Bilas: College basketballs officiating problem is getting worse; The competition is great and perhaps has never been better. But the officiating sucks


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Bilas:

Well, we have a fire in college basketball, and it is spreading to the rest of our house. It is officiating. Not individual officials but the officiating of the game.

College basketball's officiating problem is getting worse. Several years ago, the administrators of the game made great strides to reduce overt physicality and allow offenses to have freedom of movement without being fouled. But, some five years ago, scoring had reached an all-time low and the games were suffering as a result. A lot of work was done to ameliorate the problem, to have the games called by the rules as written. As a result of the work done in that area, the game got significantly better.

Well, all those gains have been given back and we now have hockey games in the major conferences, not basketball games. It is, in a word, depressing. This season, freedom of movement does not exist and the college game more closely resembles the NBA in the 1990s, a physical slugfest and fistfight every night.

Turn on any major conference game, and you will see arm bars on ball handlers not in the post, handchecking, bumping and chucking of cutters, illegally riding cutters and screeners off of their paths, and overt physicality in the post area, including a lack of enforcement of verticality on shooters. Whatever you see on the floor in major conferences this season is not basketball and would not be allowed in the NBA or FIBA. Hell, it would not be allowed in the NFL on wide receivers. It is wrong and needs to be seriously addressed. Coaches are confounded and complaining, and so are the bloviating gasbags who announce the games.

The most damning data point? Fouls called are at an all-time low this season. Given how ridiculously physical this game has become, that is impossible. Officials are either missing the fouls committed or ignoring them. And it is clearly the latter. Individual officials cannot and should not be blamed, as they are just doing what their bosses are allowing them to do. The fault lies with the administration of the game.

The product we see on the floor is the responsibility of NCAA national coordinator of officials J.D. Collins, the conference supervisors of officials, the conference commissioners and the rules and competition committees. (Disclosure: I am a member of the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Competition Committee.) This is not said lightly, but changes should be considered if this clear problem is not fixed. The conference commissioners should order their supervisors to crack down on officials to call the games according to the rules as written and interpreted. If they do not, the supervisors should be subject to replacement with people who will properly do the job.

The competition is great and perhaps has never been better. The players are incredibly athletic and skilled. But the officiating sucks. Coaches are teaching players to foul because they know the officials will not call it, and those coaches would be rank idiots if they did not adjust by teaching players to "defend" according to how the games are called. But they are not teaching defense, they are teaching fouling because the officials will not call clear fouls.

Go Gophers!!

one of my biggest gripes is how often games come to a dead halt for video reviews.

OK, if it's a game-deciding situation, fine, look at the play.

but over and over again, we get the refs starting at a courtside monitor to try and decide whether a ball went off some guy's fingertip and the review lasts several minutes.

there should be a time limit on reviews. if it isn't clear and obvious within 60 seconds, then the original call stands.

My biggest gripe by far is how often offensive fouls are called. So many times where an offensive player has committed to move and a defensive player slides in front to get the call. Stop rewarding bad defense.

For me it's the inconsistency. Sure, there's a lot of contact near the basket that seems to go uncalled. Then it's called the next time down the floor. Then there's a touch foul 45 feet from the basket -- and it's never clear whether there was an actual touch.

one of my biggest gripes is how often games come to a dead halt for video reviews.

OK, if it's a game-deciding situation, fine, look at the play.

but over and over again, we get the refs starting at a courtside monitor to try and decide whether a ball went off some guy's fingertip and the review lasts several minutes.

there should be a time limit on reviews. if it isn't clear and obvious within 60 seconds, then the original call stands.
THIS!! I still think (in all sports) if there is more than 2 min left you should have what i will call a "shot clock" on these things, if you look and after 30 seconds you cant tell its a clear and obvious error then time to move on. There are missed/wrong calls all game, the odds it matters at the end of the game are very slim.

Im not saying officials are amazing but man i have really gotten annoyed with Bilas lately, hes hard to listen to because he complains the entire broadcast. I get it, there are missed calls, but articles like his are why no one wants to do it. Travel 5-6 days a week, make a good not overly amazing wage to get ripped to shreds all the time? PASS

one of my biggest gripes is how often games come to a dead halt for video reviews.

