Shooter: Cleays isn’t doing well since his controversial dismissal, moving to Kansas


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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I hope Kayler changes his phone number and moves to China.

Claeys has had a very fortunate and lengthy run as an employed coach since starting with Kill two decades ago. I imagine this would get taken hard, first time out of work in 20+ years. Add the stress of the circumstances and I can understand why. Certainly wish no ill will on him and hope he's ok.

it's a dirty business, coaches are hired to be fired. And when you have the shady bunch running the university (Kaller and Croyle)...

I'm sure he is feeling quite down in the dumps, as it would be difficult not to feel that way under the circumstances. He said himself that he had absolute confidence he'd be back next year coming off the dominating and unexpected win against Washington State, and then Hennepin County announcing that they would not be seeking any charges in the case happening within days of each other, so to find out otherwise could only have been a massive and terrible shock. It would feel like having your legs cut out right from underneath you.

It's just a shame, the whole thing, a series of poor decisions by young men in his charge culminating in this, the death of a dream. There is no doubt but that Tracy is a very good man and a heck of a football coach, but he was in over his head on all this Title IX stuff, as anyone absent a legal degree might well be. I really feel for him and hope he takes the necessary amount of time to grieve his loss and then comes back coaching with a vengeance.

It's just life, ya know. One door closes, and another will open. That process can be very tough though as it is often unfair, and Coach Claeys has my best wishes.

Don't let the ba$tard$ @ the U get you down, TC. Get back up and get back into coaching and show the world what you showed the world in San Diego against the pirate. You know, the Big 12 NEEDS some defense in the WORST way. Go show them TC. Even Oklahoma and some of those other teams can't stop those air raid offenses. Put together a staff and go take over a Big 12 team and hold those old boys in that conference down in point production. Just maybe TCU could use YOU, TC. Or, K-STATE. Or, Boon's team...Okie-State. Maybe they need you in Lawrence...or over at Baylor...or even at Ames. Kick it in gear and GET GOING! You are FREE to go make something happen TC. Best wishes always! I think the near term will take you into Big Twelve Country. Or, if you have some money saved...go take over a smaller program. COACHING needs you TC...probably more than you need coaching. But, just after a guy is kicked and knocked down kind of low and is NOT the time to walk away. Plenty of time for that later. I know that ranch is calling. But, Coaching NEEDS you TC. I look out at some of the coaches today...and I KNOW coaching NEEDS you in the game.

Deep appreciation to Coach Claeys for what he, Jerry Kill and the other coaches did for Gopher football. They built on toughness, defense, the kicking game, the running game - much as Hayden Fry did at Iowa - and a good formula for winning in the Big Ten. It was a tough road after Brewster. but they kept inching upward.

Hard to feel bad for a guy who ripped on MN weather on his way out.

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Have you ever experienced Minnesota weather?

Good luck to him. Maybe his friend at TCU Gary Paterson and Jerry Kill will help him get set up somewhere in coaching. He is a good man and a great defensive coach.

I'd hope he'd use his time off to get in better shape. Might make him less depressed too.

What a stupid thing for Charley Walters to write. I'm guessing that most people don't take getting fired well. I'm also guessing that most people get over it rather quickly. Claeys will be fine, he's a heckuva defensive coach, he'll find a new spot soon.

He's a multimillionaire who will find work soon.

Agree. I wish him the best but hard to feel too sorry for him. I friend of mine was let go from our company last year.. I had lunch with him shortly thereafter, guess what? He was down in the dumps. He is fine now. Of course it sucks to get fired and have your routine busted up. Clayes has a lot of cash and unlike most of the folks that get fired in this world, he can take a year off no problem. I do wish him the best and am sure he will get back on his feet, but was a lame story for Shooter.. although that is not surprising.

I'm sure TC will be fine. And look forward to seeing his next move. Will be good to have another college team that I can follow and hope does well.

Minnesota weather is fantastic.

When I was younger, they used to say "it keeps the riff-raff out". Not any more.

Anyway, I feel bad for Claeys on the personal level. Everyone needs to be fired at least once to understand it. It should happen before you're 25 though.

What a stupid thing for Charley Walters to write. I'm guessing that most people don't take getting fired well. I'm also guessing that most people get over it rather quickly. Claeys will be fine, he's a heckuva defensive coach, he'll find a new spot soon.

That was my first thought too. "Claeys Deals With Team Scandal, Coyle's Lies and Firing; and He's Happy as Hell!"

Now that would have been a story.

Charley also had this note which did offer some news:

In a final grades analysis for each of college football’s 128 Division I teams by USA Today, the Gophers (9-4) received a B-plus. Western Michigan (13-1), led by new Gophers coach P.J. Fleck, was one of only four teams (with Clemson, Alabama and Washington) to receive an A-plus. Michigan State (3-9) and Notre Dame (4-8) received F’s.

He's a multimillionaire who will find work soon.

Getting fired is no fun - I've experienced it twice in my life - but I wouldn't waste too much sympathy on a guy with more money than 99.5% of Americans whose career prospects are good.

Claeys should feel fortunate that he even got to be head coach for a year. The exact circumstances that were in place when he was hired was the only way he gets that job. Kill suddenly resigns for health reasons and an interim AD, of course they go with the safe selection and keep the interim-HC as the permanent HC. If there had been a permanent AD in place Claeys would not have been made HC.

He's a good coordinator, he'll find work soon enough and I can't feel bad for a guy that made a million last year.

I was fired on my wife's 40th birthday. When I showed up at the house (with its $2,100 monthly mortgage payment) and gave her the news we both cried a little and then started figuring out what was next. I became self employed and she went back into teaching school. We did very well and I never put myself into a position where someone could fire me again. Too tough to go through more than once.

When I was younger, they used to say "it keeps the riff-raff out". Not any more.

Anyway, I feel bad for Claeys on the personal level. Everyone needs to be fired at least once to understand it. It should happen before you're 25 though.

+1000 I hear ya!

Claeys should feel fortunate that he even got to be head coach for a year. The exact circumstances that were in place when he was hired was the only way he gets that job. Kill suddenly resigns for health reasons and an interim AD, of course they go with the safe selection and keep the interim-HC as the permanent HC. If there had been a permanent AD in place Claeys would not have been made HC.

He's a good coordinator, he'll find work soon enough and I can't feel bad for a guy that made a million last year.

Good point. We should never feel bad for people with lots of money.

Good point Johnny Boy.

Is it not true? Don't want to get fired? Don't blow second half leads and lose every trophy game. Don't want to get fired? Have better control over your program off the field. Don't want to get fired? Don't lead the country in targeting penalties. Don't want to get fired? Don't be dead last in recruiting. Don't want to get fired? Don't send out ill-advised tweets throwing your bosses under the bus. All these things are on him.

Is it not true? Don't want to get fired? Don't blow second half leads and lose every trophy game. Don't want to get fired? Have better control over your program off the field. Don't want to get fired? Don't lead the country in targeting penalties. Don't want to get fired? Don't be dead last in recruiting. Don't want to get fired? Don't send out ill-advised tweets throwing your bosses under the bus. All these things are on him.

Nice try Jonnyboy.

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