Doogie insinuates Donna Smith would rather be somewhere else


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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In a mock Q&A, Doogie addresses Tubby coaching rumors and Royce:

Dear Dr. Dan: My wife would rather be somewhere else, the practice facility that I so richly deserve, and was promised to me, is at best two years from becoming a reality, and Nike head-honcho Phil Knight is willing to give me a Brinks truck to come to Oregon. Should I go? And while we have your attention, should I allow Royce White back onto the team if he wants to play?

O. Smith, Minneapolis

Dear Mr. Smith: At 58-years-old, your next landing spot will likely be your last job. Even with a brand-new arena, do you want that to be in Eugene, Oregon? Really, we see you at North Carolina State a year from now after former Timberwolves coach Sidney Lowe is dismissed. Between you and your wife, you have family in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. With your dream job, Maryland, not opening anytime soon, the Wolfpack makes the most sense to us.

As for White, do you really want to welcome back someone who quit on you? That being said, you lack a go-to scorer and a good individual rebounder, two areas where White could excel. Our society constantly grants second chances (heck, even Elin appears to be giving Tiger a second chance) so, yes, for the sake of winning an NCAA tournament game before you leave, take him back.

Go Gophers!!

Regurgitated, unsubstantiated rumors from this past couple weeks. Awesome.


I confident that you know that I like you and that I appreciate your presence here, especially when you offer the occasional inside scoop from behind the scenes, but sometimes you seem to ask for some of the ridicule thrown your way. That material was weak, especially if you aren't willing to back up the claims that Donna Smith is unhappy, and especially the NC State speculation because you've repeatedly mentioned that as the next destination for Coach Smith. Eventually you need to substantiate your claims if you continue to use the same Coach Smith is waiting for NC State to open and Donna Smith wanting out speculation.

Come on Doogie. That was as bad as the call you made for Gardy to start using Nathan in the 7th instead of as a closer, before the injury.

Also donna hates being up north in mpls

This is an exact email I got from a source I trust on Thursday when the Oregon rumors started ... I am far from the 1st person who has heard this stuff ... I think in this case, where there's smoke, there's fire... many on here, I get, have a hard time believing anything negative in regards to our favorite program ... but in reality, not everything is perfect.

akgopher -- I have never said that Tubby is waiting for the NC State job ... I have said that this is not Tubby's last job and that his dream job is Maryland, and he and Donna have family in NC, Vir., and Maryland, so making a bit of a leap in suggesting the NC State job.
As for Nathan, if they are facing the Red Sox and the 2-3-4 guys are due up in the 8th, why not use your best reliever in the highest of high-leverage situations?

Im sick of 'sources i trust'

considering this sources i trust guy hasnt gotten anything right for a few weeks now, im disinclined to listen to anything that guy has to say anymore

I'm happy that you admitted that the NC State job speculation is a leap on your part. You've mentioned it more than once. Eventually your going to have to put more to the Donna Smith unhappiness if your going to go with that whenever a job opens up or each spring during the tournament. Also, you said using Nathan in the 7th, not the 8th. Regardless, I think your cool and I give you credit for not hiding behind a screen name and adding to our debates.

7th inning then too -- Red Sox have Dustin P., Victor Martinez, and Kevin Y. due up ... it's a 4-3 Twins lead ... why not protect that lead with Nathan in the 7th?

I have always said that I thoroughly enjoy the debates on here ... I love the disagreement and attempting to validate points ... I just have never understood the personal attacks.

If everyone who disliked Minnesota winters moved there wouldn't be many people living here. Luckily most people suck it up and don't go through with it.

I don't know if you can even consider Doogie part of the MN media or not, but I think we should all take comfort in knowing that if you do consider him part of the media, Tubby obviously isn't going anywhere. These people are the same idiots that said Tubby was a lock for UVA last year, a lock for Auburn a couple weeks ago, a lock for Georgia Tech when there wasn't even an opening, the top candidate for the Oregon job, and the top candidate for the Florida job, when there was no opening. In the days that follow, different reports come out, like the report today from the Oregon media, that Tubby wasn't even contacted by the U of Oregon. So whom would you tend to believe in that situation? The last media market I would believe would be the Twin Cities. They can cite their sources all they want, but they continually are proven to be wrong. But there they always go again, like Doogie is now, and saying they have their trusted sources. Only people that are ignorant, or completely gullible would believe anything you say.

Seriously, read again what all these d-bags in the media have pooped out of their mouths over the last few weeks, and then someone with a straight face tell me you can believe anything any of them say.


If everyone who disliked Minnesota winters moved there wouldn't be many people living here. Luckily most people suck it up and don't go through with it.

To heck with the practice facility. If your wife hates the Minnesota winter, you need to move. I would not blame either Tubby or Donna one bit. I am thrilled to have them here for as long as they choose.

I only hope Mrs. Smith does not hate our winters.


If everyone who disliked Minnesota winters moved there wouldn't be many people living here. Luckily most people suck it up and don't go through with it.

Every time I have to shovel out the car, I wish I wasn't here. I just think about the other 8 months, and that feeling goes away.

I don't understand Doogie's apparent fascination with Tubby going to NC State. It's apparently his way of adding to the rumors and complete speculation everybody in the Twin Cities, and indeed the national media, are doing at all times regarding Tubby.

As for whether Donna hates it here or not, there are conflicting "reports" on this as well. I've read where she loves it in some cases and I've also read that she hates it in others. Whom do I believe? Well, not necessarily the media. Sorry Doogie, but I need something a little more concrete than simply "well, she hates it here and therefore we're on the first train out of town, like, say, NC State." It's the same crap we heard last year with Virginia and nothing came of it.

