St. Paul Paper on SH & SH


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Nov 12, 2008
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If you can stand reading another word on the subject, here is a pretty interesting take on what happened. The reporter has some personal irritations sure, but not because of any Minnesota connection. The con was on the country, not just the people around here no matter what the spin-meisters want everybody to believe.

Sean Henderson = Bubble Boy Dad.

What's so weird is that they were such a class act up until, like, two months ago...

Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot?

As basicially all the articles coming out show....this was a circus, and frankly Sean only cares about Sean, and Seantrel isn't smart enough to see it. Maybe he will someday, but for right now daddy's driving the bus, and Seantrel is sitting in the back taking the ride.

As basicially all the articles coming out show....this was a circus, and frankly Sean only cares about Sean, and Seantrel isn't smart enough to see it. Maybe he will someday, but for right now daddy's driving the bus, and Seantrel is sitting in the back taking the ride.

Maybe another Front Pager on the Hendersons would be appropriate?

Has all this warranted a "daddy's boy" chant from the student section??

We not he

Sean always refers to the decision by saying we or we'll, like he is somehow the one being recruited. Seems like Seantrel is a good kid that unfortunately has a father that sees him as an investment, not a son. I recently spoke with some people who work at Cretin. They told me that it is painfully obvious that they see Seantrel as their meal ticket and are acting accordingly.

BTW, If i were him, I would tell my dad that their is no way he's moving with me to college. How creepy is that.

BTW, If i were him, I would tell my dad that their is no way he's moving with me to college. How creepy is that.
LOL, no kidding.

A good Psychic couldn't foresee this mess!

Maybe Tim Brewster was disappointed he didn't get Seantrel on signing day. Personally, I think missing out on Seantrel might be the best thing that happened to the Gophers with this most recent recruiting class. The Henderson's are a CIRCUS and the show's not over yet! He hasn't qualified academically and hasn't signed his letter of intent with USC. He might be quite a disruption in the locker room with this history of having all of the attention focused on himself. Add in ****-bag (and liar) Lane Kiffin as coach out in LA and the chaos should continue into the future. Brewster and staff might have got the best O-lineman in Minnesota ultimately, in landing Jimmy Gjere! Let's wait to see how Jimmy and his signing day classmates develop and pan out. Seantrel might have talent, but anatomically, it's certainly not above the neck!

Sean always refers to the decision by saying we or we'll, like he is somehow the one being recruited. Seems like Seantrel is a good kid that unfortunately has a father that sees him as an investment, not a son. I recently spoke with some people who work at Cretin. They told me that it is painfully obvious that they see Seantrel as their meal ticket and are acting accordingly.

BTW, If i were him, I would tell my dad that their is no way he's moving with me to college. How creepy is that.
He has to move. He just landed that high-paying job with United Sanitation Collection.

Hendsersons: GO AWAY

I don't even know why I'm responding to this other than to make it known that I think both Sean and Sean Jr. should be put into a catapult and shot as far away from all of us as possible. Have fun getting ignored by Snoop Dogg, you idiots. Hopefuly Brewster will turn his phone off when Seantrel starts crying for mommy and tries to transfer home.

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