Dear Joel Maturi


bored with recruiting talk
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
My uncle just was talking smack to me.

This might not seem like a big deal, but my uncle did his undergrad at Cornell and his grad work at Northwestern.

Cornell is ranked ahead of us in hockey and basketball.

Northwestern just beat us and looks to have a better team than us next year.

We did pull off the upset in football this year, but there is no doubt that the Northwestern program with Fitzgerald is more stable than ours with Brewster.

You should be fired.

My uncle just was talking smack to me.

This might not seem like a big deal, but my uncle did his undergrad at Cornell and his grad work at Northwestern.

Cornell is ranked ahead of us in hockey and basketball.

Northwestern just beat us and looks to have a better team than us next year.

We did pull off the upset in football this year, but there is no doubt that the Northwestern program with Fitzgerald is more stable than ours with Brewster.

You should be fired.

Send this to him. He answers all emails. CC President Bruinicks. See what response you get.

If you're going to email him, perhaps put it in more...polite...language. I too agree one hundred percent with you on everything you said, and that he should be fired, but no need to be so coarse about it.

Let's see....... Oversaw the building of a new football stadium on campus (pretty nice, if I do say so myself), brought in a top tier coach to a dismal basketball program, saw back to back national championships in D1 hockey after hiring Lucia. Going through a bit of a rough stretch? Absolutely! Time to shut down the "U" athletic department? Not quite yet. Do yourself a favor of not embarrassing yourself in sending the email. This sentiment is not to far from the gentleman in our 6th grade Basketball program in Burnsville who punched the commissioner because he thought his team was "jobbed" by the junior high time keeper. Take a deep breath and move on, not really that bad after all. Is it?

Let's see....... Oversaw the building of a new football stadium on campus (pretty nice, if I do say so myself), brought in a top tier coach to a dismal basketball program, saw back to back national championships in D1 hockey after hiring Lucia. Going through a bit of a rough stretch? Absolutely! Time to shut down the "U" athletic department? Not quite yet. Do yourself a favor of not embarrassing yourself in sending the email. This sentiment is not to far from the gentleman in our 6th grade Basketball program in Burnsville who punched the commissioner because he thought his team was "jobbed" by the junior high time keeper. Take a deep breath and move on, not really that bad after all. Is it?

The football stadium is great and all, but on the list of people responsible Maturi is far down it. The House and Senate Sponsors, Gov. Pawlenty, Pres. Bruinicks, the Pohlads, Jerry Bell, Brad Finstad, Dean Johnson and Steve Sviggum are just a few of the people who had more to do with the Gopher stadium bill passing then Maturi did. (They were determined to pass the Twins bill in 2006 and couldn't get away with not passing the Gophers stadium at the same time.) Certainly, Maturi had much to do with raising the private portion of the funding, etc. etc. But the hard work was getting the bill through the legislature, which I give him very little credit for.

As for Tubby, I don't know how much credit to give him. Did he hire Tubby, or as many have said, did Tubby hire him? It seems like Clem Hasins' recommendation had more to do with Tubby accepting then anything Gentleman Joel likely said to him.

Bottom-line is that every major-conference AD has to keep his program in the black and push for new facilities etc. But Maturi's handling of the major programs has been poor. From the Monson fiasco of March 2006 to firing Mason in January when all the best candidates had already been hired. He hasn't shown up to that part of the job.

My uncle just was talking smack to me.

This might not seem like a big deal, but my uncle did his undergrad at Cornell and his grad work at Northwestern.

Cornell is ranked ahead of us in hockey and basketball.

Northwestern just beat us and looks to have a better team than us next year.

We did pull off the upset in football this year, but there is no doubt that the Northwestern program with Fitzgerald is more stable than ours with Brewster.

You should be fired.

I think you posted this on the wrong website.

Your ilk belongs (link deleted by moderator) I think.

