The Gazette: You keep finding reasons not to like Minnesota's P.J. Fleck


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Nov 11, 2008
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per The Gazette:

You want to look for the box that P.J. Fleck arrived in. You want to stuff him back into it, throw a label on and return to sender. Maybe drop it a few times on the way to the mail.

But he’s also the coach that kept Minnesota viable in the last third of 2018. The Golden Gophers won three of their final four games. The run started with an attention-getting 41-10 whupping of Purdue. They lost by two scores to Northwestern and then unfurled one of the most important victories in recent Minnesota football history (maybe the last 20 years).

Fleck’s Gophers went into Camp Randall Stadium and played the Wisconsin Badgers off their feet, 37-15. After 15 years, Minnesota finally reclaimed Paul Bunyan’s Axe and might still be looking for things to fake chop down in Madison.

The “label” has never been difficult with Fleck, who’ll go into year three with 16 returning starters, a small army of proven running backs, top three receivers including Tyler Johnson (78 catches, 1,169 yards and 12 TDs), two QBs who have started games and a crossover schedule with the Big Ten East that includes Rutgers, Maryland and one toughie in Penn State.

Fleck is doing this his way. He has enthusiasm that rivals his players. You assume that works for him. It’s one way to connect.

It didn’t feel like improv when Fleck fired defensive coordinator Robb Smith last November. Fleck watched Illinois bombard the Gophers, 55-31. Illinois, a team that two weeks later would put up zero at home vs. Iowa, had 646 yards total offense, including 430 rushing yards, and five touchdowns that covered at least 30 yards.

Fleck did the hard thing. With three games left, he relieved Smith and promoted Joe Rossi. The very next week, Minnesota held Purdue to 10 points and won.

Go Gophers!!

People get worked up over all sort of things. I think for a lot of folks who get worked up over his style they miss that he's pretty much saying 99% the same thing as any other coach, and even what the haters want a coach to say... he just does it his own way.

PJ is a bit different, but so what, he seems like a good guy and I'm happy to see him doing well.

No matter who the coach is, people on this board are going to rip the coach.

"You want to look for the box that P.J. Fleck arrived in. You want to stuff him back into it, throw a label on and return to sender. Maybe drop it a few times on the way to the mail."

Ummmm... actually, no. Sorry to contradict, but, no. No, I do not want to do any of those things.

Perhaps you were addressing someone else. Who is this "you" you keep referring to, pray tell? Because it ain't ME.

I like PJ. I don’t worship PJ. There is a difference. I can’t think of anyone that wants him fired. Yet, there is a large contingent that seems to think something posted less than 100% positive or even something that could be construed as less than flattering of PJ or impugning his recruiting (eg Wisconsin getting a 4 star verbal today) is hate or vitriol. Bottom line is there are all types of people in this world and this board is reflective of that.

I like PJ. I don’t worship PJ. There is a difference. I can’t think of anyone that wants him fired. Yet, there is a large contingent that seems to think something posted less than 100% positive or even something that could be construed as less than flattering of PJ or impugning his recruiting (eg Wisconsin getting a 4 star verbal today) is hate or vitriol. Bottom line is there are all types of people in this world and this board is reflective of that.

I don't worship P.J. Fleck (or anybody else, for that matter). And of course there's a difference between liking and worshiping.

I was simply pointing out that the writer was taking liberties in assuming that others want to stuff Fleck into a box, send him back, etc. I don't know of too many people who share the writer's wishes in that regard; although I'm sure there are a few.

I have a feeling more and more Iowans are going to dislike Fleck as we get better and stick it to the hawkeyes

His players and recruits like him and his style... beyond that, I don't give 1 rats arse what media or anyone else thinks about him.

His players and recruits like him and his style... beyond that, I don't give 1 rats arse what media or anyone else thinks about him.

You, sir, are the man.

It was actually not a bad article, too bad the title felt a little like click-bait.

I like PJ, I think he is a good coach and I can't tell you the last time I've been this excited about the football team. However, I think I get what the writer is trying to say. But I think it's true for most coaches. I thought Jerry was a little goofy, Claeys didn't have much personality and Zimmer is a grump. Coaches often have strange personalities. PJ is no different. I, personally, think it's a bit corny and over-the-top. He reminds me a little of Dick Vitale. That said, my opinion doesn't matter and it's kind of a non-issue. As much as I think Fleck says weird things, I also think the media is a little obsessed with it. I don't see numerous articles written about Zimmer's grumpiness, or I don't remember them talking about Tom Kelly's lack of a personality. Who cares?

