11th most watched Bowl


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2010
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Up against Bama v Mich Citrus Bowl on ABC, Outback Bowl on ESPN did 3.99 million viewers.

Up 22% from last year.

Playoff games were 1 and 2, Rose 3, Citrus 4.

Sugar, Cotton, Orange 5, 6, 7.

Alamo Bowl with Texas v Utah was 8. It was in prime time on New Years Eve.

Texas Bowl with A and M vs OkSU was 9...12-27 Friday nite prime time.

Camping World Bowl Irish v Clones at noon, Sat., 12-28 on ABC was 10.


How do they know how many people watched?

We were a Nielsen household once way back when. They added monitoring equipment to our existing cable box setup. Got paid a nomimal fee. Basically part of a statistically valid sample.

I'm pretty sure the cable/satellite providers can report what's being "watched" in real time plus what gets DVRd. Online download data is available too.

I'm guessing this reporting is likely Nielsen based.

We were a Nielsen household once way back when. They added monitoring equipment to our existing cable box setup. Got paid a nomimal fee. Basically part of a statistically valid sample.

I'm pretty sure the cable/satellite providers can report what's being "watched" in real time plus what gets DVRd. Online download data is available too.

I'm guessing this reporting is likely Nielsen based.

I can't believe Nielsen ratings are still a thing given all the advances in technology. When I worked with one of the major broadcasting companies we had much more precise data around anything watched on their platforms (cable, streaming, etc) than anything Nielsen had.

A little bummed where the Outback landed in ratings. Not bad, but clocking in near the bottom of P5 games on days when most people were off work.

Did a google and came across this...

Still out there but agree there's a lot more sources of data. At least when we did our thing, the installer said they were expanding their technologies and business strategies to remain competitive.

I can't believe Nielsen ratings are still a thing given all the advances in technology. When I worked with one of the major broadcasting companies we had much more precise data around anything watched on their platforms (cable, streaming, etc) than anything Nielsen had.

A little bummed where the Outback landed in ratings. Not bad, but clocking in near the bottom of P5 games on days when most people were off work.

Up against Michigan vs Alabama? Hey, "Rome was not built in a day."

I'm guessing there are a few good potential recruits in the 3.9 million people that watched the game and a few more that watched the highlights after seeing the results.

I would think the Citrus had a mid game drop off due to the poor quality of the game and a switch to ours.

Rose bowl is where we need to be to get some real coverage.

Alamo Bowl, Texas Bowl, Camping Bowl were all up against nothing. Pulling in about 4 million viewers when the Citrus Bowl is going on at the same time.....on a network channel is still pretty good.

Either way....the outcome of the game is more important than real-time viewers. The Gophers win over Auburn is going to give the team far more hype leading into next season.

I can't believe Nielsen ratings are still a thing given all the advances in technology. When I worked with one of the major broadcasting companies we had much more precise data around anything watched on their platforms (cable, streaming, etc) than anything Nielsen had.

A little bummed where the Outback landed in ratings. Not bad, but clocking in near the bottom of P5 games on days when most people were off work.
I'm sure it has evolved on how it collects that data.

Up against Michigan vs Alabama? Hey, "Rome was not built in a day."

Yes. When the bowl pairings were announced, I was relieved that we didn't have to play Alabama but I was a bit bummed that our game would be on directly opposite the Michigan v. Alabama game.

I'm guessing there are a few good potential recruits in the 3.9 million people that watched the game and a few more that watched the highlights after seeing the results.

Yes, we probably did get more than our fair share of highlight watchers given the closeness of the game score and the unexpected result.

You can never tell where these bowl games are going to go. Sometimes you think a certain bowl is going to be great but it isn't. Other times, a bowl that you might think will be lopsided or otherwise not worth watching turns out to be a great game. I just happened to tune into the Frisco Bowl between Kent State and Utah State and that was a really fun game to watch.

In addition to Michigan/Alabama having more name brand recognition than their Little Brown Jug/Iron Bowl rivals Minnesota/Auburn, their game was played on ABC. Still a substantial amount of casual sports viewers that do not have access to premium cable.

The Outback is a great bowl - on the best day. That being said, playing at noon and being up against the Citrus Bowl is most certainly going to make the TV viewership smaller than what the bowl deserves. This is exactly why some lesser bowls that are played in the week between the holidays get more viewers but it is the price paid for having an important, but not NY6 level bowl on New Years Day.

As others have said, the Rose Bowl is the real prize. The tradition surrounding that game along with its time slot easily make it the most desirable bowl next to the two playoff games (if different) and even then, it is a close second to the playoff semi final games.

For as much fun as this season was, and as thankful as I am to have the Gophers step up to an 11-2 season, there will always be a lump in my throat over losing two rivalry games to fall out of contention for the Rose Bowl.

If the rise of the Gopher program has to happen in stages, this season was a very memorable early stage and we can hopefully look forward to an exciting Rose Bowl soon.

Pantherhawk!! Haven't heard that name in years. Does anyone know whatever happened to him?

Cbssports ranked all 39 bowl games from worst to best. Our game against Auburn came in as the 8th best game of the bowl season. Kind of cool to see some clips from some of the other game. Especially enjoyed them dumping french fries on Solich after the Idaho Potato bowl game.


Pantherhawk!! Haven't heard that name in years. Does anyone know whatever happened to him?
I was wondering the same thing a while back but didn't go through the trouble of starting a thread to ask about it. As long as it came up here, does anyone know? That dude was the most screwed up internet fella I have ever seen. There isn't a close second. What a strange fixation on the Gophers he had, and how amazingly thorough he was and dedicated to his craft of badmouthing the program. So strange. So sad to be that screwed up. I hope he didn't hurt anyone or himself.

How do they know what you're doing right now? ;)

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