Possible DC candidates


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Nov 21, 2008
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Here are some possible guys that are either out of work right now and have had success in the past or are successful now who would be stepping up in responsibility. Not endorsing any of them specifically, just tossing them out there. Add in your own, if you want.

Cleveland Browns DC Mel Tucker. Young up and comer. Big Ten ties.

Current Florida Gators Def. Line coach Dan McCarney. Big Ten ties. Energetic recruiter. A Brewster clone.

Greg Robinson, success at Chiefs and Longhorns. Aging coach.

Brian Baker - former college DC looking for work. Has lived in MN as Vikings asst. Was with Rams this past off-season.

Former DC at Wisconsin and Nebraska. Son currently on staff at the U. Is a buddy of Brew.

Here are some possible guys that are either out of work right now and have had success in the past or are successful now who would be stepping up in responsibility. Not endorsing any of them specifically, just tossing them out there. Add in your own, if you want.

Cleveland Browns DC Mel Tucker. Young up and comer. Big Ten ties.

Current Florida Gators Def. Line coach Dan McCarney. Big Ten ties. Energetic recruiter. A Brewster clone.

Greg Robinson, success at Chiefs and Longhorns. Aging coach.

Former DC looking for work with Minnesota Vikings ties.

Former DC at Wisconsin and Nebraska. Son currently on staff at the U. Is a buddy of Brew.

I cannot stress enough how bad Kevin Cosgrove is, no offense to his son on the staff. He was terrible at Wisconsin and even worse at Nebraska. It got so bad there that his last season at Nebraska when he was in the stands watching one of his high school kids play football that the opposing schools fans started chanting "Fire Cosgrove". Just look at his record for where the Wisconsin and Nebraska defenses were ranked when he was there and where they were before and after he left those jobs.

I cannot stress enough how bad Kevin Cosgrove is, no offense to his son on the staff. He was terrible at Wisconsin and even worse at Nebraska. It got so bad there that his last season at Nebraska when he was in the stands watching one of his high school kids play football that the opposing schools fans started chanting "Fire Cosgrove". Just look at his record for where the Wisconsin and Nebraska defenses were ranked when he was there and where they were before and after he left those jobs.

As I said, I am not endorsing any of them (not that you care if I do or not). I was throwing him out as a possibility knowing his ties to Brewster. I personally agree that he would be a bad choice. He actually needed a police officer to escort him to/from his car to/from his office at the Nebraska football complex towards the end of his tenure there. Unreal.

As I said, I am not endorsing any of them (not that you care if I do or not). I was throwing him out as a possibility knowing his ties to Brewster. I personally agree that he would be a bad choice. He actually needed a police officer to escort him to/from his car to/from his office at the Nebraska football complex towards the end of his tenure there. Unreal.

I didn't mean to imply you were endorsing him, just wanted to share my opinions on him. I think Dan McCarney might be a good DC choice and I like Chuck Long for OC. They are atleast worth taking a look at.

I am all about ACC candidates. Chuck Amato from FSU and former NC State Head Coach is expected to be let go.

I think Dan McCarney might be a good DC choice and I like Chuck Long for OC. They are atleast worth taking a look at.

A pair of former Hawkeyes! That would get them all riled up!

The one thing about Long - the book on him is he is less than enthusiastic about putting in the long hours. That will not work with Brewster.

Good list. Not ranking them in my order:

McCarney- Prob take a ton of money/dreaming and a long shot to leave that cushy job
Cosgrove- Personally I feel out of this list he is the most likely.
Tucker- Fast riser under Tressel with NFL expierience not a bad recruiting resume. Might not be here long though
Baker- Might be an NFL guy all the way
Robinson- Would be a horrible choice and I hope Brew doesnt have a man crush on a former co-worker

Good list. Not ranking them in my order:

McCarney- Prob take a ton of money/dreaming and a long shot to leave that cushy job
Cosgrove- Personally I feel out of this list he is the most likely.
Tucker- Fast riser under Tressel with NFL expierience not a bad recruiting resume. Might not be here long though
Baker- Might be an NFL guy all the way
Robinson- Would be a horrible choice and I hope Brew doesnt have a man crush on a former co-worker

FiveStarFan, I really hope you are wrong as Cosgrove would cause me to lose all faith in the prospects for our defense. His teams played unprepared and uninspired and his adjustments are terrible. He had one of the worst defenses in the country last year.

FiveStarFan, I really hope you are wrong as Cosgrove would cause me to lose all faith in the prospects for our defense. His teams played unprepared and uninspired and his adjustments are terrible. He had one of the worst defenses in the country last year.

I hope I'm wrong to, as even I (a huge Brew supporter) would be losing hope. With that being said, I did say out of that list he would be the most likely. For oe reason or another I'm pretty sure our next DC will not come from it.

I'd love to see McCarney get the job, I just don't know that he'd leave Florida for the job.

Thinking about Cosgrove as our DC made me puke in my mouth a little bit!

What is David Gibbs doing these days? He was the last guy that gave us a good defense in MN.

Thinking about Cosgrove as our DC made me puke in my mouth a little bit!

What is David Gibbs doing these days? He was the last guy that gave us a good defense in MN.

I think Gibbs is the d'backs coach for the KC Chiefs.

I was so worried a year ago that we were going to get stuck with Cosgrove. I'm worried again. I really, REALLY hope Brewster doesn't bring him in. I'm sure Maturi would love it though since Cos was at Wiscy...(nobody over there likes him either).

New DC could be named tomorrow?

Adam Rittenberg writes in the ESPN Big10 blog that Brewster could name the new DC as early as tomorrow.


Brew handled the Withers "loss" well by hiring Roof, hopefully things will continue to improve under the DC. It will be interesting to see if we lose any recruits over today's resignations.

I fear a quick hire would mean Cosgrove.

why did Gibbs leave? i'm too young to remember
He took a job with the Broncos. His father was a long time NFL coach, I think that was his aspiration also.

I fear a quick hire would mean Cosgrove.
Brewster would lose a ton of respect I think even from his current supporters if he hired him. That would be probably the worst hire he could ever make.

Im sure Brewter has had some heads up from Roof that this it was a possibility he was leaving for a new job, I would tend to believe Brewster has been talking with and looking for Roofs replacment for a while. If this is the case a quick turnaround hire would'nt automatically mean he is scrambling to save face.

There was some talk

He took a job with the Broncos. His father was a long time NFL coach, I think that was his aspiration also.

About a personality conflict between Mason and the younger coach. Personally I think Gibbs would fit in great with Brewster's staff.

I think that if Gibbs had been here - this year's Carter who went to West Virginia would have been here in a Heartbeat.


Gotta think he would be under consideration. He was on the Washinton staff, but I think he coached w/ Brew at Denver.

lots of experience, not sure on his recruiting prowess.

If it's Cosgrove, I quit.

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