Let's see....... Oversaw the building of a new football stadium on campus (pretty nice, if I do say so myself), brought in a top tier coach to a dismal basketball program, saw back to back national championships in D1 hockey after hiring Lucia. Going through a bit of a rough stretch? Absolutely! Time to shut down the "U" athletic department? Not quite yet. Do yourself a favor of not embarrassing yourself in sending the email. This sentiment is not to far from the gentleman in our 6th grade Basketball program in Burnsville who punched the commissioner because he thought his team was "jobbed" by the junior high time keeper. Take a deep breath and move on, not really that bad after all. Is it?

I agree that in the grand scheme of things the success of Gopher sports is not important. So no, it's really not THAT bad. This, however, does not change that fact that failures of our athletic department far outweigh the successes in Mr. Maturi's tenure. You've cited the three major accomplishments achieved by Maturi since he came here in 2002. Allow me to list the failures. (These are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more).

-Allowed hockey team to decline to irrelevance less than 5 years after winning back-to-back national championships
-Extended Dan Monson only to fired him months later.
-Extended Glen Mason only to fired him a year later.
-Zero improvements made to baseball "stadium" that is in great need of upgrading.
-Botched the Royce White situation.
-Only 2 NCAA basketball Tournament appearances in 8 seasons.
-Zero Jan 1. bowl appearances for football team.
-Lacking parking/tailgating experience despite new stadium opening.
-Mismanageed Tim Brewster contract extension.
-Horrible ticket office customer service.

Fell free to add to this list.

How to evaluate "bad"...

I agree that in the grand scheme of things the success of Gopher sports is not important. So no, it's really not THAT bad. This, however, does not change that fact that failures of our athletic department far outweigh the successes in Mr. Maturi's tenure. You've cited the three major accomplishments achieved by Maturi since he came here in 2002. Allow me to list the failures. (These are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more).

-Allowed hockey team to decline to irrelevance less than 5 years after winning back-to-back national championships
-Extended Dan Monson only to fired him months later.
-Extended Glen Mason only to fired him a year later.
-Zero improvements made to baseball "stadium" that is in great need of upgrading.
-Botched the Royce White situation.
-Only 2 NCAA basketball Tournament appearances in 8 seasons.
-Zero Jan 1. bowl appearances for football team.
-Lacking parking/tailgating experience despite new stadium opening.
-Mismanageed Tim Brewster contract extension.
-Horrible ticket office customer service.

Fell free to add to this list.

From JM's/U's viewpoint, "bad" means that men's fb, bb and hockey revenues decline to levels that endanger financial support for the other 24 weak-revenue AD programs. Notwithstanding the Grand Scheme, using this metric, W/L success does matter to some important sectors of the G AD and GN.

Everything's peachy until if and when ticket-buying fan support collapses for one or more of the Big 3...then the frantic search begins for new savior(s) willing to undertake yet another arduous rebuilding task.

I agree that in the grand scheme of things the success of Gopher sports is not important. So no, it's really not THAT bad. This, however, does not change that fact that failures of our athletic department far outweigh the successes in Mr. Maturi's tenure. You've cited the three major accomplishments achieved by Maturi since he came here in 2002. Allow me to list the failures. (These are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more).

-Allowed hockey team to decline to irrelevance less than 5 years after winning back-to-back national championships
-Extended Dan Monson only to fired him months later.
-Extended Glen Mason only to fired him a year later.
-Zero improvements made to baseball "stadium" that is in great need of upgrading.
-Botched the Royce White situation.
-Only 2 NCAA basketball Tournament appearances in 8 seasons.
-Zero Jan 1. bowl appearances for football team.
-Lacking parking/tailgating experience despite new stadium opening.
-Mismanageed Tim Brewster contract extension.
-Horrible ticket office customer service.

Fell free to add to this list.

It's a very good list. I would add that the basketball games have become a non-stop commercial. From the floor to the constant stupid crowd killing games they play at every available timeout in search of making some extra coin.

It's a very good list. I would add that the basketball games have become a non-stop commercial. From the floor to the constant stupid crowd killing games they play at every available timeout in search of making some extra coin.

That one bothers me the most because it was stupid to start and it is easy to end. Dump those stupid promotions. Bring back the Barn atmosphere.

It's a very good list. I would add that the basketball games have become a non-stop commercial. From the floor to the constant stupid crowd killing games they play at every available timeout in search of making some extra coin.

