Let's Talk Gophers Defense


Metrodome Era Survivor
Sep 11, 2010
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because there is not much there.

The basic concept of sports is "score more points before the end of the game than the other team and you win." Conversely, if you can keep your opponents from scoring more points than your team, you will also win.

I'm pretty sure the MTS game was a fluke for our defense.

Tackling is horrendous.
Linebackers are easily blocked because they play so close to the LOS.
DBs cannot wrap up runners.
D Line gets beat like a red headed stepchild at the LOS.

Who's fault is this?
Cosgrove? He has a lot on him mind right now, with Connor having leukemia.
What about the position coaches? Are they not getting these guys ready for each game?
What about the players? Are they even motivated?

Every programs defense has improved since he has left them. Both Barry Alvarez and Tom Osborne realized he sucked and sent him on his way, end of story.

This has been, IMO, the biggest shortcoming on the Gophers since the 1960's. A very porous defense forcing us to score at least 30 points to stay in the game and too often must come from behind. Take a look at the most successful programs both collegiate and pros. The old saying, "Offense sells tickets but Defense wins championships." rings so true. Nice to have the confidence in your defense's ability to produce 3 and outs.

I refuse to talk about something that does not exist.


I knew heading into this year we were going to be in trouble when it came to defense. You replace 9 to 11 starters from last year and it spells doom. If we had last years defense, we would be 4-0 right now or 3-1 at the very worst. Many posters told us how much better on defense we'd be this year. They were getting drunk on kool-aid.

I don't think it's Cosgrove this year. They were shredded last night up front. That has nothing to do with strategy. This year, it's who is lining up as opposed to how they are lining up.

This is the biggest disappointment for me this year. I thought the speed on the defensive side of the ball would be better, but it actually looks worse than last year.

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