The phychology of 'Brew's Crew'


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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I was somewhat surprised at how thoroughly Brew's bandwagon emptied after the USD loss. It seemed even his most ardent backers conceded that he was done. It was shocking how quickly everyone could suddenly see what the rest of us had seen since at least the SDSU game last season.

Now, here we are, 9 days later. All that's happened in the meantime is another loss, albeit one in which we played 'well' and lost by double-digits to an above-average Pac-10 team by scoring a touchdown with 9 seconds left. Yet, those on Brew's bandwagon have found their way back on board, despite their complete leaps off only a week ago. It's a remarkable show of resiliency by a long-suffering group. I am sure that a nice 7 point win over NIU will have you all back on 100% if you are not already. I am impressed at the level of your devotion. I am also saddened.

Is a decent showing in yet another loss really all it takes to reaffirm your devotion to this guy? Seriously? I know most of you are still throwing in a caveat or two when reaffirming your praise, but the # of threads once again declaring that there's 'clearly more talent' and 'Brew 'needs' a 5th season', etc. are alarming. It's gone so far as to have a thread mocking anyone who's not back on board as being a whiner.

Are we so convinced at what a terrible job this is that we're afraid we can't do better? Or do we honestly believe the drivel still being spewed by this staff? All I see is: a man commendably full of optimism, but with no ability to control it when needed, leaving him to look and sound like a fool far too often. A mediocre recruiter who has failed to enroll or develop a significant # of the ones he did sign and whose classes are slowly slipping in quality. And last, but most importantly, a poor coach who had no vision and no plan, which has done irreparable harm. Even if the current plan is the 'right plan' and the current coordinators are the 'right fit' there's no indication of a genuine ability to coach up the said talent.

So where are we left? We have a team that will need a miracle to win more then 4 games this year. Next year we will be trying to go with a new quarterback that will be either a raw talent that's spent half his time at WR or a RS sophmore. A recruiting class that will likely be middle-of-the-pack in the Big 10 or worse. Another very tough schedule that will again make winning more then 4 games unlikely. And a fan-base that will surely start staying away in droves, ruining the atmosphere at a new stadium.

The alternative is unknown. It is possible that no one reputable will want the job. But I don't think this need be the case. It was in fact only 15 years ago that this same program, minus the new stadium and in arguably worse shape, lured a coach away from the Big XII. Can we get Jim Harbough or Tony Dungy? No. Can we get Mark Richt or Les MIles if they are fired? Maybe. Maybe not. Can we get Randy Esdsall, Kevin Sumlin, Al Golden or David Cutcliff? Yes, I believe we can. And while I can't assure you they'll do any better then Brewster, I know that I like thier chances a lot more then the current coach. He's had his chance, and he's failed. I see zero reason to give him any longer then mid-November to pull a rabbit out of his hat. I would be completely disheartened to even try and get excited about 2011 if he's still here. I hope the administration feels the same and the members of Brew's Bandwagon will eventually agree.

I wouldn't call myself part of Brew's Crew, but I am going to continue supporting Gopher football while waiting to see what happens the rest of the season. Knee jerk reactions do nobody any good and I think a lot of the people you're referring to are taking the same approach I am.

A loss to NIU next week and Brew should be packing his bags. But what if we win next week and, say, go 4-4 in conference? Then I say we stick with him and see what he can do.

The season is young. We haven't played a SINGLE Big Ten conference game yet. A little patience is in order.

I wouldn't call myself part of Brew's Crew, but I am going to continue supporting Gopher football while waiting to see what happens the rest of the season. Knee jerk reactions do nobody any good and I think a lot of the people you're referring to are taking the same approach I am.

hyperbole and bile are all that is allowed on the internet. It can be this website, or any other website on the internet. They're all the same.

hyperbole and bile are all that is allowed on the internet. It can be this website, or any other website on the internet. They're all the same.

So you're saying I need to start a pissing match like everyone else on this board has been doing lately?

So you're saying I need to start a pissing match like everyone else on this board has been doing lately?

You need to call for the coach's head after a loss, call for the coach's head after a close or 'ugly' win, and talk going undefeated the rest of the way after any convincing wins. And after every incomplete pass, you need to scream to pull Weber out of the game.

