Shama: Maturi May Accept Contract Extension


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Nov 11, 2008
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Maturi May Accept Contract Extension

Athletic director Joel Maturi, whose contract with the University ends in June of 2012, told Sports Headliners that University of Minnesota President Bob Bruininks wants him to continue beyond that date.

Although it wasn’t publicized at the time, Bruininks expressed that desire last fall. The president’s conversation with Maturi coincided with Bruininks’ announcement that the 2010-11 school year will be his last heading the University's Twin Cities campus. A new president is expected to be directing the University in 2011-12.

“He (Bruininks) did not think it would be in the best interest of a new president, or Gopher athletics, to hire a new athletic director in his first year (on the job),” Maturi said.

Maturi, who has been the Gophers athletics director since 2002, is still considering Bruininks’ request that suggested a two or three year contract extension. He will need to give the president a final answer by December.

Maturi, who has been planning to retire in 2012, will review health and family considerations in making a decision on whether to remain for a couple more years. That scenario would push his retirement age to almost 70.

“It’s not any greater than 50-50 that I will stay on,” Maturi said.

A new athletic director needs to start work in July or August of 2012 if Maturi retires in June of that year. Maturi doesn’t plan to be part of the search committee or in other ways be involved with choosing his successor. “That’s not my job,” he said. “That’s not appropriate.”

Go Gophers!!

I would imagine this thread is going to generate quite a bit of discussion.

I would imagine this thread is going to generate quite a bit of discussion.

According to some rumors ( I saw one such on GI) - an extension for Maturi could be fatal for the basketball teams chances of keeping Tubby Smith beyond this year. Hope not.

I hope Tubby stays awhile so we can find out if he can take the program where some of us think he can take it. But truthfully, life's too short to worry about Tubby leaving every time we hear a rumor about him taking another job or rumors of discontent he may have with the administration (about players he recruited that got in trouble) surface. Whenever Tubby leaves or retires, I'm confident he will have put the program in good stead & will have made it a very desirable job. When that day comes, as long as we don't hire anyone currently on staff, I'll be ready to see what the new head coach can do, whether he's a familiar name or an up and comer.

According to some rumors ( I saw one such on GI) - an extension for Maturi could be fatal for the basketball teams chances of keeping Tubby Smith beyond this year. Hope not.

Maturi staying probably would mean Tubby is gone, which is the biggest, but not the only reason Joel retiring would be the best thing for the U.

Why the hell would they even offer Maturi an extension? I can't wait to see how Maturi handles Tubby leaving in a year. Grab the popcorn.

^ good question, why the hell would they offer him an extension? Just because he told Trevor and Royce to get lost doesn't mean his doing a good job or doing his job right. It means hes just looking out for his own appearence. Hope he retires so it looks good on both sides. If tubby leaves because of him I don't know what I would do. It would be a death sentence for our program.

^ good question, why the hell would they offer him an extension? Just because he told Trevor and Royce to get lost doesn't mean his doing a good job or doing his job right. It means hes just looking out for his own appearence. Hope he retires so it looks good on both sides. If tubby leaves because of him I don't know what I would do. It would be a death sentence for our program.

Tubby has, for the most part, stabilized things so I don't think it would be a death sentence. Also, Tubby is 59 so he would face a lot of competition for top, high paying jobs.

Tubby has had success at the U and has really brought the program back and it wouldn't look good for the U if a coach of Tubby's stature just up and left. Maturi has dithered on building a practice facility, which is what Tubby cares most about. From all the various decisions that Joe has made, it seems that the basketball program takes a back seat to pretty much every other sport. Maturi is a micro manager, a bean counter, and definitely not someone who is a visionary or looks at the big picture. The PR in the athletics dept. is a joke. 2012 is more than long enough for him. An extension is laughable.

Tubby has, for the most part, stabilized things so I don't think it would be a death sentence. Also, Tubby is 59 so he would face a lot of competition for top, high paying jobs.

$2 million (per year) coaching jobs for 59 year old coaches are not that easy to find.

Instead he spent his time raising all those millions for a new home for the marching band.

TCF is hardly an excuse. It was pretty far down the road when Tubby was hired. Only in Maturi's world can he only raise money for one thing at a time. (Just ask John Anderson) Then again this is a man who still doesn't have Tubby's contract extension done that we began hearing about in March. Only this Athletic Department would still be dithering around with it. Does anyone know if Tubby got his NCAA bonus that was due in May? Or does he have to wait until July again?

Maturi is going to get an extension because Joel has done his job exactly the way his boss Bruininks wanted him to do it. Now he is getting rewarded for it. Congrats, Joel, for a job well done. Your extension is well deserved.

I hope Tubby stays awhile so we can find out if he can take the program where some of us think he can take it. But truthfully, life's too short to worry about Tubby leaving every time we hear a rumor about him taking another job or rumors of discontent he may have with the administration (about players he recruited that got in trouble) surface. Whenever Tubby leaves or retires, I'm confident he will have put the program in good stead & will have made it a very desirable job. When that day comes, as long as we don't hire anyone currently on staff, I'll be ready to see what the new head coach can do, whether he's a familiar name or an up and comer.

I agree as long as we have had one nice run in the NCAAs before the Tubster says so long. If we don't do that before he leaves -others will view it as living proof that this is a very tough place to succeed. If he takes us on a nice run, then we are good to go with the next coach. I'd liek to see a minimum of three more years with him at the helm to really strongly stabilize the program.

I agree as long as we have had one nice run in the NCAAs before the Tubster says so long. If we don't do that before he leaves -others will view it as living proof that this is a very tough place to succeed. If he takes us on a nice run, then we are good to go with the next coach. I'd liek to see a minimum of three more years with him at the helm to really strongly stabilize the program.

Yea? well I want him to retire here, say 4-10 more years, Thats the only way I see out program being able to solidify.

Someone needs to tell Joel that retiring would be the action that would make him appear the best to everyone. And it would help out thevwomen's lacrosse and men's hackeysack teams too (thats the important part)


The only thing wrong with the University of Minnesota athletic program is Joel Maturi and his guilty until proven innocent take on life.

The only thing wrong with the University of Minnesota athletic program is Joel Maturi and his guilty until proven innocent take on life.

^so true.

But I have a feeling if it comes down to Tubby or Maturi, Bruininks will make the right call. He's already seemed to be interested in signing Tubby to an extension, I think he realizes who has more overall value to the University as a whole.

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