Anyone winter biking?

fan of Ray Williams

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Dec 3, 2009
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With this snow it sure makes it more difficult. Put a studded tire on the front of one of my bikes and wondering if I should do the same for the rear. Was out today and the studded tire was 100% better than trying it without, like I did yesterday.
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Huge props to you for biking in winter.
Well, we haven’t hit that brutal weather yet, so it hasn’t been bad. It was pretty nice last week. The roads were so dry I was able to ride a bike with 700x23 (very skinny) tires on it with no worries.

Negative. I'll bike during the warmer months....but during the's all stationary.

Heck yes! Did 40 miles last Saturday and another 35 miles on Sunday! Over the entire 9 days of ending Sunday after Thanksgiving I got in just over 160 total. Good to get back on the bike now that the temps are cooler

But I'm guessing you actually meant way up there in the cold, not in the warmer climates.... :);)

I do some but not hardcore. I have an old mountain bike with serious studded tires (45NRTH Gravdals) on both front and back. It's nice just to get out and moving some in the winter. Bouncing back from Covid right now so the energy and lungs aren't there.

I do some but not hardcore. I have an old mountain bike with serious studded tires (45NRTH Gravdals) on both front and back. It's nice just to get out and moving some in the winter. Bouncing back from Covid right now so the energy and lungs aren't there.
Nice tires! Mine are Nokians. When it's really cold, it's so hard to catch your breath after any exertion. At least for me. Gotta be tough for you after being ill.

Nice tires! Mine are Nokians. When it's really cold, it's so hard to catch your breath after any exertion. At least for me. Gotta be tough for you after being ill.
Definitely. Not feeling awful but the cough is lingering. And of course the trade off for us using studded tires is increased safety but we have to work much harder with the increase resistance. Better that than crashing though, right?

Well, we haven’t hit that brutal weather yet, so it hasn’t been bad. It was pretty nice last week. The roads were so dry I was able to ride a bike with 700x23 (very skinny) tires on it with no worries.

I'd move as fast as you can to 28's or even 32's for your tires. You can ride at much lower pressures, much better ride, less rolling resistance as well if you can believe that. Highly, HIGHLY recommend going to at least some 28mm's. You'll thank me for it later! I've got 28's on all my bikes except my Trek Domane+ e-Bike, which I have 32mm's on. Soooooo much smoother and more comfortable on the old bones

I'd move as fast as you can to 28's or even 32's for your tires. You can ride at much lower pressures, much better ride, less rolling resistance as well if you can believe that. Highly, HIGHLY recommend going to at least some 28mm's. You'll thank me for it later! I've got 28's on all my bikes except my Trek Domane+ e-Bike, which I have 32mm's on. Soooooo much smoother and more comfortable on the old bones
Most I can get to on that particular bike is 28…….older and the clearance isn’t there to get any bigger.

Temp wise, today wasn’t too bad, but was on a path close to the road and the plows push quite a bit of snow on to it, which sucked. Was going to switch over to an old bike with rim brakes, but think disc is the ticket unless it’s mostly clear and dry.

Temp wise, today wasn’t too bad, but was on a path close to the road and the plows push quite a bit of snow on to it, which sucked. Was going to switch over to an old bike with rim brakes, but think disc is the ticket unless it’s mostly clear and dry.

Disc brakes are the absolute shit. It's not cheap to go out and buy new bikes, but all my bikes are disc brakes now. It's just such a huge difference. The confidence in stopping power is not even close to what it is for rim brakes. Even on triathlon bikes, the prevailing thought among long-time racers is why do you need disc brakes on a tri-bike but it's worth every penny, and you'll see fewer and fewer bikes with rim brakes

Disc brakes are the absolute shit. It's not cheap to go out and buy new bikes, but all my bikes are disc brakes now. It's just such a huge difference. The confidence in stopping power is not even close to what it is for rim brakes. Even on triathlon bikes, the prevailing thought among long-time racers is why do you need disc brakes on a tri-bike but it's worth every penny, and you'll see fewer and fewer bikes with rim brakes
Particularly with snow and slush. Very little, if at all, lack of performance with the disc brakes in these conditions. Hard to beat that.You’re right, they are better. In dry conditions, rim brakes (V) seem fine for the riding I do, unless they are cantilever. Never have much success getting great results out of them in spite of all the tinkering, but they are on a bike that I use a lot in the Summer.

I'd move as fast as you can to 28's or even 32's for your tires. You can ride at much lower pressures, much better ride, less rolling resistance as well if you can believe that. Highly, HIGHLY recommend going to at least some 28mm's. You'll thank me for it later! I've got 28's on all my bikes except my Trek Domane+ e-Bike, which I have 32mm's on. Soooooo much smoother and more comfortable on the old bones
After you posted this, was in the garage putting a bike away after riding. Knew I had some Schwalbe Marathon 700 tires laying around, but for some reason was convinced they were in the 30’s. So, glanced at them and lo and behold they are 28mm. Already have the front one on. Very happy. Have to thank you. Was looking forward to riding that bike when the streets allow, now even more so.

edit: Cancel that, couldn’t fit the rear 28 on. Oh well.
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Got the the winter bike out for the first time this Sunday. Damn glad I have those super grippy tires. I only went about 4 miles but some stretches were very icy. Tough conditions for the first time out.

Went out today, Friday, and it was sooo difficult trying to get my breath back after some exertion on a hill. Didn’t stay out long.

Went out today, Friday, and it was sooo difficult trying to get my breath back after some exertion on a hill. Didn’t stay out long.
Impressive! Only other person I know who went out was doing it mostly to keep his consecutive days biked streak going.

Impressive! Only other person I know who went out was doing it mostly to keep his consecutive days biked streak going.
Next Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all supposed to be in the 30’s
Not bad. Hoping that the streets might be somewhat dry a couple of those days.

I'd give it a try in a full on skiing suit (complete with goggles) and if the bike had those massive fat tires ... basically like car tires at that point.

Would probably be fun and novel, once in a while. Lot of work I bet.

No winter biking but I did get done snowshoes for Christmas. I’ve been an avid cross country skier for years so going to try something different

Went out yesterday, but not today on Christmas. Nothing but warmer now. Merry Christmas to everyone.

This warmer weather is agreeable, but sure plays havoc on the chain. Decided to not lube the chain for one day and it was the most rusty it’s ever been. Guess it’s a trade off with the higher temps.

Not bad today, (Friday), no wind at all and really wasn’t cold. No snow, supposedly, in the 10 day forecast.

F'ng lingering cough from the bug, it's killed my bike riding this winter. WTF... Hoping to get things cranked up this weekend and get in at least 50 miles, start building things up

Think I'll finally get myself out and about a little this weekend. Just haven't had the energy plus I'm in a little shock after spending some time in Miami.
Have you been on trails or on streets?

Just streets. You do trails?
Can imagine it is a shock after Miami.
Want to do the Luce Line this Spring.

Just streets. You do trails?
Can imagine it is a shock after Miami.
Want to do the Luce Line this Spring.
Luce Line is cool. I've taken it from my place in Uptown all the way out to Parker Lake, about 30 miles.
Sadly, the crime in Uptown has gotten too me, literally. So I am moving in the next couple months and will be losing quick access to so many great trails.
And yeah, once in a while I get out on the (paved) trails in winter. I've never been a mountain biker.

Dang Frink, today is probably as good as it gets for January. Heading out in a few minutes.

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