I wouldn't call myself part of Brew's Crew, but I am going to continue supporting Gopher football while waiting to see what happens the rest of the season. Knee jerk reactions do nobody any good and I think a lot of the people you're referring to are taking the same approach I am.

You can still support the program even though you don't support the coach. Coaches come and go. The program will always remain.

For all the typing, time, and effort you have put into this, why not just round up those offending brew backers and send them each a PM to see what makes them tick.

Wow, I am not sure how the reactions after four years of this crap can be called knee jerk. I think they are actually well thought out and articulated reactions.

At the end of last season a lot of people wanted Brew gone already.

I thought that was too quick--- give him one more season.

After losing to South Dakota, I'm off the wagon and ready for Brew to go.

It's not that I think that loss alone was enough. It's the fact that we likely will take a step backwards this season as a whole. If we go 4-4 in conference, by all means, Brewster should keep his job. That would put him at 6-6 and bowl eligible.

However, do realists believe we can beat Northwestern, Purdue, Illinois, and Michigan State? Three games in, I'm just not seeing it. I'll be watching, I'll be cheering, but I just don't have faith in Coach Brewster anymore.

I admire his enthusiasm, I appreciate what I perceive to be his work-ethic, and I think he has run a clean program. It just doesn't mean much when you can't beat a rival and haven't given the fan base a reason to believe you're moving in the right direction.

Wow, I am not sure how the reactions after four years of this crap can be called knee jerk. I think they are actually well thought out and articulated reactions.

If you read my entire post, you would have known that I advocate a wait and see approach. Firing Brewster this week would be silly. Now, if we get to be 1-4 or 1-5 then it's time to start putting the hiring process in place for a new coach.

Again though, what if the team puts it together and goes 4-4 in the conference. What would you say then? Fire him for losing to South Dakota even if he then knocks off PSU, OSU, Wisconsin, or Iowa?

Hmmm...I guess I got a pissing match anyway.

You can still support the program even though you don't support the coach. Coaches come and go. The program will always remain.

Your point? My words were: "I will continue to support Gopher football." I never said that I'd be blood brothers with Brew.

It is as if the board cheering for the success of the team and our coach has an impact on whether Brewster is staying or not at the end of the season. Truly amazing.

However, do realists believe we can beat Northwestern, Purdue, Illinois, and Michigan State?

Not a high probability, but yes, I think we can beat those four teams and it's not out of the realm of possibility.

It is as if the board cheering for the success of the team and our coach has an impact on whether Brewster is staying or not at the end of the season. Truly amazing.

I know, some people think that their spiritual/moral/emotional support has an effect on the contract status of the head coach.

Again though, what if the team puts it together and goes 4-4 in the conference. What would you say then? Fire him for losing to South Dakota even if he then knocks off PSU, OSU, Wisconsin, or Iowa?

Hmmm...I guess I got a pissing match anyway.

No pissing match, at least not in my opinion.

I don't know, to answer your question. I think it depends on how bad the losses are and how good the victories are. I hope they either play lights out rest of the way (unlikely in my opinion) or play poorly. I find a 5-7 or 6-6 finish to be the worst case scenario. I agree, what do you do then?

No pissing match, at least not in my opinion.

I don't know, to answer your question. I think it depends on how bad the losses are and how good the victories are. I hope they either play lights out rest of the way (unlikely in my opinion) or play poorly. I find a 5-7 or 6-6 finish to be the worst case scenario. I agree, what do you do then?

Okay, not a pissing match then.

My opinion is that a .500 or better Big Ten record with one win over UW, Iowa, PSU, or OSU warrants keeping him here. .500 without beating any of those teams is a little less clear in my mind.

I'm willing to let the year play out and then decide should be done, anything less is not fair to Brewster, assistant coaches or the team. One game does not make or break a season.

You need to call for the coach's head after a loss, call for the coach's head after a close or 'ugly' win, and talk going undefeated the rest of the way after any convincing wins. And after every incomplete pass, you need to scream to pull Weber out of the game.

HAHAAH!! +1.

I was willing after last year (yes, even after that SDSU game) to give Brew this last year. I mean, even when he was first hired many many MANY MANY people were saying that the best way to judge a college coach was give him a minimum of 4-5 years to recruit, develop and play out his talent. After his first two years, I was willing to give him through year 4. 3 games into his year 4, I'm less than positive about his future with the Gophers. And fully expect a coaching change at the end of the year, barring any big wins our Gophs may get this year.