Good addition. I think a lot of the athletic Department problems stem from a lack of creativity.

-Want to generate advertising revenue during basketball timeouts? Have companies sponsor the rouser while its played, not meaningless "contests" or fan trivia questions.

-Students not showing up for football games? Instead of doing nothing until the next season (we'll see if anything is actually changed THIS season), send out an e-mail to all student season ticket holders asking them to show support for the team by showing up or hey maybe have a "wake up call" call in the dorms where RA's knock on everyone's door on game days reminding them to go to the game.

I just thought of these in my 5 minutes of typing. Maybe they are completely stupid and wouldn't work, but they should serve as an example of how easy it is to come up with new ideas for poblems that have persisted for years.

Good addition. I think a lot of the athletic Department problems stem from a lack of creativity.

-Want to generate advertising revenue during basketball timeouts? Have companies sponsor the rouser while its played, not meaningless "contests" or fan trivia questions.

-Students not showing up for football games? Instead of doing nothing until the next season (we'll see if anything is actually changed THIS season), send out an e-mail to all student season ticket holders asking them to show support for the team by showing up or hey maybe have a "wake up call" call in the dorms where RA's knock on everyone's door on game days reminding them to go to the game.

I just thought of these in my 5 minutes of typing. Maybe they are completely stupid and wouldn't work, but they should serve as an example of how easy it is to come up with new ideas for poblems that have persisted for years.

The Athletic department has a terribly short-sighted view when it comes to the students. The student season-tickets in both football and basketball are far too expensive. Today's students are tomorrows big donors and passionate life-long fans.

Get a sponsor for the student tickets and cut them to free or near free. Develop a section for recent grads to buy reduced tickets. They can't afford the full price. So instead they drop off the map and never come back.

Want to do a gold-out? Instead of just 'putting out the word' get free t-shirts printed up with a sponsor on them and leave them in all the seats.

Worried about students not showing up? Stop giving out all of the tickets in advance. Make them show up each week to get thier tickets. If they don't show, give them to someone else.

These things are not that hard.

The Athletic department has a terribly short-sighted view when it comes to the students. The student season-tickets in both football and basketball are far too expensive. Today's students are tomorrows big donors and passionate life-long fans.

Get a sponsor for the student tickets and cut them to free or near free. Develop a section for recent grads to buy reduced tickets. They can't afford the full price. So instead they drop off the map and never come back.

Want to do a gold-out? Instead of just 'putting out the word' get free t-shirts printed up with a sponsor on them and leave them in all the seats.

Worried about students not showing up? Stop giving out all of the tickets in advance. Make them show up each week to get thier tickets. If they don't show, give them to someone else.

These things are not that hard.

And/Or sell the Football tickets for an extra 5 bucks a game and make the student stub redeemable for $5 worth of food at that game. If they don't go they lose the free lunch. No student can go three hours without eating anyway.

Allow me to list the failures. (These are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are more).

-Allowed hockey team to decline to irrelevance less than 5 years after winning back-to-back national championships
Lots of factors to this "decline." Sounds like you think Maturi should have replaced Lucia by now -- is that what you're really saying?

-Extended Dan Monson only to fired him months later.
Huh? I suspect what you mean is that Monson wasn't fired when Maturi met with him spring of 2007 in Cincinnati? Monson's contract wasn't extended then.

-Extended Glen Mason only to fired him a year later.
Or, put another way, fired Glen Mason after he publicly insulted the student section, failed to advance the team and embarrassed the University at its post-season bowl game. The only criticism I'd make in Maturi's handling of the situation with Mason was that he waited a long time (too long in many minds at the time) to extend Mason.

-Zero improvements made to baseball "stadium" that is in great need of upgrading.
They're fund-raising for a new baseball park ... he'd be castigated (and rightly so) if he made substantial improvements to the existing park in light of this.

-Botched the Royce White situation.
I know it's in vogue to saddle Maturi for this situation but I don't recall Tubby Smith saying anything but that he'd made the decision to suspend White. And, there's a fair number of us who don't blame either Tubby or Maturi for what was ultimately White's bad decisions.

