everything.

The back to back catches (and subsequent running after the catch) that Gray just had eclipsed what TS has shown at WR in two plus seasons.

2 more transfers are coming.

Both on Offense...1 starts & 1 doesn't...

I think it's just frustration...if no one announces they're leaving by Monday it's not happening...

What is the status of your prediction on this?

You spoke as if you were "in the know." :rolleyes:

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