With that being said, I still hope and pray that Brew's our guy.. That his crew will turn it around and this core of young defenders develop into a leading Big Ten defense. I love his enthusiasm and how he studied and respects our history. I refuse now or ever, to hope or pray or cheer for Gopher losses just so the head coach gets fired. But if Brew's not our guy (and I'm leaning heavily towards that he isn't), when he gets fired, then will I stop my support for him.

How's that for psychology of a member of "Brew's Crew"?

I was somewhat surprised at how thoroughly Brew's bandwagon emptied after the USD loss. It seemed even his most ardent backers conceded that he was done. It was shocking how quickly everyone could suddenly see what the rest of us had seen since at least the SDSU game last season.

Now, here we are, 9 days later. All that's happened in the meantime is another loss, albeit one in which we played 'well' and lost by double-digits to an above-average Pac-10 team by scoring a touchdown with 9 seconds left. Yet, those on Brew's bandwagon have found their way back on board, despite their complete leaps off only a week ago. It's a remarkable show of resiliency by a long-suffering group. I am sure that a nice 7 point win over NIU will have you all back on 100% if you are not already. I am impressed at the level of your devotion. I am also saddened.

Is a decent showing in yet another loss really all it takes to reaffirm your devotion to this guy? Seriously? I know most of you are still throwing in a caveat or two when reaffirming your praise, but the # of threads once again declaring that there's 'clearly more talent' and 'Brew 'needs' a 5th season', etc. are alarming. It's gone so far as to have a thread mocking anyone who's not back on board as being a whiner.

Are we so convinced at what a terrible job this is that we're afraid we can't do better? Or do we honestly believe the drivel still being spewed by this staff? All I see is: a man commendably full of optimism, but with no ability to control it when needed, leaving him to look and sound like a fool far too often. A mediocre recruiter who has failed to enroll or develop a significant # of the ones he did sign and whose classes are slowly slipping in quality. And last, but most importantly, a poor coach who had no vision and no plan, which has done irreparable harm. Even if the current plan is the 'right plan' and the current coordinators are the 'right fit' there's no indication of a genuine ability to coach up the said talent.

So where are we left? We have a team that will need a miracle to win more then 4 games this year. Next year we will be trying to go with a new quarterback that will be either a raw talent that's spent half his time at WR or a RS sophmore. A recruiting class that will likely be middle-of-the-pack in the Big 10 or worse. Another very tough schedule that will again make winning more then 4 games unlikely. And a fan-base that will surely start staying away in droves, ruining the atmosphere at a new stadium.

The alternative is unknown. It is possible that no one reputable will want the job. But I don't think this need be the case. It was in fact only 15 years ago that this same program, minus the new stadium and in arguably worse shape, lured a coach away from the Big XII. Can we get Jim Harbough or Tony Dungy? No. Can we get Mark Richt or Les MIles if they are fired? Maybe. Maybe not. Can we get Randy Esdsall, Kevin Sumlin, Al Golden or David Cutcliff? Yes, I believe we can. And while I can't assure you they'll do any better then Brewster, I know that I like thier chances a lot more then the current coach. He's had his chance, and he's failed. I see zero reason to give him any longer then mid-November to pull a rabbit out of his hat. I would be completely disheartened to even try and get excited about 2011 if he's still here. I hope the administration feels the same and the members of Brew's Bandwagon will eventually agree.

i have supported brew but after the usd game i am in the company he has to go. im not like the anti-brew crowd because i think brewster has done some very good things during his time. i dont think brew is a bad coach per say, i just think all of the factors with the coaching staff changes has hurt any chance of him being successful. even right now i hope he figures it out and we do the unthinkable and beat the big ten. i dont think multiple coaching changes will help. i also think this fanbase really sucks. the booing is so embarassing and sad what kid wants to come play for us? some of you morons need to coach for a couple years to understand the long term effects it has on a program. whether we keep brewster or not this fanbase needs to be educated!

those that call brews recruiting mediocre just arent paying attention. i think many of you thought brew would get ohio st/texas/florida/etc talent to minnesota. the people that are upset we arent landing every 5 star kid in the country, well you are dumb! brew has brought in a much better athlete to our school it just sucks that he wasnt bringing these kids in when iowa, wisky, and illinois were mediocre programs when mason was coaching. by the way if brewster is mediocre at recruiting mason was garbage!

