Stewart Mandel's Final Thoughts


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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20. Finally, a shoutout to the Minnesota Golden Gophers, who, like most of you, I’d written off for the season after their inexplicable Week 4 loss to 31-point underdog Bowling Green. It’s proven to be a complete aberration, as Minnesota (6-2, 3-1) has since rolled off four consecutive wins and is now in first place in the Big Ten West.

Bowling Green, of note, made history in a much different way Saturday. Coach Scot Loeffler was ejected from Saturday’s game against Buffalo in the third quarter after committing unsportsmanlike penalties on back-to-back drives. He’s the first coach that’s happened to since a rules change in 2016. The silver lining: His Falcons proceeded to score four touchdowns without him to win 56-44 — their first victory since Minnesota.


Stewart Man-dink for bringing up game that shall not be mentioned as reason for MN getting snubbed by voters, amirite


Mandel probably wrote his Mea Culpa on the Gophers first. Then he was made aware of the Gopher Hole thread "So are we gonna be Ranked this week?" Where he found the fervent belief among Gopher fans that the embarrassing Soviet loss to the USA pales before Fleck's loss the the Junior High-like Bowling Green squad.

Sounds like he disagreed with the Gopher Hole assessment. :)
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I still maintain the BG loss is not nearly as bad as it was made out to be. It was only a 4 point loss in a low scoring game.

I still maintain the BG loss is not nearly as bad as it was made out to be. It was only a 4 point loss in a low scoring game.
. . . to a 31 point 🐕. I agree that its not as bad as it was made out to be because all of our B1G aspirations are still ahead of us -- and many gopher fans have made money betting on us because the spreads have been so low after the loss.

. . . to a 31 point 🐕. I agree that its not as bad as it was made out to be because all of our B1G aspirations are still ahead of us -- and many gopher fans have made money betting on us because the spreads have been so low after the loss.
Lol yes this is an underrated benefit. I've made money 4 weeks in a row!

I still maintain the BG loss is not nearly as bad as it was made out to be. It was only a 4 point loss in a low scoring game.
This team should have beat Bowling Green 172-0 or so.


Mandel probably wrote his Mea Culpa on the Gophers first. Then he was made aware of the Gopher Hole thread "So are we gonna be Ranked this week?" Where he found the fervent belief among Gopher fans that the embarrassing Soviet loss to the USA pales before Fleck's loss the the Junior High-like Bowling Green squad.

Sounds like he disagreed with the Gopher Hole assessment. :)
That would be The-Other-Team-from-Ohio-the-Gophers-Played. We don't mention them by name anymore.

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