Massage Therapist engaged in sex with some Ohio State Football Players


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Jan 20, 2011
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This came out last month. This would be a huge story if it happened here. WCCO's Liz Collins will be on a multi-part expose'.


I believe the woman involved is the very definition of a cougar.

Sounds super creepy.

Word has it in some cases she'd offer a free message, the have sex with them ... and then later ask some of them for money.

For some new kid on campus that probably makes them feel like they were used and possibly indirectly being blackmailed.

IIRC the school has done what it can to keep the players away from her.

Schools have to have a "hey some folks might contact you as soon as you commit" kinda talk right out of the gate now.

This came out last month. This would be a huge story if it happened here. WCCO's Liz Collins will be on a multi-part expose'.

Gives “Dottin’ the ‘I’” a whole new connotation . . .

That fits my definition of "therapy".

So she sexually "preyed" on male college students, and all she had to do was give up her masseuse license, with no other legal recourse? If the genders were flipped, this would be a much bigger deal than it is, and the male masseuse would most certainly have criminal charges brought against him.

Nevermind she later asked for money after-the-fact. Wouldn't that then make her a prostitute, considering the services rendered?

Deshaun Watson is on his way to Cleveland to set up an appointment.


Without digging into this to search all facts etc., it appears that the Ohio States, Michigan's, Penn States, Alabamans etc., typically will never be held accountable for actions like this. Meanwhile schools like Minnesota will continue to be crucified over actions like this.

So she sexually "preyed" on male college students, and all she had to do was give up her masseuse license, with no other legal recourse? If the genders were flipped, this would be a much bigger deal than it is, and the male masseuse would most certainly have criminal charges brought against him.
You’re glossing over consent, here.

These sex acts were always consented to by the young men. And no shit they were. What young man doesn’t want a free handjob as part of a massage?

If it was a male masseuse and female clients, they likely wouldn’t have consented and that’s then it’s called sexual assault.

So she sexually "preyed" on male college students, and all she had to do was give up her masseuse license, with no other legal recourse? If the genders were flipped, this would be a much bigger deal than it is, and the male masseuse would most certainly have criminal charges brought against him.

Nevermind she later asked for money after-the-fact. Wouldn't that then make her a prostitute, considering the services rendered?

In theory it doesn't sound right. I think the big difference is that men are typically more aggressive and more physically imposing. Rarely do you hear of sexual assault towards men....committed by women. Almost always the other way around. And that's why consent is easy to understand in a story like this one....especially when we are talking about college football players. It would be hard for one of them to claim that the therapist forced them. Switch the roles.....a claim like that is far easier to believe.

In theory it doesn't sound right. I think the big difference is that men are typically more aggressive and more physically imposing. Rarely do you hear of sexual assault towards men....committed by women. Almost always the other way around. And that's why consent is easy to understand in a story like this one....especially when we are talking about college football players. It would be hard for one of them to claim that the therapist forced them. Switch the roles.....a claim like that is far easier to believe.
Only time I ever really hear of predatory sexual behavior inflicted by a woman on a man, it's usually a teacher with a high school student (or a boy, not a man).

Only time I ever really hear of predatory sexual behavior inflicted by a woman on a man, it's usually a teacher with a high school student (or a boy, not a man).

Right. And once again....for the obvious reasons....a male teacher with a female student throws up a ton more red flags....imo.

Without digging into this to search all facts etc., it appears that the Ohio States, Michigan's, Penn States, Alabamans etc., typically will never be held accountable for actions like this. Meanwhile schools like Minnesota will continue to be crucified over actions like this.
While I agree those places get away with things, this particular situation has nothing to do with the school.

2 consenting adults that are of age have sex. So what? tOSU appears to be trying to make her look bad so it doesn’t look like free benefits from this gal that would violate the NCAA. If she violated her position of power (like doctors or police) to make these guys vulnerable that’s something, but from all accounts she said let’s go and they said ok. Am I missing something?

Am I missing something?
She then tried to ask them for money, some amount of time after the fact.

Not sure if anything illegal there, or I assume there would be charges. But license is obviously gone.

She then tried to ask them for money, some amount of time after the fact.

Not sure if anything illegal there, or I assume there would be charges. But license is obviously gone.
I think all accounts/investigations stated that...nothing illegal, no charges.

tOSU got their lawyers involved to change the narrative. "No harm done". Everything is kinky-dory. tOSU is not invited to the party. They made sure there is a disclaimer: "Get a massage at your own risk". :cool02:

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