WCCO: 4 Reasons To Be Excited About Minnesota Sports (Gopher Football)


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Nov 11, 2008
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Gopher Football

It’s been hard to ignore the enthusiasm surrounding Gophers football since P.J. Fleck took over as head coach in January. He’s all over social media, promoting his program to the younger generation that had largely lost interest in the Gophers. Fleck inherited a team that finished 9-4 and beat Washington State in the Holiday Bowl. Fleck recruited his current team in less than a month and was able to keep many of the players from leaving during the coaching turnover.

Fleck now has the “Row the Boat” trademark in Minnesota, and the Gophers’ recent spring game was a big hit among fans. Now we have to wait until fall camp and the start of the 2017 season to see how the transition has gone. Fleck took Western Michigan to an undefeated 2016 regular season and a battle against Wisconsin in the Cotton Bowl. Can he bring the Gophers to a Rose Bowl? We don’t know and probably won’t for a while, but he’s appealing and entertaining to the fan base. Now we just have to hope that the football part does its job to bring fans to TCF Bank Stadium.


Go Gophers!!

Seriously, fans care about wins...absent those, doesn't matter who the coach is. Stands will be half full if we suck. That's how it works.

Stands will be half full if we suck. That's how it works.

The hockey team has won 6 conference titles in a row and their stands are half empty. Corporate tickets are just as bad. Do you think Sally in Accounting cares about the tickets she won to some college game at last weeks Water Cooler Raffle? Yes, winning is important and much preferred, but the U needs to do a better job of delegating tickets as well.

I'm a fan because my dad is and thus I grew up going to games. Many times I've left a losing contest still having had fun because the crowd, students, band etc made for a wonderful atmosphere. Now with corporations outbidding the public for season tickets, even the likes of Mariucci and Williams are seeing far smaller crowds. I've actually walked away from winning contests without having had a great time.

I guess what I'm saying is I hope Fleck gets the job done on the field and the U/AD figure out how to get tickets to those who want to be in the stands.

I don't think anyone believes winning isn't important for ticket sales and attendance. However, it is not the sole factor to getting a good crowd.

I don't think anyone believes winning isn't important for ticket sales and attendance. However, it is not the sole factor to getting a good crowd.

So another Donation price thread then? :rolleyes:

So another Donation price thread then? :rolleyes:

Not at all. I've never said anything about the donation prices.

Game-day environment plays a big role. Midweek build-up to the game can play a role. Stuff going on around campus can play a role.

I love how we finally get a positive article written about our program and we still find a way to complain about it. Also, if wins are so important, why are any of us fans (if you're 55+ you are exempt from this hypothetical question)?

Just a thought about adding a donation to the ticket price. If the U (and they did) decide they had to raise the ticket price the best way for us the ticket holder is to make it
a donation rather than outright increase. For those who itemize charitable deductions on their income tax this gives (maybe small, but never the less something) something in return.

To be technical correct - 80% of the donation is deductible per the IRS.

Game-day environment plays a big role. Midweek build-up to the game can play a role. Stuff going on around campus can play a role.

Yes, and if we are a 3 win team none of this will matter. The stands will be half empty.

Really? How so? I never said winning is the only factor but absent wins on a consistent basis nothing will resolve the attendance issue.

Seems like you strongly implied it in post #2.

The hockey team has won 6 conference titles in a row and their stands are half empty. Corporate tickets are just as bad. Do you think Sally in Accounting cares about the tickets she won to some college game at last weeks Water Cooler Raffle? Yes, winning is important and much preferred, but the U needs to do a better job of delegating tickets as well.

I'm a fan because my dad is and thus I grew up going to games. Many times I've left a losing contest still having had fun because the crowd, students, band etc made for a wonderful atmosphere. Now with corporations outbidding the public for season tickets, even the likes of Mariucci and Williams are seeing far smaller crowds. I've actually walked away from winning contests without having had a great time.

I guess what I'm saying is I hope Fleck gets the job done on the field and the U/AD figure out how to get tickets to those who want to be in the stands.

Frozen Four, or the Rose Bowl? Sorry "puck" fans. Not even CLOSE! If the Gophers make it to Pasadena it will turn this State upside down. A close second would be the 87 and 91 World Series. Super Bowl? Dream on . The Super Bowl is so commercialized it is ridiculous. The Rose Bowl has so much pagentry and history that has been a part for millions of fans.

per WCCO:

Gopher Football

It’s been hard to ignore the enthusiasm surrounding Gophers football since P.J. Fleck took over as head coach in January. He’s all over social media, promoting his program to the younger generation that had largely lost interest in the Gophers. Fleck inherited a team that finished 9-4 and beat Washington State in the Holiday Bowl. Fleck recruited his current team in less than a month and was able to keep many of the players from leaving during the coaching turnover.

Fleck now has the “Row the Boat” trademark in Minnesota, and the Gophers’ recent spring game was a big hit among fans. Now we have to wait until fall camp and the start of the 2017 season to see how the transition has gone. Fleck took Western Michigan to an undefeated 2016 regular season and a battle against Wisconsin in the Cotton Bowl. Can he bring the Gophers to a Rose Bowl? We don’t know and probably won’t for a while, but he’s appealing and entertaining to the fan base. Now we just have to hope that the football part does its job to bring fans to TCF Bank Stadium.


Go Gophers!!

All true and all good news. Gopherhomer has a good point doesn't he?

attendance is driven by a combination of factors, including (but not limited to) winning, playing an entertaining brand of Football; positive buzz/feedback in the media; cost of the tickets; the opponent; game-day atmosphere ( or lack thereof), and - the weather!

For each person, the ranking or order of factors may vary, but I suspect they all play a role to one extent or another.

Yes, and if we are a 3 win team none of this will matter. The stands will be half empty.

Last season's Iowa game had terrible attendance and atmosphere and it should have been crazy at TCF. Even though the team was winning, there was no excitement about the program. After they lost that game TCF was like a graveyard the rest of the season.

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