MarQueis Gray and prepping for Illinois?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Assuming Mr. Gray was used to help prepare for the Illini, I'm thinking this could be a huge confidence boost for the defense. Any thoughts?

Assuming Mr. Gray was used to help prepare for the Illini, I'm thinking this could be a huge confidence boost for the defense. Any thoughts?

Now that makes a lot of sense.

The Gophers have been KILLED by running Quarterbacks for quite a few years now. It's also fair to say that they've never had a guy like Gray who can show those skills to the Defense.

I hope they have been able to do that this week. I'd also guess that Pittman would be closer in skill level for that type of QB then we've had in the past.

Assuming Mr. Gray was used to help prepare for the Illini, I'm thinking this could be a huge confidence boost for the defense. Any thoughts?

+1 Also the zone read is the Illini bread and butter. The Gophers have done a lot of work on this play and should be able to give the D a really good look at it.

Teams generally don't have their 2nd string quarterbacks running the scout team offense. I would assume Gray has work to do with his own 1st team and 2nd team offense.

I agree that Pittman would most likely be the guy running the scout offense.

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