Why is this not more of a concern?


Apr 21, 2010
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Ben Johnson-De La Salle
Dave Thorson-De La Salle
Jamison Battle-De La Salle
All three of these are coming to MN. Ben Johnson has stated his main goal is to keep MN kids home.

Gabe Kulscheur-De La Salle-Played for Dave Thorson.
First player to transfer out of the program.

Why is this not getting questioned more? This is a huge red flag that needs to be addressed.

Pretty carefully discussed including interviews with Gabe. He is very supportive of BJ and very supportive of DT. Wants UM to do well. Wants a change. Lots of potential reasons for that. I am sure that his shooting woes have diminished his overall enjoyment here for last 2 years. Maybe he wants a new set of fans that will look at him with new eyes and appreciate him.

I simply just think that it is because he didn’t want to be stuck in a rebuild, and although Iowa state is also in one, he will be put in a very good spot to succeed and will have all of that pressure off his back

MN is also a pretty fair weather place. there were lots of kudos to Pitino when they beat multiple top 10 teams early this year and were ranked. Not so much when they had a couple of tough injuries. Then there was a lot of bashing of BJ hire right at the get go. Maybe he wants a place where the fans and community are more supportive of the coaches and the program. Maybe that includes a place without a wonderful winning NBA entry that gets more attention for all the positives they provide.

If he only had 1 more season of eligibility, maybe he would have stuck it out for another year. With the extra year afforded to everyone, he is thinking a little more long term, I presume. Heck, he could grad transfer again if it doesn't work out in Ames.

Ya cant keep them all home! Gabe said he wanted a new start. I dont think it has anything to do with new staff.

We've been saying this for years. I'll never blame a coach for not being able to recruit/keep the players during his first season. It's a really difficult thing to do.

That said, Ben was hired because Coyle thought he'd keep more of them home than other (more experienced) candidates. This excuse shouldn't fly for the 2022 class and going forward.

MN is also a pretty fair weather place. there were lots of kudos to Pitino when they beat multiple top 10 teams early this year and were ranked. Not so much when they had a couple of tough injuries. Then there was a lot of bashing of BJ hire right at the get go. Maybe he wants a place where the fans and community are more supportive of the coaches and the program. Maybe that includes a place without a wonderful winning NBA entry that gets more attention for all the positives they provide.
Oh please....Pitino's B10 record was putrid here....He never would have lasted at other major universities as long as he did with that conference record....The criticism and hesitancy of the Johnson hire is well warranted....No HC experience and we just went thru 8 years with a coach that was learning on the job.. Smith wanted the job with a proven track record.

I hope the change does Gabe well. No concerns regarding Thorson or BJ on this move.

I'll say this, some players just like the coach they play for. There would be nothing wrong if Gabe really liked Pitino and didn't want to play for Ben. He's human, he doesn't have some sort of blind loyalty just because its BJ and Thor. Free will is a beautiful thing.

For those saying he would have transferred even if Pitino stayed, show me your crystal ball, I want to know the lottery numbers for next week.

I'll say this, some players just like the coach they play for. There would be nothing wrong if Gabe really liked Pitino and didn't want to play for Ben. He's human, he doesn't have some sort of blind loyalty just because its BJ and Thor. Free will is a beautiful thing.

For those saying he would have transferred even if Pitino stayed, show me your crystal ball, I want to know the lottery numbers for next week.
Allegedly, per sources, Gabe has made his mind up to transfer prior to Pitino being fired. Not sure if Gabe himself has publicly stated that.

For some people, the grass is always greener over the next hill. If you don't like your current job, you think the new job is going to be so much better. Don't like the current girlfriend.....you get the idea.

Same holds true for athletes. And - let's not forget - Gabe and other college-aged athletes are part of a cohort that is far more mobile than previous generations. today's young people move more often and change jobs more often. In my time, the ideal was to land a good job and stay with the same company for 30-40 years and retire with a pension. if someone worked 4 or 5 jobs in a 10-year span, they were looked at with suspicion. today, young people change jobs frequently and there is no stigma. it's just accepted.

Ben Johnson-De La Salle
Dave Thorson-De La Salle
Jamison Battle-De La Salle
All three of these are coming to MN. Ben Johnson has stated his main goal is to keep MN kids home.

Gabe Kulscheur-De La Salle-Played for Dave Thorson.
First player to transfer out of the program.

Why is this not getting questioned more? This is a huge red flag that needs to be addressed.
While it's great to play at home it can also be the hardest. If your successful or show growth, during your career, the fans cheer...if not they jeer.

Ben Johnson-De La Salle
Dave Thorson-De La Salle
Jamison Battle-De La Salle
All three of these are coming to MN. Ben Johnson has stated his main goal is to keep MN kids home.

Gabe Kulscheur-De La Salle-Played for Dave Thorson.
First player to transfer out of the program.

Why is this not getting questioned more? This is a huge red flag that needs to be addressed.
Is the red flag that we have too many de la salle guys or not enough?

based on comments from Ryan James, he was 100% prior to Ben Johnson. Hiring Ben Johnson put us running to stay home, but still wanted to explore and he decided it was best to move on

I think most gopher fans understand the decision.

Gabe needed to transfer... and he knew it, seemingly even before Lil' Richard got sent down the highway. He was not progressing as a player here. If he has aspirations of playing professionally, he needs to fix that horrid shooting... Sometimes a player does need a fresh set of eyes to evaluate and correct his problems, and it's a good bet that once he decided to leave, he wasn't changing his mind. It must be like a huge burden has been lifted off his shoulders with his leaving Minnesota. Why would he lift all that back up just because of the new coaching regime...?

Gabe needed to transfer... and he knew it, seemingly even before Lil' Richard got sent down the highway. He was not progressing as a player here. If he has aspirations of playing professionally, he needs to fix that horrid shooting... Sometimes a player does need a fresh set of eyes to evaluate and correct his problems, and it's a good bet that once he decided to leave, he wasn't changing his mind. It must be like a huge burden has been lifted off his shoulders with his leaving Minnesota. Why would he lift all that back up just because of the new coaching regime...?
I can see your train of thought, but it as not as simple as that. We have a whole new coaching staff that can serve as those fresh eyes. A staff that he has positive experiences with in the past and one in which he should have some trust. Before you make a commitment to another school, the train has only left the station in your mind. You also have to constantly reevaluate your situation for the best possible path from this moment forward. The possible paths changed dramatically with the coaching change and it would call for another reassessment of which is the best path to follow.

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