many say brew cant coach talent up...well if i remember right, decker, cambell, triplet, lawrence must have been coached under masons staff. whether it was brew or mason the same arguement could be made because there were way more guys that didnt develop into nfl players compared to those that are now working like the average joe.

the last thing i really like about brew is playing at least one very good non conf team. it helps recruiting and it draws the casual fan into our program. i hated the 4 powder puff teams we played that really made mason's running game sound better than what it really was.

my reasons for thinking its time to change coaches are all based on 3 games. iowa's 55-0 thumping, last years sdsu game, and this years usd game. that ndsu game didnt bother me because they caught us in a transition and they were upper classmen as well as the #1 team in fcs. we on the otherhand were very young, very thin, and in a coaching change. we have played wisky very well and had some bad breaks along the way and those losses hurt but one lucky play and we win. but those other 3 games should have never happened! im not upset about brew being positive and talking about how great everything is. i like that, i like him talking about rose bowls and national titles.

i think tcf bank stadium hurt brew more than it helped. our fan base all a sudden thought after we had a new stadium that meant we were to compete for national titles. the fact is tcf helped our recruiting but many use the stadium as an excuse for why we should be winning without thinking about the recent history of the u of minnesota and our football programs shortfalls. if we get rid of brew i hope you people get off your ass and support this program not only with your voice but your wallets. we need to stop hoping our team loses so the coach will be gone and start hoping we win so we dont have to worry about a coaching change. its time to start supporting our university!

You need to call for the coach's head after a loss, call for the coach's head after a close or 'ugly' win, and talk going undefeated the rest of the way after any convincing wins. And after every incomplete pass, you need to scream to pull Weber out of the game.

Love it

These post are too long. I read a segment of the first one. The following is my reason for me being a member of the Brew Crew. I'm from Minnesota, I graduated from the U, I like football, and I am a very loyal person. As a result, I am a fan of our beloved gopher through thick or thin. My support for Brewster begins and ends at the point where I believe his tenure is beneficial to the program. I bought into the notion of him as the great recruiter, etc. As it looks right now, he's not gonna do it. Honestly, I wish he would have since it would have meant we'd see some good football. I held the same aspirations for Mason and Wacker. For Gutie, not so much. Even though I was in junior high I was skeptical, or is it sceptikal? Anyway, I'm sorry it has to end, but that's the life of a football coach. Unless you're Joe Paterno, you're gonna be a vagabond. Brew knows this. I'm sure he's disappointed and it probably means he'll never be a head coach again, but man, ya know, if he wanted to keep his job so bad, he wouldn't have let his team lose to USD. That's it. I don't apologize for being a gopher fan and I will defend anyone's right to be the same. I hope Brew wins every game, but I doubt he will. Does that make me a bad fan?

I admire his enthusiasm, I appreciate what I perceive to be his work-ethic, and I think he has run a clean program. It just doesn't mean much when you can't beat a rival and haven't given the fan base a reason to believe you're moving in the right direction.

You could have made this same statement about 15 years ago when Wacker was coach. Except for the fact that chatrooms weren't around back then. Al Gore had just invented the internet a few years before then:p

Some interesting responses. To be clear, I am not 'calling for Brew's head' in the sense that I want him fired this week or even next week. There's not much to be gained by that, so we may as well give him a chance to work a miracle. What bothers me is that I percieve the hard-core Brew backers as already circling the wagons to defend his return if we win even 3-4 games. To be sure if he pulls an 8-4 out of his hat, he'll be back. He might even be back if he can claw to 6-6. I just find it troubling that those who had finally jumped off the wagon last week are already climbing back on and convincing themselves that 3-4 wins is good enough. It's certainly not enough to change my mind. The guy can't coach at this level. This seems readily apparent. Only multiple wins that I currently can't forsee can change my mind. A few victories over NIU, ILL and NW are not enough.

At the end of last year I thought he should come back because I don't think we could get a qualified coach to come in after firing a guy that went to 2 bowls in 3 years. I feel that good coaching candidates would've viewed that as unrealistic expectations and would have steared clear. It is at the heart of my problem with people who talk about the 'Foley philosophy' in Florida.