I like him. I also like to make fun of him.

His players and recruits like him and his style... beyond that, I don't give 1 rats arse what media or anyone else thinks about him.


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It was actually not a bad article, too bad the title felt a little like click-bait.

I like PJ, I think he is a good coach and I can't tell you the last time I've been this excited about the football team. However, I think I get what the writer is trying to say. But I think it's true for most coaches. I thought Jerry was a little goofy, Claeys didn't have much personality and Zimmer is a grump. Coaches often have strange personalities. PJ is no different. I, personally, think it's a bit corny and over-the-top. He reminds me a little of Dick Vitale. That said, my opinion doesn't matter and it's kind of a non-issue. As much as I think Fleck says weird things, I also think the media is a little obsessed with it. I don't see numerous articles written about Zimmer's grumpiness, or I don't remember them talking about Tom Kelly's lack of a personality. Who cares?

You're right.

The media has to write something, almost every day. They can't delve into Xs and Os all the time. The 'human interest' stuff, discussing the personalities of the people involved, is fair game.

As far as 'grumpy' coaches go: yeah, Zimmer is kinda crabby. And how about...Bill Belichick, the KING of grumpy?

'Weird' coaches: Lou Holtz comes to mind. Mike Ditka might qualify as grumpy and weird. Is Jim Harbaugh weird?

Low-personality types: Hmmmm... Nick Saban? Mark Dantonio? Kirk Ferentz? Bud Grant?

It goes on and on. Bottom line: if a coach wins, these personality traits are suddenly seen as 'endearing', and part of his legend.

People always want to be the first to "see thru" the coach and predict he'll fail. It must be some trait in human nature. When the wins aren't coming, or the excuses don't seem to add up, others join in. Winning cures all. The "haters" on this board will love Fleck if he delivers the goods. Pompous will probably even begin to worship him. Spoofin will get a tattoo. That's just the nature of the bandwagon.

People always want to be the first to "see thru" the coach and predict he'll fail. It must be some trait in human nature. When the wins aren't coming, or the excuses don't seem to add up, others join in. Winning cures all. The "haters" on this board will love Fleck if he delivers the goods. Pompous will probably even begin to worship him. Spoofin will get a tattoo. That's just the nature of the bandwagon.

Generally humans use a lot of visual and stylistic stuff to determine what to belive / like (provided they already haven't decided). PJ's a bit different and generally in MN folks don't like the music man type personalities / find them off putting.

But really style aside PJ isn't that different from any other coach.

People always want to be the first to "see thru" the coach and predict he'll fail. It must be some trait in human nature. When the wins aren't coming, or the excuses don't seem to add up, others join in. Winning cures all. The "haters" on this board will love Fleck if he delivers the goods. Pompous will probably even begin to worship him. Spoofin will get a tattoo. That's just the nature of the bandwagon.

I don’t predict failure and don’t want failure. In fact, I predict success for PJ and couldn’t be happier with the direction of the team. Few will be happier than me if we have wild success.

There is nothing winning “will cure” for me. I don’t and likely never will like PJ. But I also realize that doesn’t matter to anyone who matters. Seems to matter to a few on this board, but that is it. Big separation between not liking someone and wanting them to fail - at least for this “fan”.

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I don’t predict failure and don’t want failure. In fact, I predict success for PJ and couldn’t be happier with the direction of the team. Few will be happier than me if we have wild success.

There is nothing winning “will cure” for me. I don’t and likely never will like PJ. But I also realize that doesn’t matter to anyone who matters. Seems to matter to a few on this board, but that is it. Big separation between not liking someone and wanting them to fail - at least for this “fan”.

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I didn't say you did or do. What I said is that you'll get a PJ tattoo, i.e. become a huge fan. I doubt you are so stubborn that you'll hold a grudge against the leader of your favorite team making a playoff appearance because you think he's too flashy. You'll be like the grumpy townees in Hoosiers.

Has pretty much zero to do with being “flashy” and more with the substance or lack thereof of things coming out of his mouth at times.

Every coach has traits some won’t or don’t like. Mason had a wandering eye and was surly at times. Brew was incompetent, Kill was old fashioned and aw shucks, Claeys was reserved and obese. PJ is a storyteller and a fibber. So what? I agree if he wins the vast majority will like him more. If he’s fired....or leaves...not as much.
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This may be a bad analogy, but -

Liking Fleck more if the team wins is IMHO, comparable to liking a not-so-hot woman more if she has a lot of money.

