How do you replace Gophers running back Mohamed Ibrahim? You don't (Good Column by Souhan)


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2010
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Well written, logical and very complementary of Mo. Don't believe me - it will only take you a couple of minutes to find out😎😎. Credit where credit is due.

Mohamed Ibrahim was off and running in 2021 until an injury against Ohio State.

"Next man up" has become an essential football phrase. As athletes have gotten bigger, stronger and faster, and injury protocols have become more evolved, every high-level football team enters every season knowing that it will have to avoid and survive a slew of injuries to win, or even to function.

"Next man up" has also become a ridiculous and insulting phrase. Especially in the context of Minnesota sports.

It presumes that the next man, or woman, can easily replace the injured player, and it encourages us to quickly forget the injured player, as if all athletes are cogs in a wheel.

Let's be realistic about the Gophers football team's loss of star running back Mohamed Ibrahim, who left Thursday's game with what is widely presumed to be a season-ending injury to his left leg.

The Gophers should be able to run the ball effectively without him. Their massive and experienced offensive line, combined with the Gophers' customary running back depth, should allow the ground game to function.

But there is no Next Man Up who will replicate what Ibrahim did, and no hyper-macho phrasing should keep us from lamenting his injury.

He may have been the best back in college football. He returned for his senior season because, in his words, he felt he had unfinished business at Minnesota.

Ibrahim was both humble and exceptional. He was also as entertaining a player as the Gophers have had since Laurence Maroney, and he was a much better all-around player than Maroney, who relied on the occasional long sprint to pad his stats and burnish his reputation.

Ibrahim may have contended for the Heisman Trophy. While he should be able to recover and become a good NFL running back, he may never find himself in a situation such as the one that was just taken from him: Being the dominant figure on a promising team.

Had he stayed healthy, he may have broken Gophers records for most rushing yards in a career and in a season. His over-under on rushing yards per game might have realistically been set at 200.

Thursday, before the injury and facing the fourth-ranked team in the country, he carried 30 times for 163 yards and two touchdowns. Imagine what he would have done to less-talented defenses.

So before someone yells "Next man up," let's acknowledge that this is a sad moment. Minnesotans are accustomed to them. Particularly, Twins fans.

Tony Oliva would be in the Hall of Fame had a knee injury not wrecked his prime. Joe Mauer would be a certain Hall of Famer instead of a candidate worthy of analysis if injuries hadn't ruined his golden years.

In the middle of the 2010 season, Justin Morneau was performing at a much higher level than he had when winning the 2006 AL MVP award when he slid into second base in Toronto, took a glancing knee to the head and was never the same. Yes, he won a batting title in Colorado by becoming a line-drive hitter, but in 2010 he was becoming perhaps the best all-around hitter in the big leagues.

Francisco Liriano had Hall of Fame talent and may have paired with Johan Santana to produce a World Series title if he had remained healthy. Kirby Puckett had his career cut short, and now Byron Buxton's ability to dominate the sport has been continually depressed by his myriad injuries.

Gophers basketball has had its NCAA tournament appearances damaged by untimely ailments, and the Vikings had a series of promising quarterbacks — Daunte Culpepper, Teddy Bridgewater and Sam Bradford — suffer career-altering injuries.

Most sports injuries are the equivalent of a pause button. The ones that derail greatness should be mourned.

Ibrahim was becoming one of our state's best stories, a player whose production exceeded his raw ability, the rare back who could turn the routine act of carrying a football into a subcategory of art.

Next man up?

That phrase is an insult to the injured, and an unfair burden on the replacement.

Great article. The negative karma surrounding our sports teams in this market is surreal. For me this one really stings as it was going to be fun to watch this Gophers team make a serious run with a mega star RB (who also seems to be a very solid person) pushing for Heisman votes. We just cannot have nice things in this sports market.

Good essay...but...I don't think anyone who follows this program closely would simply shrug off Mo's injury and say "well, next man up" so the writer is using a bit of a straw man here.

The only possible silver lining here is that Fleck & Company may not simply try to duplicate Mo's contributions by playing the same game with different personnel. Running one man nearly 30 times a game is not the only way to run an offense. Maybe they're going to have to be a little more creative.

I do wonder if Mo may come back for a 6th year like Rodney did.

It's not a particularly good article. “Next man up” is meant to bolster the confidence and bring out the best in the replacement. Hardly demeaning, it maintains team moral and cohesiveness. It doesn’t mean much to the fan base, though.

Also, the transition to Twins/Vikings analogy was clunky and unnecessary.
Final analysis: Souhan still sucks.

It's not a particularly good article.
As usual Tessie Poo you're in the minority with your opinions.

“Next man up” is meant to bolster the confidence and bring out the best in the replacement. Hardly demeaning, it maintains team moral and cohesiveness.
He's looking at it from a macro level (big picture).
It doesn’t mean much to the fan base, though.

Also, the transition to Twins/Vikings analogy was clunky and unnecessary.
I thought it was funny and relevant - obviously, you're not a true blue Minnesotan. Where were you born - Iowas or Wisconsinners?
Final analysis: Souhan still sucks.
It was a good article, especially for him.

What I find comical is creating an extra fake account (KG21) to compliment your real account and then putting that compliment (Les Bolstad...the best poster. He is insightful, direct, too the point, and always right) into your profile.

Methinks you are -


Mo is a great player and I really hope he can still play this season.
I was yanking your chain a bit - it's how I grieve.
Sux he's done now as I think his numbers were going to be absolutely bananas this year.
You know who was rated higher than Mo coming out of high school? Every other RB on the roster.
I'm not a big ratings guy See: Decker, Murray, AWJr, Barber, Mo etc... The "want to" once you have an opportunity is what separates the players from each other who are similar in abilities -there's not a ton of difference between 20 and 50 ranked position player - ability wise. There are also a ton of variables in HS as well: coaching, training program, diet, family environment (not having positives in any one of those categories can hold a player back). Also players develop differently once they have access to the aforementioned categories in college. 5 Stars like Henderson, the Fr. RB form OSU, have gifts on a different level - but still need to work hard.

In one of the recent past SB, a paper showed the stars/rankings for both rosters and it wasn't 4 and 5 stars galore, lots of 3 stars, some 2 and some unranked.

I hope to see some of Irving or Thomas, as I'm not sold on Potts or Wiley at this point.

I like the article and how much praise Mo got - it felt good to read and softens the blow of him being out for the year.

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