Movies Everyone Has Seen-Except You


Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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I've seen a lot of movies in my day (excluding the last 3 years-kids will do that to you), but there are some notable misses on my list.

I only saw the first Lord of the Rings, didn't bother with the next two in the trilogy or any of the other Hobbit related movies-just wasn't my thing. I read all the Harry Potter books, but didn't bother with the movies-I really enjoyed the books and didn't see how the movies would enhance that experience.

Being a kid of the '80s, you'd think viewing the slasher movies Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street would have been required, but I never saw any in the series. By the time I was old enough to go to the movie theatres to see them, they were so far into the sequels that they were pretty ridiculous.

I've avoided many sports movies over time-Remember the Titans, the Kevin Costner sports oeuvre besides Bull Durham, The Sandlot-what I love about live sports is lost in sports movies, I feel-you just know what's going to happen, so where's the suspense? I should note, Bad News Bears, Slap Shot, Major League, the original Longest Yard-all time favorites, as humor is much better than drama (generally speaking) in my opinion for sports movies.

Amongst the classics, I've seen most, but Lawrence of Arabia is a notable exception. I've always heard it's best to watch on the big screen, so been holding out hope of seeing it that way, to no avail.

Pretty sure I have not seen:

- E.T.
- Schindler's List (still want to see it but damn, who has that kind of time, like 4 hours?)
- Braveheart (pretty sure I've never watched it all from beginning to end, probably never will)
- Bull Durham (I know it's supposed to be really good, I just don't think I've ever watched it)

I know there are others. If it's sci-fi remotely, I probably haven't watched it I'm guessing

Beverly Hills Cop
48 Hours
Any Lord of the Rings or Hobbit movies
Pretty much all slasher movies (13th, Nightmare, etc.)
Gone with the Wind
Terminator 1 and 2

Amongst the classics, I've seen most, but Lawrence of Arabia is a notable exception. I've always heard it's best to watch on the big screen, so been holding out hope of seeing it that way, to no avail.

I have Lawrence of Arabia in my All Time Top 5 so I do strongly advocate seeing it at some point and as you have said, ideally in a theater. I did see it in a theater as recently as last fall as part of a TCM Classic series at the Emagine Theater in Lakeville. Several other chains participated as well, so if you ever relocate back to the US, there is chance you can see it.

The first time I saw it was when it was newly restored in 1989 at the Cooper Theater. I was at the U and had just finished finals. My dad had drove up to take me back home for break, and he really wanted to see it. I was on maybe 2 hours sleep, but I figured the worst that could happen was that I would doze off during the film. I got a jumbo Coke and was riveted the entire film, an amazing "epic". Got home and slept for 12 hours, just so I could wake up and take a 3 hour nap.

As for a flick I have yet to see, I will go with The Princess Bride.

I'm not a movie buff so also haven't seen any of the movies mentioned above, except LOTR & HP series, which I've seen each multiple times with the kids. I haven't seen many of the "classics", but I'll go with something recently popular that everyone seems to love. I haven't seen any of the Marvel Universe movies (Avengers, etc.) except for Guardians of the Galaxy.

I don't feel old very often but I was talking to a couple of new hires of my clients about a year ago, guys that were probably 24 years old or so, and mentioned Animal House and they did NOT know what I was talking about. And they were being dead serious.

I literally had nothing to say at that point. Speechless.

Star Wars

100% God's honest truth. Top that!

Given my age I'd say the most surprising one for me is E.T. At this point it feels like I don't have to. It's been referenced and parodied so much I already know it.

I also have not seen Lawrence. As far as more serious classics I'd say that's the biggest miss for me.

Given my age I'd say the most surprising one for me is E.T. At this point it feels like I don't have to. It's been referenced and parodied so much I already know it.

I also have not seen Lawrence. As far as more serious classics I'd say that's the biggest miss for me.
Really loved Lawrence of Arabia.

I don't feel old very often but I was talking to a couple of new hires of my clients about a year ago, guys that were probably 24 years old or so, and mentioned Animal House and they did NOT know what I was talking about. And they were being dead serious.

I literally had nothing to say at that point. Speechless.
Ok, boomer.

cmon guys, slasher movies and 80s buddy comedies are not "movies everyone has seen." i understand it is a figure of speech, but even stretching it there are only about a dozen movies that could be considered "movies everyone has seen."

i've never seen titanic. and, outside of the batman franchise, i despise comic book movies. they are a sign of the arrested development of today's young men.

I have Lawrence of Arabia in my All Time Top 5 so I do strongly advocate seeing it at some point and as you have said, ideally in a theater. I did see it in a theater as recently as last fall as part of a TCM Classic series at the Emagine Theater in Lakeville. Several other chains participated as well, so if you ever relocate back to the US, there is chance you can see it.

The first time I saw it was when it was newly restored in 1989 at the Cooper Theater. I was at the U and had just finished finals. My dad had drove up to take me back home for break, and he really wanted to see it. I was on maybe 2 hours sleep, but I figured the worst that could happen was that I would doze off during the film. I got a jumbo Coke and was riveted the entire film, an amazing "epic". Got home and slept for 12 hours, just so I could wake up and take a 3 hour nap.

