Rhule accepts Carolina Job

Baylor I can only imagine is a difficult place to recruit to, if the recruit's family isn't highly entrenched in that religion. Similar to BYU. Honor code, unaccepting of other lifestyles, etc. I have no idea how much they allow athletes to bend or break the honor code, defacto.

I actually had to look online to see about the religious affiliation of Baylor and I highly doubt the fact that it is technically a baptist college has much impact on recruiting. Prior to your post I didn't even know there was a religious affiliation with the school. While there is a religious requirement to the school it sounds like it is very loose.

Very different then a BYU where something like 99% of the students are Mormon.

I actually had to look online to see about the religious affiliation of Baylor and I highly doubt the fact that it is technically a baptist college has much impact on recruiting. Prior to your post I didn't even know there was a religious affiliation with the school. While there is a religious requirement to the school it sounds like it is very loose.

Very different then a BYU where something like 99% of the students are Mormon.
I’m sure there is more diversity at Baylor than BYU in terms of creed, but doubt it is anywhere near most P5 private schools.

Also the only P5 school to hold BYU-like policies that student shall not have premarital sex and that sexual orientations outside traditional man-woman pairing are not accepted.

So it’s a considerably oppressive institution, and only BYU comes to mind as worse in that regard.

Notre Dame, BC, TCU, and Wake come nowhere close, as far as I know. And the rest of the P5 privates are high level scientific-based research schools (Stanford, USC, NW, Duke, Vandy, Syracuse).
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I’m sure there is more diversity at Baylor than BYU in terms of creed, but doubt it is anywhere near most P5 private schools.

Also the only P5 school to hold BYU-like policies that student shall not have premarital sex and that sexual orientations outside traditional man-woman pairing are not accepted.

So it’s a considerably oppressive institution, and only BYU comes to mind as worse in that regard.

Notre Dame, BC, TCU, and Wake come nowhere close, as far as I know. And the rest of the P5 privates are high level scientific-based research schools (Stanford, USC, NW, Duke, Vandy, Syracuse).

Will have to take your word for it. Like I said, prior to your post I had never once thought of Baylor as a religious institution especially not one along the lines of a BYU or Notre Dame.

CBS Sports just put out an article with 10 possible Baylor targets. There was a current Big Ten coach on there but it wasn't Fleck. it was Allen from Indiana. Thought being that getting out of the loaded East and heading to the weak Big 12 might be attractive to him. I could certainly see that being the case but no clue how high he would be on their list.

I’m sure there is more diversity at Baylor than BYU in terms of creed, but doubt it is anywhere near most P5 private schools.

Also the only P5 school to hold BYU-like policies that student shall not have premarital sex and that sexual orientations outside traditional man-woman pairing are not accepted.

So it’s a considerably oppressive institution, and only BYU comes to mind as worse in that regard.

Notre Dame, BC, TCU, and Wake come nowhere close, as far as I know. And the rest of the P5 privates are high level scientific-based research schools (Stanford, USC, NW, Duke, Vandy, Syracuse).

Don't let preconceived biases cloud your thinking. Believe or not, Christian schools can be a strong draw for many students and their families; just as other schools have their own points of differentiation. There are many obvious examples out there.

Will have to take your word for it. Like I said, prior to your post I had never once thought of Baylor as a religious institution especially not one along the lines of a BYU or Notre Dame.
Funny how they specifically avoid mentioning that in the national marketing for Baylor athletics.

Don't let preconceived biases cloud your thinking. Believe or not, Christian schools can be a strong draw for many students and their families; just as other schools have their own points of differentiation. There are many obvious examples out there.
I haven’t the slightest grudge or axe to grind with families who value and consume Baylor’s product.

I only was implying that it must have challenges in recruiting.

So do Army & Navy, for completely different reasons.

I’m sure there is more diversity at Baylor than BYU in terms of creed, but doubt it is anywhere near most P5 private schools.

Also the only P5 school to hold BYU-like policies that student shall not have premarital sex and that sexual orientations outside traditional man-woman pairing are not accepted.

So it’s a considerably oppressive institution, and only BYU comes to mind as worse in that regard.