You either like someone or you don't. The Gophers could win a National Title, and my feelings about Fleck's personality would not change.

Because my feelings about his personality are separate from my evaluation of him as a coach.

This may be a bad analogy, but -

Liking Fleck more if the team wins is IMHO, comparable to liking a not-so-hot woman more if she has a lot of money.

You either like someone or you don't. The Gophers could win a National Title, and my feelings about Fleck's personality would not change.

Because my feelings about his personality are separate from my evaluation of him as a coach.

It's not a bad analogy; it's spot on. I feel the same.

I don't buy rah-rah... not from anybody. I never have. It's not because I'm too smart for it or because I'm too sophisticated for it; I'm neither of those things. I don't respond to it because I'm simply not built that way. However, I recognize that many people do, in fact, respond very well to that sort of thing. This team seems to be a prime example of a group of people who buy in to this sort of motivation.

In the end, I want only one thing: I want the maroon and gold to return to glory days. I do not believe that wishing for that outcome is a pipe dream, some pie in the sky fantasy. I firmly believe that with the right people at the helm it is an achievable, realistic goal.

This guy (Fleck) seems to think so, too. THAT is what I like best about him. P.J. Fleck appears to be building something here in Minnesota.

I'm all in.
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You're right.

The media has to write something, almost every day. They can't delve into Xs and Os all the time. The 'human interest' stuff, discussing the personalities of the people involved, is fair game.

As far as 'grumpy' coaches go: yeah, Zimmer is kinda crabby. And how about...Bill Belichick, the KING of grumpy?

'Weird' coaches: Lou Holtz comes to mind. Mike Ditka might qualify as grumpy and weird. Is Jim Harbaugh weird?

Low-personality types: Hmmmm... Nick Saban? Mark Dantonio? Kirk Ferentz? Bud Grant?

It goes on and on. Bottom line: if a coach wins, these personality traits are suddenly seen as 'endearing', and part of his legend.

Grumpy= Jerry Burns

Love the guy

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I didn't say you did or do. What I said is that you'll get a PJ tattoo, i.e. become a huge fan. I doubt you are so stubborn that you'll hold a grudge against the leader of your favorite team making a playoff appearance because you think he's too flashy. You'll be like the grumpy townees in Hoosiers.

Flashy has nothing to do with it.
I’ll always be a huge fan of the Gophers.
If we make a playoff appearance I will think he is the greatest coach ever, and continue to be glad he is our coach. I still won’t like him.

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"You want to look for the box that P.J. Fleck arrived in. You want to stuff him back into it, throw a label on and return to sender. Maybe drop it a few times on the way to the mail."

Ummmm... actually, no. Sorry to contradict, but, no. No, I do not want to do any of those things.

Perhaps you were addressing someone else. Who is this "you" you keep referring to, pray tell? Because it ain't ME.

It’s an open letter to those in the Twin Cities media.

Has pretty much zero to do with being “flashy” and more with the substance or lack thereof of things coming out of his mouth at times.

Every coach has traits some won’t or don’t like. Mason had a wandering eye and was surly at times. Brew was incompetent, Kill was old fashioned and aw shucks, Claeys was reserved and obese. PJ is a storyteller and a fibber. So what? I agree if he wins the vast majority will like him more. If he’s fired....or leaves...not as much.

Your moniker couldn’t be more appropriate. What you are saying is you’d like someone that looks and acts just like you. Sounds boring.

Nope, have said many times love PJ’s energy and enthusiasm. Hate some things he says and his need to exaggerate. It’s not a crime but it bothers me as it does in my professional and personal life. I don’t like having to truth check my family, friends, colleagues, business associates. Has nothing to do with “wanting someone like me” or someone that isn’t “flashy”. You guys seem to be listening but not hearing. It’s fine, human nature, yada yada.

If we make a playoff appearance I will think he is the greatest coach ever, and continue to be glad he is our coach. I still won’t like him.

See, I find that such immature thinking. Declaring that you will "always like" something or "never like" something is what little kids do. Mature and intelligent people have flexible minds and are open to altering their views on someone or something, for better or for worse, as circumstances change.

See, I find that such immature thinking. Declaring that you will "always like" something or "never like" something is what little kids do. Mature and intelligent people have flexible minds and are open to altering their views on someone or something, for better or for worse, as circumstances change.

So it would be more mature to start liking PJ because he has success on the field? I don’t like PJ because of how he conducts himself. Unless that changes, my feelings about him won’t either. Seems pretty mature to me.
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