As for a flick I have yet to see, I will go with The Princess Bride.
I'm hoping the day arrives when I happen to be visiting home and the stars align. It seems like worth the wait at this point. Your commentary and others have reinforced how much I would like to see it.

And as for The Princess Bride, I strongly recommend watching it-it seems we have similar tastes and it's a movie that I adore for a wide variety of reasons-clever writing, the humor, solid story, the actors involved, the ability for it to be enjoyed by just about any age group.

cmon guys, slasher movies and 80s buddy comedies are not "movies everyone has seen." i understand it is a figure of speech, but even stretching it there are only about a dozen movies that could be considered "movies everyone has seen."

i've never seen titanic. and, outside of the batman franchise, i despise comic book movies. they are a sign of the arrested development of today's young men.
Well Mr. Literal, if we want to extend it to your obvious conclusion, this topic should not be even be broached since there's no shared viewing experience that everyone has had. Hell, even the test patterns that used to end the TV days at midnight are a distant memory for anyone 30 or younger.

Honestly, really don't think you missed much.
Cool as I am, never saw Dazed and Confused or Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
You are a cool guy, and while I wouldn't necessarily recommend FTaRH at this point in life, Dazed & Confused is a legit Top 10 movie for me. For my money, it's the best coming of age movie ever done and mines some pretty deep territory without overtly doing so (my issue with American Graffitti-which I like, but it was telling us every step of the way how momentous this particularly night was). It also doesn't rely on the common wacky tropes of teen movies to advance the plot. It just meanders along with good tunes, good bud, and a kegger at the Moon Tower.

Beverly Hills Cop
48 Hours
Any Lord of the Rings or Hobbit movies
Pretty much all slasher movies (13th, Nightmare, etc.)
Gone with the Wind
Terminator 1 and 2
Not a Eddie Murphy fan? Those are really surprising misses (from my perspective) as I think that we are almost the same age and it seemed almost unavoidable to miss those movies in the '80s.

Loved Terminator 2 and still stop whenever's it on TV (which happens a lot here in Peru). Still mighty impressive special effects, 30 years later. I'm not a Sci-Fi guy either, the original Terminator didn't do much for me.

And I forgot GWtW-never saw that either, read the book in high school.

I'm hoping the day arrives when I happen to be visiting home and the stars align. It seems like worth the wait at this point. Your commentary and others have reinforced how much I would like to see it.

And as for The Princess Bride, I strongly recommend watching it-it seems we have similar tastes and it's a movie that I adore for a wide variety of reasons-clever writing, the humor, solid story, the actors involved, the ability for it to be enjoyed by just about any age group.
It could be argued that The Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever made. It's that good. It has everything and can be rewatched endlessly.

You are a cool guy, and while I wouldn't necessarily recommend FTaRH at this point in life, Dazed & Confused is a legit Top 10 movie for me. For my money, it's the best coming of age movie ever done and mines some pretty deep territory without overtly doing so (my issue with American Graffitti-which I like, but it was telling us every step of the way how momentous this particularly night was). It also doesn't rely on the common wacky tropes of teen movies to advance the plot. It just meanders along with good tunes, good bud, and a kegger at the Moon Tower.
Have you seen The Way Way Back? One of the best, most underrated coming of age movies out there. Fantastic movie.

Not a Eddie Murphy fan? Those are really surprising misses (from my perspective) as I think that we are almost the same age and it seemed almost unavoidable to miss those movies in the '80s.

Loved Terminator 2 and still stop whenever's it on TV (which happens a lot here in Peru). Still mighty impressive special effects, 30 years later. I'm not a Sci-Fi guy either, the original Terminator didn't do much for me.

And I forgot GWtW-never saw that either, read the book in high school.
I think Eddie Murphy is great. Probably just a couple years too young for those when they came out and just never saw them. Coming to America, on the other hand, is one of my favorite comedies.

I don't feel old very often but I was talking to a couple of new hires of my clients about a year ago, guys that were probably 24 years old or so, and mentioned Animal House and they did NOT know what I was talking about. And they were being dead serious.

I literally had nothing to say at that point. Speechless.

Ouch. I mentioned MTV a couple years ago, and my teenagers asked me what that was?

Honestly, really don't think you missed much.
Cool as I am, never saw Dazed and Confused or Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Both great movies, well worth your time. Fast Times is one of my favorite comedies.

My list:
-Any LOTR movie
-Harry Potter series (I did see the first one on the first date with my wife. F, it was terrible-the movie, not the date)
-Any Monty Python movie
-Most superhero movies- I’ve seen the first Spider-Man from like 2000, and I saw the first half of Iron Man before falling asleep
-Gone With The Wind

cmon guys, slasher movies and 80s buddy comedies are not "movies everyone has seen." i understand it is a figure of speech, but even stretching it there are only about a dozen movies that could be considered "movies everyone has seen."

i've never seen titanic. and, outside of the batman franchise, i despise comic book movies. they are a sign of the arrested development of today's young men.
Samesies. (except Titanic).

It could be argued that The Princess Bride is one of the best movies ever made. It's that good. It has everything and can be rewatched endlessly.

I will have to seek it out, especially based your and CoolHand's advice. Not sure why I have not seen it previously

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