In the case of Royce White, the entire suggestion is completely ridiculous. Let Royce back so the coach can win an NCAA Tournament game before he jets somewhere else? Yeah, okay.

Aaaaaand Doogie has reached a new "journalistic" low. What a waste of ink and bandwidth.

Also donna hates being up north in mpls

This is an exact email I got from a source I trust on Thursday when the Oregon rumors started ... I am far from the 1st person who has heard this stuff ... I think in this case, where there's smoke, there's fire... many on here, I get, have a hard time believing anything negative in regards to our favorite program ... but in reality, not everything is perfect.

that weak "TMZ wanna-be" type of line is so pathetic and bush-league. let me guess "your source you trust" was named dennis dodd?! because didn't that D-BAG use that same pathetic, cheap, speculative "bail out line" when he published his B.S. nothing-but-rank-speculation blog post (which was immediately proved to be wrong) the morning of the gophers vs. xavier game? you really are a lame, lame person doogie. lame.


Aaaaaand Doogie has reached a new "journalistic" low. What a waste of ink and bandwidth.

ding, ding, ding. he likes to wallow in the weeds with rank speculative talk because that is all he is really able to produce. he doesn't have any REAL access to speak of. don't let this joker fool you guys with his nasa-space-camp-esque stints on local radio where he gets to play with all the big buttons and gets to wear the big headphones.

Tubby might someday go elsewhere, but if he does, it ain't going to be to NC State. My gosh, why would he want to work 10 minutes between Roy Williams and Coach K and get his head blown off four times a year by those guys? That job is not a good job with hugely unrealistic expectations. You think he felt pressure at Kentucky? Wait until he sits between those two coaches making $2.5 million per year and trying to compete. He'll run from that situation as fast as they make the first call.

Also donna hates being up north in mpls

This is an exact email I got from a source I trust on Thursday when the Oregon rumors started ... I am far from the 1st person who has heard this stuff ... I think in this case, where there's smoke, there's fire... many on here, I get, have a hard time believing anything negative in regards to our favorite program ... but in reality, not everything is perfect.

Breaking news!!!! Doogie gets the scoop!!!! Minnesota winters suck and nobody likes them. I never thought the secret would get out but it did. Did you hear anything else Doogie?

If Tubby does leave there are going to be a whole lot of upset people in Minny...

Also donna hates being up north in mpls

This is an exact email I got from a source I trust on Thursday when the Oregon rumors started ... I am far from the 1st person who has heard this stuff ... I think in this case, where there's smoke, there's fire... many on here, I get, have a hard time believing anything negative in regards to our favorite program ... but in reality, not everything is perfect.

First, it's FALSE. Nonsense.

Second, ever been to Oregon? It's not as cold but it's not like the South either.

Tubby might someday go elsewhere, but if he does, it ain't going to be to NC State. My gosh, why would he want to work 10 minutes between Roy Williams and Coach K and get his head blown off four times a year by those guys? That job is not a good job with hugely unrealistic expectations. You think he felt pressure at Kentucky? Wait until he sits between those two coaches making $2.5 million per year and trying to compete. He'll run from that situation as fast as they make the first call.

+1,000. First, if Donna Smith dislikes the winters here that much, they'd have high-tailed it to UVa last year. It's not as if she like the first two winters fine and suddenly started hating them this year. Give me a break.

Second, NC State may actually be one of the wost jobs in college basketball. The fans look around at the masterpieces being carved all around them, from UNC to Duke to even little old Wake. And they demand you do the same. Then they hand you spoon and expect you to carve Mount Rushmore.

First, it's FALSE. Nonsense.

Second, ever been to Oregon? It's not as cold but it's not like the South either.

Unless he gets a 10-year, $30 mil offer or something crazy, I have never thought for one second that he was going to Oregon ... and the person who sent that to me would absolutely know ... I can read what your moniker is, but do you really know the family that well? Or at least well enough where open conversations are had?

ding, ding, ding. he likes to wallow in the weeds with rank speculative talk because that is all he is really able to produce. he doesn't have any REAL access to speak of. don't let this joker fool you guys with his nasa-space-camp-esque stints on local radio where he gets to play with all the big buttons and gets to wear the big headphones.

What would you consider REAL access? I am guessing whatever your definition of it is, I have access to ... or at least as much as any reporter in town, and if I miss something, I am filled in by those that were there oftentimes.

+1,000. First, if Donna Smith dislikes the winters here that much, they'd have high-tailed it to UVa last year. It's not as if she like the first two winters fine and suddenly started hating them this year. Give me a break.

Second, NC State may actually be one of the wost jobs in college basketball. The fans look around at the masterpieces being carved all around them, from UNC to Duke to even little old Wake. And they demand you do the same. Then they hand you spoon and expect you to carve Mount Rushmore.

He thought by now the practice facility would be at least in the process of being built, and never would've felt comfortable leaving after 2 years and after 1 year of Sampson III.
Correct ... my sense is that she has from the start not been a big fan of the winters ... nothing changed in the last year.

He thought by now the practice facility would be at least in the process of being built, and never would've felt comfortable leaving after 2 years and after 1 year of Sampson III.
Correct ... my sense is that she has from the start not been a big fan of the winters ... nothing changed in the last year.

Perhaps, but then it's an arbitrary line. If your wife hates it here and a job as close to home as you're going to get offers you $3 million bucks and a shiny new arena, you go. Uncomfortable or not. Or, if she just isn't that fond of the weather but it's not a big deal, you stay. But then it's probably not a big deal now, either.

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