PP: Gophers want ‘big-time college football’ atmosphere with its ‘stripe out’ Saturday


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Greder:

Offensive coordinator Kirk Ciarrocca said this team is going to play with “unbelievable energy and passion whether they are in front of 50,000 people or zero. They just like to play and compete. But college football is supposed to be in that type of environment that we are going to have on Saturday. I’m looking forward to it. Big-time college football is supposed to be like that.”

When Fleck arrived in Minnesota in 2017, he talked about the program being a “sleeping giant.”

With efforts to increase in-stadium support to make the team’s on-field success, Armbruster believes, “The giant is stirring.”

Go Gophers!!

I can't shout this from a high enough mountain top... if you want a big time college atmosphere, start will selling out your 51,000 seat stadium! Do that, and then consider adding some things like, perhaps, a 'stripe out'.

I mean, I will be doing my part and dressing my part. But a quick look at the available tickets on the Gopher Athletics website shows LOTS of open seats.

I can't shout this from a high enough mountain top... if you want a big time college atmosphere, start will selling out your 51,000 seat stadium! Do that, and then consider adding some things like, perhaps, a 'stripe out'.

I mean, I will be doing my part and dressing my part. But a quick look at the available tickets on the Gopher Athletics website shows LOTS of open seats.
Not sure if you're mentioned before but do you think pricing is too high?

Perhaps. The fact the seat prices go up and down depending on the opponent, it is possible any given opponent could be priced too high OR too low. If a game sells out weeks in advance, perhaps it was priced too low. If a game sells out one day before Gameday, it was probably priced just right. If there are tons of open seats to pick from only two days before kickoff, it is probably priced too high.

I can't shout this from a high enough mountain top... if you want a big time college atmosphere, start will selling out your 51,000 seat stadium! Do that, and then consider adding some things like, perhaps, a 'stripe out'.

I mean, I will be doing my part and dressing my part. But a quick look at the available tickets on the Gopher Athletics website shows LOTS of open seats.
This is a BOTH AND situation, not a THIS then THAT situation.

They should absolutely work toward filling the stadium and get creative doing so. Can't argue with wanting the Bank to be sold-out or near full for every home game. But you don't need to wait until you reach a threshold of tickets sold before planning/rolling out a "stripe-out" game.

Even if the stripe-out "doesn't work" according to fans or folks on this forum, U of M Athletics is doing the right thing by trying it. Overcome inertia and the salty attitude of grumpy fans and just do it. They will learn how to improve it and make it better as the years go on. This isn't the Gophers first successful season and it won't be their last.

I've been a Gopher FB fan for over 20 years, a season ticket holder for just as long, and I've never seen them even try to do a stripe out. It won't be perfect, but we shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

If sad Badger/Hawkeye fans want to use a failed stripe-out as a way to insult us, let them. We'll be playing in Indy while they are sitting at home.

This is a BOTH AND situation, not a THIS then THAT situation.

They should absolutely work toward filling the stadium and get creative doing so. Can't argue with wanting the Bank to be sold-out or near full for every home game. But you don't need to wait until you reach a threshold of tickets sold before planning/rolling out a "stripe-out" game.

Even if the stripe-out "doesn't work" according to fans or folks on this forum, U of M Athletics is doing the right thing by trying it. Overcome inertia and the salty attitude of grumpy fans and just do it. They will learn how to improve it and make it better as the years go on. This isn't the Gophers first successful season and it won't be their last.

I've been a Gopher FB fan for over 20 years, a season ticket holder for just as long, and I've never seen them even try to do a stripe out. It won't be perfect, but we shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

If sad Badger/Hawkeye fans want to use a failed stripe-out as a way to insult us, let them. We'll be playing in Indy while they are sitting at home.
Excellent non-binary logic!

Perhaps. The fact the seat prices go up and down depending on the opponent, it is possible any given opponent could be priced too high OR too low. If a game sells out weeks in advance, perhaps it was priced too low. If a game sells out one day before Gameday, it was probably priced just right. If there are tons of open seats to pick from only two days before kickoff, it is probably priced too high.
If they cut prices, for this one...then you signal the market don't pay the asking prce for Rutgers, Northwestern or Iowa...or next year.

It looks like they are heading for 95% capacity or better, without discounting.

Even a 5% discount over the ask to sell what is left doesn't make sense long term.

Perhaps. The fact the seat prices go up and down depending on the opponent, it is possible any given opponent could be priced too high OR too low. If a game sells out weeks in advance, perhaps it was priced too low. If a game sells out one day before Gameday, it was probably priced just right. If there are tons of open seats to pick from only two days before kickoff, it is probably priced too high.
They should do dynamic pricing like Ticket Master does.

I can't shout this from a high enough mountain top... if you want a big time college atmosphere, start will selling out your 51,000 seat stadium! Do that, and then consider adding some things like, perhaps, a 'stripe out'.

I mean, I will be doing my part and dressing my part. But a quick look at the available tickets on the Gopher Athletics website shows LOTS of open seats.
Please assume positive intent - I have the opposite perspective. I think something like the "stripe out" is something that will turn heads in Minnesota, especially within a crowded sports scene. Fear of missing out is a huge part of beating other entertainment for hard earned dollars - and I think a "stripe out" - even at 90ish percent capacity will move the needle. Hoping for a great turnout and show-out...and I'm feeling real positive about both!

I've been a Gopher FB fan for over 20 years, a season ticket holder for just as long, and I've never seen them even try to do a stripe out. It won't be perfect, but we shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Everything about your post resonates with my own lens. Awesome post!

If they cut prices, for this one...then you signal the market don't pay the asking prce for Rutgers, Northwestern or Iowa...or next year.

It looks like they are heading for 95% capacity or better, without discounting.

Even a 5% discount over the ask to sell what is left doesn't make sense long term.
Who is suggesting discounting? I was simply pointing out that some games are overpriced. They already charge different amounts for different games. What message is that sending? And unless they are shuffling along a lot of donated seats, it looks like there will be A LOT of empty seats on Saturday. Just take a look at all the green dots on the gopher ticket website.

My whole point is empty seats are really bad at participating in a stripe out. You are projecting over 48,000 attendance? Like I said, there will be a lot of charity give aways if that number is achieved.

Who is suggesting discounting? I was simply pointing out that some games are overpriced. They already charge different amounts for different games. What message is that sending? And unless they are shuffling along a lot of donated seats, it looks like there will be A LOT of empty seats on Saturday. Just take a look at all the green dots on the gopher ticket website.

My whole point is empty seats are really bad at participating in a stripe out. You are projecting over 48,000 attendance? Like I said, there will be a lot of charity give aways if that number is achieved.

I think the message it's sending is "buy season tickets or a multi-game package if you want a slamming deal"

Lowering prices increases the quantity demanded.

Unfortunately Mrs. Billd will not be at the game Saturday.

She makes noise on every down and is the first to jump up when anything positive happens.

Taking Kiddo instead who has "sensory" issues and will be wearing earplugs for sure. Guess I'll have to ramp it up a bit to compensate for my Football Sweetie's absence.

Too high? The ticket prices are not too high lol.

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