Our defense is a slightly above average defense it is not as great as some would like to portray combine that with this offense. This program is on the decline, just like Mason (4-7) and Brewster well did not make it to year 5. But year 5 is telling to me and this is worse team since year 1.

I watched us lose to NDSU in Kill's first year. We're not down to that level yet. But we are at a level where games aren't that fun to watch anymore.

Why the **** do you run play action on 3rd and 13? Our OL can't block to begin with, so now you give the defense an extra half second.

Showings like this are how coaches can get their name put on the hot seat. Embarrassing

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60 rushing. 61 passing.
Good balance..:

I'm out, I'll read about it IF / When Croft comes in. ML is a joke, Limegrover / Kill continuing with this is a joke. Shame

So why isn't NW offense tired??? They have been out as long as our D!!!! Lame excuse

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This is absolutely brutal.

Time to mow the lawn and try to come up with a way to convince my wife we shouldn't drop tix for this garbage. Going to be a VERY long conf schedule this year.

LOL @ Kill yelling at the lineman... What a joke

What does it take for Croft to get a snap? It's physically impossible to play the QB position worse than it has been today. Something has to change. Make an attempt at an adjustment, Limegrover, for Christ's sake.

I'm ready for Croft to get some experience. Should have been in last series.

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People will still defend Leidner, lol.

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Our offense is a state of disarray injuries or not.

Our blockers are leaving gaping holes. NW really schooled up on our play calling and with their substitutions they kept the pressure with fresh defenders.

3 point wins against MAC and MWC opponents translate into 20+ point defeats against Big10 opponents.

4th quarter...show us what Streveler or Perra can do. No sense burning the redshirt on Croft.

I defended Leinder after Kent State

I'm done, he is horribly inadequate and this is one of the worst QB performances I've ever seen

This is someone who has started for 3 years now. You think he would learn how to play the position a bit better over time. This team is just embarrassing right now

And if Croft gets hurt he shouldn't go back to Leidner, give Perra a shot.

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OMG our line is weak.

Agreed. ......Also our wr's would need to be 12' tall to catch a pass. I don't think the ULTRA conservative Kill has a choice... Play Croft behind this terrible OL. Maybe try someone else at RG. Can't do any worse than the starters. I'm done watching for this afternoon.

Kill needs to grow a pair and make a change on offense.

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This is so hard to watch. Kill is blaming the line. Yes, the line needs work, but Leidner has to make plays when they are there. He doesn't do that. The defense gives the line no shot because there is no fear of Leidner. You have to try something different - I can't imagine the players aren't questioning things when Leidner continues to miss open receivers, and is no threat to take the ball and run.

Whole team has quit. Not sure I've seen them do this under Kill before. Ol' Jer will have to play more head games this week. Get them revved up for that Purdue rivalry...

Oh gee our defense is so tired!! They are just not playing!! Calling it in already.

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This is a bad team has been all year. Wins are wins against MAC teams don't trust your eyes according to Kill. This is going to be a long year and hard to see how next year gets any better. Well the u might as well give him a raise again after this performance the way they reward mediocrity.

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