If there isn't improvement this year, I may be willing to switch coaches but only if it is done in a manner that gives us a good chance at getting a better coach ($). If we aren't willing to get a proven coach than I am willing to give Brew another year or two until we see what happens with the higher levels of the U.

And I really like Brew's personality.

It is at the heart of my problem with people who talk about the 'Foley philosophy' in Florida.

Exactly. Schools like Florida, Texas, USC, Alabama, Ohio St., etc. can do whatever they want in terms of coaches. If they have a bad year or two, they can fire their coach without any repercussions, because they pay a boatload, and they win.

Minnesota doesn't have that luxury. In addition to all the other problems currently inherent in this job (long history of mediocrity, low pay, real/perceived lack of support from administration, terrible fanbase, etc.) we don't need to add "unrealistic expectations from administration leading to short leash from such" to the list.

Exactly. Schools like Florida, Texas, USC, Alabama, Ohio St., etc. can do whatever they want in terms of coaches. If they have a bad year or two, they can fire their coach without any repercussions, because they pay a boatload, and they win.

Minnesota doesn't have that luxury. In addition to all the other problems currently inherent in this job (long history of mediocrity, low pay, real/perceived lack of support from administration, terrible fanbase, etc.) we don't need to add "unrealistic expectations from administration leading to short leash from such" to the list.

If Brew was producing anywhere close to the results Zook did at UF, we wouldn't be having this discussion. When an Outback Bowl followed by a Peach Bowl are not good enough to keep your job, you're either unrealistic or you're Florida/USC/Ohio State. I don't think firing a coach who's clearly flailing (and failing) four years in, is going to be perceived as a 'short leash'. Especially when the previous coach was here for 10 years. Besides, Joel Maturi is hardly known for being cutthroat or lacking patience. Quite the opposite.

I don't think firing a coach who's clearly flailing (and failing) four years in, is going to be perceived as a 'short leash'. Especially when the previous coach was here for 10 years. Besides, Joel Maturi is hardly known for being cutthroat or lacking patience. Quite the opposite.

We were talking about after year 3. We don't know how year 4 will end.

I'll admit being a "Brewster Backer", I also believe a change should be made.
I came to this conclusion after watching the SD game.
That FCS loss is not acceptable. It hurt in 07', but the transition year for me gave Brewster a pass. Coaches get fired after FCS losses, it's just a fact.

I also think the team is getting better this year and will get better.

I also love brewster's personality and energy. SCREW stoic coaches, I'll take Brewster's personality over Ferentz or Tressel any day. It's the winning that has not come through, they are unrelated IMO.
I saw what Brewster was laying out here, his gameplan so to speak. It didn't work out.
Some was his fault, some was bad luck, he was hot on the trail of alot of impactful recruits that would have made a big difference but barring a real impressive turnaround, it's time to make a move after the season.
I'm also not one to rag on Brewster constantly, that type of attitude is stupid. Booing and yelling for his head while at The Bank is not acceptable to me as a sports fan.
Unfortunately we have alot of really bad sports fans in this town. No patience, no loyalty, no knowledge of the game. It's all about entertainment and bandwagon jumping.
People in this town LOVE to hate on coaches and players, you can make an impressive list of Minnesota fans' favorite punching bags. Even on teams that win.

The season IS NOT over yet, i for one am hoping for a ride this year, up and down. I fully expect to have one big game fall in our favor(I picked an upset at Camp against wisky), and probably have another one flop. (I picked NIU as the flop for my preseason predictions, who knows)
Go Gophers!

The "psychology of Brew's Crew" was intended to give the students an identity; to create excitement & enthusiasm where apathy has ruled. I applaud Coach Brewster for his efforts & determination. He came to the U trying to instill a positive attitude & change the prevelant thinking about Gopher football and was lambasted for his efforts. I will continue to support the coach and team and hope that they will show the improvement many of us think is possible.

The "psychology of Brew's Crew" was intended to give the students an identity; to create excitement & enthusiasm where apathy has ruled. I applaud Coach Brewster for his efforts & determination. He came to the U trying to instill a positive attitude & change the prevelant thinking about Gopher football and was lambasted for his efforts. I will continue to support the coach and team and hope that they will show the improvement many of us think is possible.

I actually applaud Brew for his efforts in this area too. But that's a little like applauding your accountant for having nice hand writing. It doesn't mean much if you screw up the part of the job that matters.

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