OK, if it's a game-deciding situation, fine, look at the play.

but over and over again, we get the refs starting at a courtside monitor to try and decide whether a ball went off some guy's fingertip and the review lasts several minutes.

there should be a time limit on reviews. if it isn't clear and obvious within 60 seconds, then the original call stands.
Anyone else see the end of the Wisconsin-Indiana game the other night? Late in the game, the ball went off a WI player, bounced on the floor near the end line. WI player tried to save the ball before it landed out of bounds. He was able to tip it to a teammate but the ref called it out of bounds off WI. They reviewed the play for a good 3-4 minutes. The review showed that the player saved the ball before coming down out of bounds. However, I thought that when the ball bounced near the end line it was not 100% certain it didn't touch the line. There was no angle showing for sure it didn't touch the line. But they still reversed it.

Besides the uncertainty of if the ball hit the end line, I didn't think they could even reverse a call like that. They blew the play dead. Bizarre situation.

It's the easiest thing in sports to bitch about the officiating. They don't get it right all of the time and I still get pissed but I'm done with this argument.

Go be an official if you want improvement Jay Bilas. Promise you won't do better than any of these guys. College basketball is extremely difficult to officiate with that high level of athletes and that much physicality.

Kelly Pfeifer is just a bad official though haha. I'll say that. Noticeably bad compared to other Big 10 officials.
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The biggest complaint I have is where the out official calls a foul on something happening inside, yet there is an official standing three feet away who doesn’t blow his whistle. Does the out official have better eye sight?

can’t stand Jay Bilas. So much of a homer. the mute button is handy when he is talking.

My biggest gripe is that this has been the case for 15 years and the talking heads are just figuring it out

one of my biggest gripes is how often games come to a dead halt for video reviews.

OK, if it's a game-deciding situation, fine, look at the play.

but over and over again, we get the refs starting at a courtside monitor to try and decide whether a ball went off some guy's fingertip and the review lasts several minutes.

there should be a time limit on reviews. if it isn't clear and obvious within 60 seconds, then the original call stands.
I would rather the referees get every call wrong than to ever to to the monitor. The players don't get do overs when they F up, why should the officials? The last two minutes of a close basketball game should be the best two minutes in sports but it's unwatchable.

I don't know. I had to survive the reign of Ed Hightower.

"Officials are either missing the fouls committed or ignoring them. And it is clearly the latter."

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Wow - Ed Hightower and Ted Valentine in the same response. That’s calling up some of the most hated officials in the B1G world. Both wanted their time in the spotlight. Hightower took over the game in the last 2 minutes and called more fouls then other 2 officials combined.

Valentine was the official causing Bobby Knight to throw the chair, after calling him a racist. (first introduction to that noun).

Both officials thought that the game scheduled was just them to show their talents or lack thereof. No game was to big for their egos.

There are some incompetent officials and using small screen surrounded with other people is nonsense.
But what is certain is that Bilas wants the game to be about him,
I really dislike him.

THIS!! I still think (in all sports) if there is more than 2 min left you should have what i will call a "shot clock" on these things, if you look and after 30 seconds you cant tell its a clear and obvious error then time to move on. There are missed/wrong calls all game, the odds it matters at the end of the game are very slim.

Im not saying officials are amazing but man i have really gotten annoyed with Bilas lately, hes hard to listen to because he complains the entire broadcast. I get it, there are missed calls, but articles like his are why no one wants to do it. Travel 5-6 days a week, make a good not overly amazing wage to get ripped to shreds all the time? PASS
I've been on this train for a while, but reviews in every sport need to be overhauled. Officials should get thirty seconds to watch replays in regular speed to see if there is an obvious error. That catches the blatant mistakes for which replay was originally intended.

Has anyone else noticed the paradox of many B1G officials being small (and, dare I say, squat)? Could this oddity possibly affect their perception of a game played amongst tall trees? Let’s discuss!

Wow - Ed Hightower and Ted Valentine in the same response. That’s calling up some of the most hated officials in the B1G world. Both wanted their time in the spotlight. Hightower took over the game in the last 2 minutes and called more fouls then other 2 officials combined.

Valentine was the official causing Bobby Knight to throw the chair, after calling him a racist. (first introduction to that noun).

Both officials thought that the game scheduled was just them to show their talents or lack thereof. No game was to big for their egos.
Thank God Ed retired, and I believe Ted was fired by the B1G a few years back. I remember going to the games and the crowd would groan if either one was introduced.
I think that both Ed and Ted were refs in that Knight game.