Notre Dame, BC, TCU, and Wake come nowhere close, as far as I know. And the rest of the P5 privates are high level scientific-based research schools (Stanford, USC, NW, Duke, Vandy, Syracuse).
I don't think it has been an issue in recruiting. The scandal and aftermath has.

Looks like someone changed the Baylor Football Wiki page and put Mike Gundy as HC.

In the why should I care? category: the Greens had Minnesota and Baylor as their "warm" schools. Join big brother Seth before some other 4-star WR's beat you to it.

There was an article on PFT I believe about how the Carolina owner broke the code of not inflating coaching salaries too far.

Players and owners make a ton of money, yet the coaches in the NFL aren't paid a ton in comparison.

It's a closed club, that NFL, and they control the prices.

Whoa, good point. 4 year rebuild at a G5 school followed by a 3 year build to an 11-win season at a P5. He even had a 1 year stint as an NFL assistant if I'm not mistaken.

That's Saban money.

Dabo - $9.3
Saban - $8.8
Rhule - $8.6
Harbaugh- $7.5
Fisher - $7.5
Smart - $6.9
Malzahn - $6.8

If that's the new market, I don't think we can hold onto PJ. I'd be all for it, but it'd be a tough sell in our state.

There was an article on PFT I believe about how the Carolina owner broke the code of not inflating coaching salaries too far.

Players and owners make a ton of money, yet the coaches in the NFL aren't paid a ton in comparison.

It's a closed club, that NFL, and they control the prices.

I read that, but I thought Oakland already set the trend. I think Gruden is getting 10 year - $100 million. That's Gruden, I know, but that is another 3 years and 40 million (in a previous year).

Fleck's not even getting mentioned for jobs like Baylor and Mississippi State and junk like that because people are waking up to how good he has it here now that he's got a culture and a winning trend in place. This is a place where a coach can be wildly successful, get paid, and make history.

I read that, but I thought Oakland already set the trend. I think Gruden is getting 10 year - $100 million. That's Gruden, I know, but that is another 3 years and 40 million (in a previous year).

Jon Gruden won a Super Bowl and took another team to one
Matt Rhule won the Texas Bowl against Vandy, and also beat Navy with another team for his best win there

Jon Gruden won a Super Bowl and took another team to one
Matt Rhule won the Texas Bowl against Vandy, and also beat Navy with another team for his best win there

My point was that Davis broke the bank on Gruden prior to Carolina breaking the bank on Rhule.

Gruden hadn't coached in 10 years and a lot of people believe he won a Super Bowl with Tony Dungy's team. I'm not trying to argue the merits of Gruden, I am simply stating that if there was a handshake deal not to inflate salaries, the Raiders broke it two years prior when they signed Gruden to a 10 year - 100 million dollar contract.

Don't let preconceived biases cloud your thinking. Believe or not, Christian schools can be a strong draw for many students and their families; just as other schools have their own points of differentiation. There are many obvious examples out there.

I think Mpls is making the point that these schools don't share his personal values, so that it must be difficult to recruit players to it. This is assuming that all people share those values, which I think we know they don't.

My point was that Davis broke the bank on Gruden prior to Carolina breaking the bank on Rhule.

Gruden hadn't coached in 10 years and a lot of people believe he won a Super Bowl with Tony Dungy's team. I'm not trying to argue the merits of Gruden, I am simply stating that if there was a handshake deal not to inflate salaries, the Raiders broke it two years prior when they signed Gruden to a 10 year - 100 million dollar contract.
The Davis family has been very good at pissing off other NFL owners over the years.

Don't let preconceived biases cloud your thinking. Believe or not, Christian schools can be a strong draw for many students and their families; just as other schools have their own points of differentiation. There are many obvious examples out there.

I think Mpls is making the point that these schools don't share his personal values, so that it must be difficult to recruit players to it. This is assuming that all people share those values, which I think we know they don't.

If that were true, then we'd hear about athletes thanking god on occasion.