-Only 2 NCAA basketball Tournament appearances in 8 seasons.
Are you siggesting that Maturi should make a change in the program now? Maturi didn't pull the trigger on Monson early enough if we look at it in isolation; however, I still think the timing was wrong given where the politics of getting a football stadium were at.

-Zero Jan 1. bowl appearances for football team.
Fair enough. And, if there's no progress this next year, the onus will be on Maturi to both take action and be accountable for the hiring of Brewster. I think we're a year away from evaluating the decision to hire Brewster.

-Lacking parking/tailgating experience despite new stadium opening.
While there were bugs in the parking management, only part of that can be laid at Maturi's doorstep. He can jawbone but not direct the folks responsible for parking lots on and off-campus. And, I frankly thought there was pretty good service recovery after the first couple of games. Nothing was so bad as to deserve firing the A.D.

-Mismanageed Tim Brewster contract extension.
You'd have extended him faster? Longer? Not at all? I'm not sure what would have been ideal "extension management" in your mind.

-Horrible ticket office customer service.
This is an area that continues to need a lot of work. But validation for firing Maturi? Nah.

Im pretty sure the ticket office is run by monkeys. i mean seriously, by-name tickets for 8000+ kids? and one worker per window? getting those tickets picked up took me an hour. and i went at a random time of day on the third day to get them. half the kids sell them or let their friends go anyway. policing that is pointless

Extended Dan Monson only to fired him months later.
Huh? I suspect what you mean is that Monson wasn't fired when Maturi met with him spring of 2007 in Cincinnati? Monson's contract wasn't extended then.

I assume that's what he's referring to. That incident was nothing short of a fiasco. Whatever his intentions, once it leaked to the front page of the Star Tribune, they had to go through with firing him. The ensuing press conference where he said 'if this was just about wins and losses, I'd probably fire him' was one of the most riduclous things I've ever seen. Monsons tenure was toast that day. But Maturi forced us to endure a 9 win season before moving on. The fact that he stumbled into Tubby Smith does not excuse this. It was one of the worst handlings of a major coaching move I've ever seen.

-Extended Glen Mason only to fired him a year later.
Or, put another way, fired Glen Mason after he publicly insulted the student section, failed to advance the team and embarrassed the University at its post-season bowl game. The only criticism I'd make in Maturi's handling of the situation with Mason was that he waited a long time (too long in many minds at the time) to extend Mason.

Regardless of whether Mason deserved to be fired after the 2006 season or not, there was zero excuse for waiting until after the Bowl Game. There's a reason no other schools do this. It ruins the recruiting class and leaves you out on all of the legitimate candidates. Yes, the collapse was horrific, but we weren't even favored to win that game. To fire a coach even partially because he lost the Insight Bowl is beyond ridiculous.

And yes, his actions the year prior in waiting until 11:59 on New Year's eve to get an extension done were equally pathetic. Maturi does nothing but dither when big decisions need to be made.

-Zero improvements made to baseball "stadium" that is in great need of upgrading.
They're fund-raising for a new baseball park ... he'd be castigated (and rightly so) if he made substantial improvements to the existing park in light of this.

This may be true. But they've needed a new baseball stadium for about 10 years right? It should have been done already. Because they seem incapable of multi-tasking or raising money for multiple projects, everything has had to go one at a time.

-Botched the Royce White situation.
I know it's in vogue to saddle Maturi for this situation but I don't recall Tubby Smith saying anything but that he'd made the decision to suspend White. And, there's a fair number of us who don't blame either Tubby or Maturi for what was ultimately White's bad decisions.

Tubby's not going to through Maturi under the bus, but I tend to think that were it totally up to him, White would have been playing sometime in January and this matter would never have escalated to where it ended up.

-Zero Jan 1. bowl appearances for football team.
Fair enough. And, if there's no progress this next year, the onus will be on Maturi to both take action and be accountable for the hiring of Brewster. I think we're a year away from evaluating the decision to hire Brewster.

Will he have the stones to do anything or will he just dither some more? In any case, I don't really want him being the one to select the new coach.