My biggest complaint about officiating is the constant complaining about officiating.

Impossible to get all the calls right.

My biggest complaint about officiating is the constant complaining about officiating.

Impossible to get all the calls right.
It’s all part of the fan experience. I know when I’m in my recliner with a cold one, I can coach better, play better and ref better. It’s a fact! 😙

Has anyone else noticed the paradox of many B1G officials being small (and, dare I say, squat)? Could this oddity possibly affect their perception of a game played amongst tall trees? Let’s discuss!
Has anyone else noticed the paradox of many B1G officials being small (and, dare I say, squat)? Could this oddity possibly affect their perception of a game played amongst tall trees? Let’s discuss!
The Napoleon complex is alive and well in the officiating world.

bilas is insufferable. his ego gets in the way of all games he is calling, and he is constantly putting a spotlight on the officiating. I don’t have a horse in any of the games he typically calls, so his rants ruin the game for me.

at the start of the pandemic, when the ncaa tournament was interrupted, cbs aired a bunch of classic tournament games. I turned into Kentucky/Duke with Pitino/Mashburn. the style of the commentators was night and day to what we have in 2022. They simply called and analyzed the action, and never said a word about a bad call. Few if any replays on fouls, and no posturing from the players. Just basketball. It was lovely.

Look, I'm not saying that all officials are great.

But refs take so much abuse from fans now. at the HS level, it's just ridiculous. "Fans" complain about every call, when half the time, the fans don't understand the rules or why certain calls are made.

and as far as announcers complaining about officiating, I have two words to say: Mike Grimm!

Don't really like Bilas but agree with him. I'm probably in the minority but I hate the physicality of defense in basketball today. It's supposed to be a non-contact sport. Do the best you can with that from the defense side and make them make shots but if somebody is gifted athletically and offensively, he/she should be able to get there shots off. Hate Rugby basketball.

How many "flops" today for 34 of the Badgers? I saw him draw at least 3 offensive fouls the other night from the refs. Over / under is 3

Look, I'm not saying that all officials are great.

But refs take so much abuse from fans now. at the HS level, it's just ridiculous. "Fans" complain about every call, when half the time, the fans don't understand the rules or why certain calls are made.

and as far as announcers complaining about officiating, I have two words to say: Mike Grimm!
Yeah, there are good officials and bad officials. But the level of abuse they take today is off the charts. Officiating has always been a thankless job.

Make too many calls - people complain
Don't make enough calls - people complain
Make a mistake - people complain
Miss a call - people complain
After every game you can guarantee the losing teams fans will complain about the refs

Do a great job - nobody says a word.

And the issues are only going to get worse because we are destroying the future official pool with the way we are treating them at the youth sports level. Fewer and fewer people are going to want to get involved in a profession where know it all fans, sitting in front of massive high def screens, watching super slow mo replays from multiple angles call you worthless and say you are terrible at your job.

And at the youth level - a small game check isn't worth getting yelled at by parents or met in the parking lot after the game.
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Yeah, there are good officials and bad officials. But the level of abuse they take today is off the charts. Officiating has always been a thankless job.

Make too many calls - people complain
Don't make enough calls - people complain
Make a mistake - people complain
Miss a call - people complain
After every game you can guarantee the losing teams fans will complain about the refs

Do a great job - nobody says a word.

And the issues are only going to get worse because we are destroying the future official pool with the way we are treating them at the youth sports level. Fewer and fewer people are going to want to get involved in a profession where know it all fans, sitting in front of massive high def screens, watching super slow mo replays from multiple angles call you worthless and say you are terrible at your job.

And at the youth level - a small game check isn't worth getting yelled at by parents or met in the parking lot after the game.
Agreed. Good post. I think the microscope needs to be lifted, and good things will happen. Fans of certain teams will inevitably be pissed under certain circumstances, but the broadcast focus on the calls make adversaries out of every officiating crew.

Valentine was the official causing Bobby Knight to throw the chair, after calling him a racist. (first introduction to that noun).

Bobby Knight threw the chair in a game in 1985. An official named Fred Jaspers was at the center of the controversy in that one.

13 years later (1998), TV Teddy Valentine gave Bobby Knight three technical fouls and kicked him out of game vs. Illinois. As Knight left the court on his way to the locker room, he walked right by Valentine, veering into him. Ed Hightower was also working that game and tried to get Ted to take back the second technical, but he would not do it.

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