If that's the new market, I don't think we can hold onto PJ. I'd be all for it, but it'd be a tough sell in our state.
I don't see PJ as being that driven by money that he'd leave something good, that he built, to go elsewhere just so he could go from $4-5M up to $7-8M. Why? You could perhaps say taking the final step to the very top of the top in college, and trying to land the top of the top athletes. That is a fun challenge I suppose. But also could say it would be a better challenge to try to build Minnesota up into a top level Big Ten program.

If that becomes too hard and/or he thinks he's hit a ceiling here, fine. But again, I don't see why going from very rich to very, very rich would be the prime reason for him.

And PJ thrives in college, because he's a motivator and a salesman. Those are his strengths. Those strengths are much less useful in the NFL, where strategy is king.

I think Mpls is making the point that these schools don't share his personal values, so that it must be difficult to recruit players to it. This is assuming that all people share those values, which I think we know they don't.
Baylor is the only P5 school, and one of I believe only three FBS schools (in addition to BYU and Liberty) to explicitly ban students from pre-marital sex as part of its institutional policy on student conduct.

Come on now. Don't try to pretend I'm making some silly, sweeping connotations about any and all private religious(-affiliated) schools. That's not it at all.

Baylor is the only P5 school, and one of I believe only three FBS schools (in addition to BYU and Liberty) to explicitly ban students from pre-marital sex as part of its institutional policy on student conduct.

Come on now. Don't try to pretend I'm making some silly, sweeping connotations about any and all private religious(-affiliated) schools. That's not it at all.

I see your point, I am just saying that you might be underestimating the amount of young people that think they can at least attempt to meet that higher standard of self restraint. If recruits just went to the place with the most lax rules and values, I think we would see our own coach at a great disadvantage but in some segments of the population it can be inspiring and give themselves something to strive for, achievable or not.

I see your point, I am just saying that you might be underestimating the amount of young people that think they can at least attempt to meet that higher standard of self restraint. If recruits just went to the place with the most lax rules and values, I think we would see our own coach at a great disadvantage but in some segments of the population it can be inspiring and give themselves something to strive for, achievable or not.
No one, me included, is saying that football players just want to go to parties and bang drunk chicks 24/7.

But I would claim that a very large, vast majority of them would like to have the ability to date a female and sleep with her, consensually, without marriage, if they so choose, without breaking the school's official student conduct policy.

Look, Baylor gets 4 and 5* football players, and guessing they do get them outside family households that are devoutly religious. That leads me to believe there is an "off the books" soft policy that athletes are allowed to bend/break the rules, for the sake of athletic competitiveness. That's a wild guess.

Chris Petersen is probably a good comparison for Fleck right now in terms of how fans see him. Big difference between them though is that Petersen was coaching at a non Power 5 school in Boise State even though pretty much any power 5 program would have loved to have him.

It was hard to pry Petersen from Boise, took a dream job in Washington (from that area I think) to get him to leave. I honestly think it will take something pretty amazing job wise to get Fleck to leave here given the great situation he currently has.
I dont know Fleck at all, but he seems like a Midwestern guy. I would guess Michigan, OSU, and Notre Dame would be the three schools I would worry about him leaving for. All could pay a lot and have three of the richest traditions in CFB. But I dont know if he could ever be a legend there like he could be here.

CBS Sports just put out an article with 10 possible Baylor targets. There was a current Big Ten coach on there but it wasn't Fleck. it was Allen from Indiana. Thought being that getting out of the loaded East and heading to the weak Big 12 might be attractive to him. I could certainly see that being the case but no clue how high he would be on their list.

Interesting but I can’t see Allen heading to Waco. Everything I’ve read or heard is that he’s in his Dream Job destination in terms of family. Bankroll may prevail but he’s done a great job there in spite of the Gator Bowl collapse.

I see your point, I am just saying that you might be underestimating the amount of young people that think they can at least attempt to meet that higher standard of self restraint. If recruits just went to the place with the most lax rules and values, I think we would see our own coach at a great disadvantage but in some segments of the population it can be inspiring and give themselves something to strive for, achievable or not.
Get a grip... They got a fricking Wikipedia page about the sex scandals at Baylor.

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