-Lacking parking/tailgating experience despite new stadium opening.
While there were bugs in the parking management, only part of that can be laid at Maturi's doorstep. He can jawbone but not direct the folks responsible for parking lots on and off-campus. And, I frankly thought there was pretty good service recovery after the first couple of games. Nothing was so bad as to deserve firing the A.D.

The overall marketing of the athletic department is something of a joke. There's a reason the student section's not full and the basketball season ticket holders are all ticked off. It's not fireable on itself. But one more black mark.

-Mismanageed Tim Brewster contract extension.
You'd have extended him faster? Longer? Not at all? I'm not sure what would have been ideal "extension management" in your mind.

Faster or not at all. Dithering until a few days before signing day meant it did no good for this year's recruiting. Slashing the buy-out in half means no recurit will be fooled as to Brew's status for next year, so it wont' help 2011 recruiting either. You may as well not have done it at all.

-Horrible ticket office customer service.
This is an area that continues to need a lot of work. But validation for firing Maturi? Nah.

No. But just one more problem.


It's a very good list. I would add that the basketball games have become a non-stop commercial. From the floor to the constant stupid crowd killing games they play at every available timeout in search of making some extra coin.



And/Or sell the Football tickets for an extra 5 bucks a game and make the student stub redeemable for $5 worth of food at that game. If they don't go they lose the free lunch. No student can go three hours without eating anyway.

This is a great idea. Make it a $10.00 rebate over all, $ 5.00 in the 2nd Quarter and $ 5.00 in the 4th Quarter. It's certainly worth a shot.

It's a very good list. I would add that the basketball games have become a non-stop commercial. From the floor to the constant stupid crowd killing games they play at every available timeout in search of making some extra coin.

Me too.

sell alcohol to the students. if you pour it, they will come. lol seriously though, winning will breed better attendance.

sell alcohol to the students. if you pour it, they will come. lol seriously though, winning will breed better attendance.

Make it quarter taps and the student section will be the toughest ticket in town.

So Maturi should've fired Lucia, the coach who accounts for 2 national championships? Otherwise how would maturi not have 'allowed' the hockey program to decline?? The AD should hire and fire coaches, not micromanage teams.

Like Monson or not, he removed the stain from the Clem era, now we have a coach who is generally thought of as one of the better coaches in the country.

The jury is still out on Brew.

I started a thread on the fball board pertaining to this... The Athletic department has provided financial support to the athletic programs, facilities have been updated and will continue to be updated, What exactly are people looking for from and AD???

I've posted on Maturi before and it's an absolute joke that he still has the A.D. Care to name another major university that would accept an AD who's had more than 5 years on the job and his men's basketball team and football team have accomplished nothing?

Hint to Joel: Do not mention swimming results when asked about your failures in the revenue (ie cared about) sports.

Why doesn't the student season ticket form have a spot where you circle the size shirt you want. That way there isn't only xxxxxxl sizes left for everyone at the end.

So Maturi should've fired Lucia, the coach who accounts for 2 national championships? Otherwise how would maturi not have 'allowed' the hockey program to decline?? The AD should hire and fire coaches, not micromanage teams.

Like Monson or not, he removed the stain from the Clem era, now we have a coach who is generally thought of as one of the better coaches in the country.

The jury is still out on Brew.

I started a thread on the fball board pertaining to this... The Athletic department has provided financial support to the athletic programs, facilities have been updated and will continue to be updated, What exactly are people looking for from and AD???

We are looking for someone who gets results. Maturi's been here since 2002 and Gopher Football and Basketball have never finished at or near the top in the Big Ten.

We are looking for someone who gets results. Maturi's been here since 2002 and Gopher Football and Basketball have never finished at or near the top in the Big Ten.

I agree with this. D1 sports is results based, and they are not there. Seven years on the job, 0 NCAA tourney wins and I believe 1 year 5-3 B10 FB record under Mason. Hockey has also declined steadily over the past 5 years. I am not calling for his head, but this if this is big time where winning matters, he has failed so far, IMO. I do realize the Stadium was huge, and there have been some other bright spots, but another year or two of this and I find it hard to believe the boosters wont be getting more vocal about ousting JM.

Am I the only one who thought the intent of the original post was tongue in cheek?

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